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First Person Petition

i think first person is cool but if they really want to find out if its worth it i think they should have one server that is locked in first person and another server like how it was.




glitchy car crashes

harder to drive vehicles 

less frames

can't see sh*t

harder gun fights

rolling is annoying (makes me feel sick)

Try it or keep it. It would reduce alot of gunfights. People will choose the fights. Not go headless into them.

I think that it should stay as it was before with third person. I cant use the mirrors in the car when i am in first person because of my low graphics and if i set it higher my fps will decrease to much which will make me unable to play the game. I would have to buy a new computer so please bring third person back!

Since we have 1st person the live server right now because Bohemia like trolling us and we have to wait until next restart...

I must say that it is rather disorienting and actually makes me really dizzy. I couldn't possibly play on the server anymore if it was 1st person forever. It's pretty immersive driving a car but that's about the best I can say about it. You can do that anyway if you want XD

The player base will dissapear faster than a gypsy stumbling into a tax man. The frames in first person are significantly lower in both in vehicles and on foot. This will affect the whole spectrum of players but those who it causes to have under 25 fps will suffer the most. The shakiness of the animations for FPV will cause people stress and i felt fatigued just running across kavala [and i normally run 50fps in kav]... People need to take their health seriously when sitting at a PC for 4 hours at a time. The view from first is limited and this means car and heli crashes will be happening all over the place. 

Yes the tactical fairness of it is better but at the same time you can play just as tactically in third person too if you know what you are doing and think about your angles.

The community is built on third person, changing this will affect so much and destabilize the servers significantly.

--I agree with disabling cross hairs--

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It's already been said that it will not be staying in first person if you enjoy first person that much you can continue to use it while the rest of us carry on using third.

@Jamz the post had already been answered by wilco so maybe it's time to lock this bad boy?

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It's already been said that it will not be staying in first person if you enjodon't first person that much you can continue to use it while the rest of us carry on using third.

@Jamz the post had already been answered by wilco so maybe it's time to lock this bad boy?
The thread isn't all about keeping first person on the main server, but perhaps having server 2 or 3 as 1st person only, to see how it fairs. 

The game only goes so far, and keeping the servers first person will bring the realism too far (almost to a point where it goes from being annoying to you not playing at all).

-1 from me. It already has the option for first or third person to be used. If they want to use first, then they can bloomin well do that! But I prefer 3rd, I know it dosen't give the same RP but no one will know.. We could if we were flying helicopters then make a bind key to get cameras on it like you get on those A380'S.

3rd person is a Choice along with 1st Person. if it was forced for first person. People would leave!

Yes. Please. Everyone who´s complaining about 1st person is just not used to it ;)

Maybe just make the third person closer up? In the vehicle it could stay the same but when on foot it was just closer to prevent exploiting the third person in combat to see over walls?

God no. It's a game.

The day this becomes 1st person, I'm out of here and won't come back. Plenty would do the same and ALUK would become a quieter place and then disappear. 

Luckily for me, it won't ever happen.

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I like to look at how good I look in all my rebel gear XD. What's the point in looking that good otherwise?

3rd person is good for that time you want to walk down kavala and do a monologue about how your life has been screwed up by being a rebel.

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