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Make Kavala a Safezone (Closed - Outcome: No)

Should the whole of Kavala be a safe/greenzone

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I've voted Yes

However... I do not think the whole of Kavala should be a greenzone, but it should be expanded.

I'll draw a map once I get home from work, but maybe cover 50% of Kavala in a greenzone. This should cover the general store, clothing store, garage, car shop, all the essential utilities.

I think that anything to do with making money, drug dealer, gold buyer, jewelry store etc, should be kept outside the greenzone.

Even if its just outside of it.

I find 90% of the problems in Kavala is in Kavala square, as long as that area and maybe 300-400 meters around it is a greenzone, things will improve a lot. 

Also, @ , @Wilco ... Marmite??! What are you talking about... EVERYONE LOVES MARMITE! 


As other people have said, you could increase the amount of green zone areas within Kavala, but making the whole city one just wouldn't work. Report a player would increase a lot, people would complain about being arrested in a green zone.... It would get out of hand very quickly.

I voted yes, but only on the condition that the drug dealer be moved. Otherwise count mine as a no.

The cops at drug dealers are only 1 of the risks people assume when selling there... Other rebels will have to dish out empty threats, or get away with bum-rushing people (smash and grab)... This isn't going to have the intended effect on RP.  People won't care that the purpose of the change is to RP, they'll simply knock you out, take your money, and make a dash. You can't shoot them, so you'll have to chase them to an ATM where they'll just stash the cash and laugh at you. (It will end up in a huge influx to the Report sections on the forums, and people will eventually just get tired of filling those reports out and rendering videos... I know I did after just 2-3 weeks as a cop in Kavala)

I still say that the biggest RP improvement move that can be made is to drastically increase the prices of all Legal professions.  This will give players an incentive to be Law Abiding, and will give the rebels who actually want RP a whole new class of folk (who some could say is already there, but face it, most people only do legal things until they can afford the illegal things, it's a progression thing). And while in the real world drugs are a very profitable profession, the fact is that the oil barons and tycoons of our world are extremely rich, and have no reason to worry about the authorities (other than environmental regulations being violated ofc, which I'm sure some creative person could work into the equation somehow). 


Increasing incentives for legal jobs and promoting a law abiding citizen population will be much more effective at improving RP for Everyone.

Currently Everyone wants to be a big bad rebel, because being a big bad rebel is where all the money is (and yes, I know it's an RP server, not race for a high bank account server, but the game of Life [Real Life] IS  a game about getting as much money as you can before you die for a great many people).

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I voted no, The current system allows rebels to enter kavala and be able to defend themselves if a cop ANPR's them etc.

I think it would make kavala a ghost town in terms of the drug dealer and gold buyer. I know it would possibly break roleplay but maybe a system of protection for those whom have joined for the first time to allow them to learn the server map and buy a car before they get robbed. 30minute timer maybe. I'm just rambling now soo yeah. If you're still reading i'm impressed with your dedication.

[SIZE=10.5pt]@Wilco @ @Mycaelis .....mmmmmm Marmite! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]I voted no because I feel that roleplaying will actually be reduce. Firstly, how will the Marmite Miners be able to host Hobo Roulette in the busiest city in Altis? Secondly, what is @Cutter going to do if he can no longer paint all the potential cars that have been abandoned in Kavala yellow? He won’t be able to lock pick them anymore if it’s a green zone. Thirdly, and more seriously, I have the best roleplaying experiences in Kavala (even when weapons are involved). The Marmite Miners host a lot of hobo roleplaying games and opportunities, and we get our finest hobos from Kavala by normally restraining them. I think the green zone will just be abused as a safe haven for rebels and hobos to run to if they are being chased by gangs/bounty hunters - I think only certain shops in Kavala should be a green zone i.e. clothing store, general store, market etc.[/SIZE]

Just saying, but @Wilco said in his post not to talk about the drug dealer and all the complaints are about the drug dealer, bar the select few with some good ideas, it sound like a lot of qqing because rebels don't like tactics, they like guns.

Yes but not to the entire city, i feel there should be a area that is a thriving city center where it is policed and interaction is not binary, to many times it's a meeting that ends up yes i know that person or your dead.

If there was an ability to autoholster weapons that would make life much easier.

Just saying, but @Wilco said in his post not to talk about the drug dealer and all the complaints are about the drug dealer, bar the select few with some good ideas, it sound like a lot of qqing because rebels don't like tactics, they like guns.
The main problem is that police can rubber but rebels cannot do anything to defend themselves, tactics only work to a certain extent. You need a little bit of luck to make sure you avoid the cops too.

Increasing incentives for legal jobs and promoting a law abiding citizen population will be much more effective at improving RP for Everyone.
This +1

Easy implementation could be. Being wanted removes your income, and boost the amount, but set it to every 30 min

No, Kavala is known for being the hobo city where everyones RDM, and the ones that does this will not care about greenzone or not. The greenzone is also un-realistic so I want to keep them on small spots.

I voted no because I think the roleplaying would be reduced and because I like the feeling of Kavala being a "dangerous" place with alot of people gathered in one place. I like the feeling of entering Kavala and not knowing if you will meet a gang with bad intentions behind the corner and hearing the police sirens while they drive around in kavala, searching for a wanted man.

It makes the server feel alive, somehow. It's always something going on in Kavala, and if the tension were to go away I don't think I'd like it as much. Or I know I wouldn't.

If something has to be done, increase the amount of Greenzones. Not whole Kavala since I think it would ruin more than it gives.

no, cant rob people anymore and i always like some action with the cops. if u have to roleplay with them in a greenzone it is like roleplaying with a shark, u can try swimming away but it will catch u at the end

Voted Yes, but with some remarks I like to add:

- Make SURE there is a message popping up when entering/leaving the greenzone so everyone knows

- Move the drugdealer to the hills outside of Kavala, or consider a third drugdealer elsewhere. Since the drugdealer in UNMC territory is guarded by UNMC, and the one in Kavala would be in a greenzone, it would be really hard for people to rob drug dealers, which is in all fairness a part of the risk of drugdealers.

Voted no because kavala is such a great environment for hostile RP, when i play alone or dont have a plan for my night i like to go to kavala and check whats going on, RP with some cops grabbing a robber or sing warsongs in the church. Removing the tension that running arounf kavala has would simply not add to the game, but rather take away from my experience.

No, this is supposed to be a serious roleplay server and in every city you have criminal activity. 

You just have to deal with the roleplay you encounter the first day you get robbed the second day you are robbing.

(which happened to me)

I cannot decide and therefore cannot vote.  Too many pros and cons. 

A safezone means that rule breaking is black and white. It creates a mutual territory where people can meet without the worry of being shot. It makes it easy for the regulars when the hobos join and go there first because the rules are clear cut. 

BUT it hands the problems onto other towns like my beloved Athira. Kavala is and always has been a rough town. Policing Kavala is at times like policing a war zone and making it a green zone simply transfers problems and diverts them elsewhere. 

As @Commando mentioned, try for a set period of time. I suspect it will take people a while to even notice so you may have to be lenient with the ban hammer in the meantime but until i see it in action, I cannot predict how well it would go. 

You may want to add a few extra cops over at Athira, though.  :D

I voted yes, you'll get people that will cause crime, but overall it will be a safer area for others. I think most people who want to vote no just want an excuse to use guns, especially with new players around, with new players they're always going to act up and it's another excuse to use their weapons. It will help the police also as you say, better RP and a better first impression. When ever I go in there is always someone getting shot near the spawn area and for new players it can be both seen as "this is what i will do" and "another shoot on sight server" - People will be more forced out of the city also to explore the world around them.
It would be great to get a tourist information centre where new players can go to read the rules or see the rules if they haven't on the site. I can even model one for in game.
Kav is just a town like any other town what might be a surggestion is to not put kav 1st on the spawn list so it would spred out the new guys a bit

I think it should be a safe zone because all the new players always spawn there and just get rdm and robbed and over half of the police force has gotta be there just to try keep the order. When I joined the server at 1st I was thinking it was just a joke as I was killed 3-4 times before I even made to the bank to try take out and buy me a car to start making money when I got to the bank and I got hit over the head and robbed nothing seid lol and I just stopped playing for a week or so and then came back coz I was bored. But u see my ponit it's not rally a good 1st impression and a lot of people I talk to in kavala who just started not had a very good start also

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