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First Person Petition

No no no no no Yes No! 

The server will never be first person only... Third person needs to remain it needs to be the players preferred choice rather than a forced thing.

I like being able to look at my character, what he's wearing, how his actions are portrayed. First person would ruin this, it's a no from me!

Biggest issues that I can foresee are VDM claims. Someone will turn a blind corner and accidently run someone over, it wasn't their intention even if it looks deliberate, they just couldn't see? Same for someone 'trolling' and jumping/running in the way of cars, they might not mean it but they can't see their surroundings.

Another thing to remember is that Arma doesn't give the full vision that real life gives you. You see like a 90 degree angle which is like half what you would in real life, so you're essentially halving your vision, PERMENANTLY if it's going to be implemented. 

Also in trucks it would be real hard to drive through Kavala without hitting a hobo that runs infront of your car because he's less that 1m from the front. The can is just too high to allow you to see that low. The same goes for reversing, not everyone can have PIP (reflections in mirrors) enabled so they might VDM by accident. 

Just a few things to consider. I would to TRY 1st person only on ALUK for an event or something but as a permanent feature, the cons outweigh the positives! 

But using first puts you at a huge disadvantage in combat if they enemy is using 3rd person.
not really, i use first person to shoot and i find myself in close quarters fighting most of the time so i use first person then, also if you feel you cant beat them then join them simple as that, they use third person then you use third person, what happens if you keep getting killed when someone is in first person? would you then start to use third person? probably. 

But using first puts you at a huge disadvantage in combat if they enemy is using 3rd person.
I thought the server was about RP first, if you feel you'd enjoy the game more as first person you can crack on right now! I think 3rd person has more benefits for RP than 1st person so I choose 3rd person. Currently we both get to choose what we prefer why make it mandatory it will only upset one type of player for no real benefit for the RP community.

Maybe as a test to see who really wants it full time make server 3 1st person only and see what population is like?

not really, i use first person to shoot and i find myself in close quarters fighting most of the time so i use first person then, also if you feel you cant beat them then join them simple as that, they use third person then you use third person, what happens if you keep getting killed when someone is in first person? would you then start to use third person? probably. 
I don't think you really understand the problem. Yes I can and do use 3rd person for combat, because otherwise I would be putting myself at a huge dis-advantage. The enemy can always see me before I can see them/

I'd say disabling crosshairs would be a good alternative. That way for gunfights with proper aiming you would have to go to first person.

To anyone who enjoys using 1st person, having 3rd person is a forced thing. Can we not just test it on server 2 or something?
To be honest I hadn't noticed you being forced to use 3rd person... If you like it that much then you can use it, don't force it on people who don't like it. Will 100% not be changing as it just limits the player base and I can't see them doing that.

If you are saying you are at a disadvantage by using it you are essentially admitting it is inferior and therefore it shouldn't be changed. On top of that, use both! That's the advantage! RP in first person, combat in third person. Its an RP server so combat shouldn't really be an argument.

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Ok I get that First person is a whole diffirent experience in RP and Combat but still I will not survive walking around in First person the whole day. I understand it's a pretty good idea but I don't really like it...

Abuse it? Like lay under a window and when someone comes past you stand up and blast them. That's the kind of stuff I would class as abuse. What really gets me is when people in the HM for example wait in a room for you to come down the hall. You can't see them but they can see you through 3rd person.

3rd person can be good for roleplay, driving, and videos sure, but it dosen't outweigh the abuse potential in a combat situation. 
Yes, but this is a roleplay server. Not a combat server.. In a normal RPG, like World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, etc. you have third person as well. And that's the issue here.. you're all hating on third person because of a combat situation but last I saw, this server is a roleplay server.

I've seen the results already. This first person thing is around since 14:00 GMT and I've seen plenty of dead people already because people have difficulties seeing around their vehicle and accidently VDM someone and the more VDM happens, the more it glitches and people actually die from it. And it makes driving in Kavala more difficult. Now that might just be something you have to get used to, but still.

And as the point was made earlier by someone.. player count will definately drop if it's first person only, people play ArmA 3 because it has so many options. There's servers where it's one big first-person shooter like battlefield (king of the hill, wasteland), then there's roleplay servers, there's survival servers. Then there's the many options of first or third person, building bases, putting down objects, vehicle colors, weapon colors and attachments. And I think the people who currently demand that AltisLife.co.uk requires a first-person-only server, or servers, are really selfish or are not here for roleplay at all.

No...no...no...no... first person EVER. I never play on any servers with FP only, its horrible to drive in when your in a car low to the ground and the combats just meh.....-1 from me

First person would be cool but please no! Not on all of the servers, it would cause serious damage for those that cant do things in first person, firstly driving and heli flying. A lot of people fly in third and in cars it would cause many more car crashes. It would be cool making 3rd person peeking impossible but then it just means that holding corners are so much easier making aggressive play much harder in combat. Those that are up for this I can agree with some of your points but what I'm going to say that its not for me.

I think that making server 2 or 3 into first person is a great idea but having all servers 1st person is awful as its harder for people who have played the game since it came out in 3rd person which would definitely push the community away from the server
