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Make Kavala a Safezone (Closed - Outcome: No)

Should the whole of Kavala be a safe/greenzone

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Kavala may be a hell hole at times, but its something that has to be dealt with in game. Perhaps make the green zone a little larger, around the hole middle section of Kavala (from car shop till ATM + a little further). Kavala is a work in progress when it comes to bandits, but I am sure once the the constabulary is as strong as it was before, Kavala won't be as big as an issue.

As far as fresh spawns getting robbed in their first 5 minutes of logging in, that is Altis for you, I don't mean to be harsh on this, but if they cant stand being robbed, then maybe it is not the game for them. We all know how ruthless Altis is.

As a final note, I enjoy the random meetings of civilians on the side of the street with their random conversations, but I feel that these people would no longer have the incentive to be there due to nothing fun (drugs, guns) to do in Kavala if it was a huge green zone.

Im happy that there are polls now and that we dont get suprised in the next update. Thank you @Wilco

I voted no, just because its boring. I tend to compare Kavala with Las Vegas, you can make lots of money or you lose it all :p

I voted yes because of the reason that when a fight is happening in Kavala between rebels and police, i usually cause mass confusement.  Now im not saying that alle fighting should stop, i just think Kavala which is the place most new people, and many other palyers join in, and they are basically joining in, in the middle of a fight and they might have a bad time, they might not be able to get out a vehicle without being shot, injured or restrained, and that is by both rebels and police. The high amount of people being there does not go very well alongside with fighting. 

The RP would become better i believe, but the drugdealer should maybe be moved just outside of the city, or it should not be in the safezone, simply because to be honest, it would not be a fair fight for the rebels, and that part of the fun gets taken out of the game.

Voted yes as I suggested this in the late summer months. I will only support it if anything that can instigate gunfights is taken out like drug dealer and gold seller, in my opinion those belong somewhere remote anyway.

Thank you for your comments and taking part.

Its a clear no so the whole of Kavala will not be turning into a safezone however some suggestions here will be looked at and the greenzone around the square might be increased soon along with a few upgrades once ive finshed Athira which really needs it right now :)

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