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Make Kavala a Safezone (Closed - Outcome: No)

Should the whole of Kavala be a safe/greenzone

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I voted yes, with the exception of the gold buyer and drug dealer NOT being in the safe zone.

No No No..

Drug Dealer in GreenZone? Never!

Rebels won't be able to defend from the police etc.. That will force to sell drugs in UNMC or wait until there are no cops online

I personally voted yes, we are a role play oriented server and I believe having one town dedicated to some solid role play without involving guns would be a blessing. I'm seeing a lot of rebels saying no because they won't have guns to defend themselves, what's the point in playing a role play server if all you want to do is kill cops starts wars and do bank robberys. We are here to role play and act like real life not to shoot people.

If you want to do illegal crimes all you have to do is be more sneaky and do it with some thought so you won't get caught, not just running in and shooting everyone.i hope this idea at least goes through on trial to see what it's like.

I personally think this would work.

I am not voting HOWEVER I do think that we should have a safe zone town. Athira would be my choice.

No, the drug dealer would be very difficult to go to because the cops have complete control, on a side note sometimes mental hobo's can be fun to deal with.  :)

i voted yes but on a trial basis. a have a couple of reasons. 

i think it would be a a great benefit for our newer members joining the server. It may have an adverse effect on our existing members however, i feel this is why a trial would be needed. 

This second reason is it would be interesting to see what effect it had on the popularity of other towns? something i would definitely be interested in seeing, again probably best to put it on a trial though.  

I have enough trust in the Admins/devs that they would think carefully about key things like moving the gold seller etc.. so based on this yes please :)

I voted no because this would drift too far from a serious roleplay perspective. Having an entire city as a safezone would take away some forms of RP. For example in real life cities are the biggest hotspots for robberies and murders. Obviously Robbing and killing is not good RP at all, however it is how real life works. There are no "safe zones" in this world where we can rest assured of our eternal safety. 

It is the duty of the police to protect the people without unfair city safezones where police can taze and arrest you but you cannot defend yourself or get banned. If this goes through I myself would stay away from these "police state" zones giving them the ultimate authority over people there, those who choose to fight for themselves and not give in to the law would simply find themselves in 2 situations, submit or run. Isn't this exactly the opposite of what we need? The police should be fighting a grueling and hard battle against the rebels over control of Altis, not giving the police an unfair advantage in areas where everyone RP's the most with police anyway, there will always be the bad guys that fail RP. If it goes down, then the police should be professionally trained and equipped to deal with this threat.

If we have these city safezones what is the point of police there? They'll have nothing to protect the civilians from. The whole RP of police is the motto in America, "to protect and serve" not "to dominate and threaten". I treasure Altis as a free paradise Island, not like North Korea please.

Please don't view this as an attack or anything like that on police or anyone at all, however I don't want to see police states operating in our cities where the only option is to submit or flee. Of course small greenzones like the car shop area etc is great as people can meet there and interact without the killing/robbing.

Thing of note, I rarely visit Kavala and when I do it is not to kill people or rob people as a rebel myself I do not go around with an attitude of "gonna go find myself some cops to shoot at". The bad thing is there will always be people who do want to just kill police, making cities into entire greenzones is not the solution in my eyes. 


Again, this not an attack on police or anyone at all, I just do not like the idea of police having complete power and safety to deliver their oppression to the poor people who live there.

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I voted no.

Rebels wont be able to do anything vs Police to defend themselves, the Police can camp the gold buyer after a bankjob without any threat of a firefight, the drug dealer will have no action at all.

There's many other things that are wrong with green zoning a whole city this would just not work.
i voted no , cause tbh , its simple  it would make kavala a boring place and the only things which police would be able to do is catch trolls. also medics wouldn't have many people to help because many people we help have normally been shot in kavala. i could write a whole paragraph on this topic but i'm a lazy shit and cbf 

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I voted no because this would drift too far from a serious roleplay perspective. Having an entire city as a safezone would take away some forms of RP. For example in real life cities are the biggest hotspots for robberies and murders. Obviously Robbing and killing is not good RP at all, however it is how real life works. There are no "safe zones" in this world where we can rest assured of our eternal safety. 

It is the duty of the police to protect the people without unfair city safezones where police can taze and arrest you but you cannot defend yourself or get banned. If this goes through I myself would stay away from these "police state" zones giving them the ultimate authority over people there, those who choose to fight for themselves and not give in to the law would simply find themselves in 2 situations, submit or run. Isn't this exactly the opposite of what we need? The police should be fighting a grueling and hard battle against the rebels over control of Altis, not giving the police an unfair advantage in areas where everyone RP's the most with police anyway, there will always be the bad guys that fail RP. If it goes down, then the police should be professionally trained and equipped to deal with this threat.

If we have these city safezones what is the point of police there? They'll have nothing to protect the civilians from. The whole RP of police is the motto in America, "to protect and serve" not "to dominate and threaten". I treasure Altis as a free paradise Island, not like North Korea please.

Please don't view this as an attack or anything like that on police or anyone at all, however I don't want to see police states operating in our cities where the only option is to submit or flee. Of course small greenzones like the car shop area etc is great as people can meet there and interact without the killing/robbing.

Thing of note, I rarely visit Kavala and when I do it is not to kill people or rob people as a rebel myself I do not go around with an attitude of "gonna go find myself some cops to shoot at". The bad thing is there will always be people who do want to just kill police, making cities into entire greenzones is not the solution in my eyes. 


Again, this not an attack on police or anyone at all, I just do not like the idea of police having complete power and safety to deliver their oppression to the poor people who live there.
GOOD solution , that way people can get extra RP within there job +1 , love the idea

No. We actually had this before and it didn't work. Kavala is Kavala. Hoboland full of people breaking rules,trolls and frequent gunfights at the drug dealer,speaking of which rebels cannot fire their weapons,but police can fire non-lethals which is an unfair advantage.

i think it would be a great idea to widen the safe zone to cover kavala,

i hope you dont mind my saying though however i think that police should also be restricted firearms wise when in this safe zone, and can only use their guns in extreme situations such as a lunatic gunning people down. otherwise their guns should be holstered.

thats just my opinion however.

I'm not voting as comments for both sides have given me conflicting feelings about this.

I would like a larger greenzone in Kavala, encompassing maybe as much as the main town area (connecting north to garage area, out to the old drug church, down to the market and up to the hospital), but I think gold trader would have to be pushed slightly away from it. It would be a great area for RP or friendly events, while still keeping the town busy with  illegal work at drug/gold dealers.

What I feel is more important is having every town have a small green zone for their garages. The amount of times I see people camping Athira garage/cashpoint is unreal. People know victims will provide either cash or vehicles guaranteed.

In my opinion - no. Kavala is a huge area, and one of the largest. Greenzoning the whole area makes it pretty much just a place where people spawn to get kitted out with cars etc. Also, what if you are doing something illegal, and you just run back to kavala and you're safe?

It would also mean the removal of robbing the RBA bank as police would shoot you to taze you, and you wouldn't be allowed to shoot back.

Voted no.

Reason is because from a realistic perspective crimes as robberies and murders are often commited in big cities, like mentioned above. So making it a greenzone would  mean cops wouldn't be needed there anymore, and they'd probably drive by the drug dealer all the time chasing people selling drugs away. Which is extremely unfair, only having the option to flee. However you could increase the greenzone a bit, connecting the square greenzone with the hospital one, and increase it the opposite direction too including clothingstore, market, generalstore etc as others have also suggested. Put it on trial for a while and see what people think about it though.

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I voted for yes, but it would have to be trail of 1-2 weeks. I would like to see a change rather than guns guns guns.

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