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Important! Server Updates & Donation Updates


The King
Legendary Donator
Good Morning Beautiful people of Altis!

I would like to keep you in the loop in what has been going on recently behind the scenes of AltisLife.co.uk and whats coming up.

Server Crashes

As you know 1.42 brought server crashes and some wild desync.

Rather than sitting back and moaning being the proactive bunch we are during this time we have been reporting back with our error logs directly to Dwarden at BI (Yes we picked up an awesome skype contact), So we decided to only run with 1 server and disable all access to the DB so we could give the best logs we could.

Being one of the most popular servers in the world i know these logs were very important and brought fixes to Arma 3 that may have gone un-noticed as we know of no other community that have gone out there way to do this.

After a few updates he has released which are server side only we have seen a mass reduction in server crashes, So things are looking up for Arma patch 1.44


During this time you may have noticed there has been a lack of updates, Now the server crashes have been fixed we are continuing our work on resolving the desync issues you sometimes experience.

Now we could just blame this on 1.42 and that would be easy as our server was almost perfect beforehand however things have changed on Arma 3 and we need to change the way our server works, So we have some things to optimize over the next week to up our performance and bring a more stable Altis Life UK.

We will also be reintroducing server 2 and putting online a permanent home (Server) for the Police Acadamy.


I have had email conversations with Bohemia Interactive over the last couple of days and things need to change with our VIP club, Bohemia are currently contacting all server owners and making it clear reduced vehicles and weapons cannot happen going forward.

These conversations turned into a conversation with myself and Jan Kunt the executive producer of Bohemia Interactive (which we fully appreciated) and the following has been agreed for us, We wont be joining the monetization program as we are clear Tonic does not approve of this, However Tonic does not appericate and understand that a community like this one funds 5 servers 

Dedicated Box 1 - Altis Life UK Server 1 only

Dedicated Box 2 - Altis Life UK Server 2 only

Dedicated Box 3 - Altis Life UK DB Server only

Dedicated Box 4 - Altis Life UK TS Server only

Dedicated Box 5 - AltisLife.co.uk Webserver

Also the time and effort put in by everyone in the admin team, For example i work on this full time as you know after leaving my job of 7 years at a loss to myself and i personally take very minimal from this project (£200-£300 a month) the rest of our donator funds are standing in our ALUK dedicated bank account for server fees and the future of this community.

However we do agree with Tonic on some terms, We could of rewrote from scratch Altis Life and called it Altis Life UK but it would of been a waste of time as we do not agree with some of the things the Monetization  package offers, We do not agree with the following that some servers have access to

1. Charging players to access your server (Altis Life UK servers will always be free for everyone)

2. Product placement, in-game advertising and sponsorship is allowed. (We wont ever do this)

3. Selling of in-game items (You can only buy things for in-game pounds only on our server)

What Jan has agreed we can do going forward is the following,  We will continue taking completely voluntary Forum Donations to fund our community & servers, He has agreed outside the Monetization plan AltisLife.co.uk so we can give something back to the people that support us we can give them a few donator only T-shirts and Vehicle skins however you will still need to purchase these with in-game funds at no discount.

This is a very exciting change as everything in-game is now going to be the same price for everyone which should make things a lot fairer.

This change should go ahead hopefully by Sunday the 3rd of may, We will then be fully compliant with BIS donation terms, More details will be released on Sunday along with the T-Shirt designs.

Anyone who has donated in the past and donates up until Sunday May 3rd will stay in the existing VIP club until there donation expiry date, After Sunday no access to the VIP club will be granted, On the day we have no more prior donators in the VIP club we will be fully removing that code from Altis Life UK.

We hope that you continue supporting our server and community despite these changes and thank you for your continued support, The future is very bright and we will now get back on track and bring some more game changing updates and things to aid our roleplay.

Any questions you have please post below and i will do my best to answer them!


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Hmmm... Sexy donator t-shirts and skins? Sounds good :) I will miss my 70K regear tho :(

Edit: What kinds of effects will the disabling of acces to the DB have on gameplay?

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Looking into designs currently, We will have a number of fun designs :)

As you know Altis Life needs a DB, the server needs to contact our DB so to rule out any issues with this DB communication it has been monitored how fast and how accessible the server is to the DB.

Requests are taking 0.05 of a second to produce to get garage information etc, and around 0.9 to 1 second to get your player information when you log into the server, The stats page and the admin page was disabled during this time along with server 2 so we could insure while providing these logs they were not down to DB issues and they clearly are not.

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Actually a few questions come into my mind.

  • What affect will the disabling acces to the DB have on normal gameplay(vehicle count, buying, selling, retrieving etc.).
  • Regarding to the new donation terms, does this apply for people who have donated for a 12 month package like @FriendlyFireGuy or will they lose their current privileges on the 3rd of May aswell?
  • People who donate to buy new skins etc. will they be able to share them with non-donators? 
  • What will happen to billboards that donators recieved?
Sorry for double posting :p

inb4 "i paid for product"

1. Your donation is made voluntarily therefore all donations are final. (No Refunds)
Definitely like the new changes coming in. Definitely hoping that it doesn't have a serious effect on the usual flow of donations.


Good Morning Beautiful people of Altis!

putting online a permanent home (Server) for the Police Acadamy.

did i ever tell you i love you

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  • Re-read what ive said above, We have only disabled access to the DB during this time to Server 2 & and the stats and admin page, Only server 1 to be clear has DB access currently and over the last week.

  • No, anyone who donates and who has donated Prior to the 3rd of May 2015 will keep there VIP club access until there donation expires, If you donate on or after May the 3rd 2015 you will not be given access to the VIP club, ever again.

  • No the Tshirts and vechile skins will be for donators only, The vehicles wont be able to be put on aBay and if you drop the Tshirts they will turn into hobo t shirts if someone picks one up, However what you can do say if we have a vehicle skin is allow others to drive/fly it.
  • The current billboards will stay in-game until they expire
@PC Albino

I expect it will, Unfortunately some people only donate to aid themselves and dont really think that there supporting the server when its clear they are or have been.

However donations have always been 100% voluntary, If you like this community then i hope people will continue to support it, Either way we are not going anywhere soon and i still expect us to branch out at one point in other RP terms and expect us to be the last Altis Life server online as promised on the feature page under "our vision" 

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So if I were to donate tomorrow afternoon would I still be able to get a TO-199 Neophron before the donator shop goes? 

Also, and I know I shouldn't ask this as it isn't totally relevant, does this mean Ciarán might have the time to do the police/NHS tags again? 

Well done guys great update!! Shame about the VIP club though.

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@PC tomm

It will force a positive change and the server will become more fair :) , We are still here and still working so expect more updates :)

@PC Frisky Hen

The TO-199 Neophron will be available for everyone to buy when the VIP club goes, there are even some on aBay that other members have listed.

Tags are low priority right now, They will be done when the server is stable again along with some other un game changing jobs.

I'm actually kind of excited about the VIP shop closing. When I was a civilian I cared a lot less about dying when I could just spawn in at the VIP, gear up and then buy a quad to drive wherever for a very cheap price. I think it'll make people value their lives more overall and lead to better RP throughout the server. 

@PC Frisky Hen

For some people this might be the end of the world, I can see many positives :)

Great to hear that BI are working no a solution. :)


May I suggest two t-shirt skins

  I saw bigfoot


      I Shot JR


@PC Frisky Hen

The TO-199 Neophron will be available for everyone to buy when the VIP club goes, there are even some on aBay that other members have listed.

I know, Mycaelis put one up for me after we agreed on 10mil but someone keeps jacking the price up on me :p  

Tags are low priority right now, They will be done when the server is stable again along with some other un game changing jobs.

@PC Frisky Hen

For some people this might be the end of the world, I can see many positives :)
Ah well some people can feck off. I'm betting the donator shops gonna be busy tonight and tomorrow
