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Changes to the conceal carry mechanic


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My Suggestion: Modify Conceal Carry Mechanics for Enhanced Realism

Current Mechanic:
In Grand Theft Auto, players can currently conceal carry any weapon, regardless of size, without any visible indication of it on their character.

I propose that the game should limit the ability to conceal carry to smaller weapons, such as pistols and knives. Larger weapons, like sawn-off shotguns or automatic rifles, should be visible on the character unless the player has a bag or other storage equipment. This change would add a layer of realism and strategy to the gameplay, as it would prevent players from unexpectedly pulling out large, powerful weapons without prior warning.

Increased Realism: It would make the game more immersive by reflecting real-life constraints on weapon concealment.

Enhanced Strategy: Players would need to plan their loadouts more carefully, considering when and where they can carry larger weapons without drawing attention.

Balanced Combat: It reduces the likelihood of surprise attacks with high-powered weapons, as opponents would be able to see if someone is carrying a large weapon.
Visual Cues: It allows other players or NPCs to assess threats more accurately, creating more dynamic interactions and encounters.

Development Time: Implementing this change could require significant coding work to adjust inventory mechanics.
The police already have this mechanic. Makes sense to extend it to crims +1
its more ridiculous watching someone pull a sig from their pockets imo
A lot of things we do don’t make sense, it’s a game. It’s just my opinion, but I’d say pulling from your back like you current do is better than it sitting on your back. If you don’t like the animation, wear a bag, I do regularly because it looks better

It’s like living on smoothies, or owning 100s of cars, or running twice the speed when you drink a can of red bull - it’s stupid and doesn’t make sense, but it makes the game enjoyable to people so that’s how it is.
its more ridiculous watching someone pull a sig from their pockets imo
Yes it looks odd however IMO if we forced people to sling then it would just lead to endless battles between police and robbers.

People are still going to carry them if it’s implemented or not. Not because they are looking for a fight however for the instance something was to happen. However if the guns were visible, police would just be constantly trying to take them while people constantly resist. Creating constant gunfights.

With the interest in preserving roleplay I believe it would be best to keep them hidden and only visible when required.
I’ve seen this on loads of servers before, an assault rifle on someone’s back and honestly I think it looks ridiculous. Unless there’s a better way to do it -1 from me
You would probably have to balance it so adding the sling to them all, so yes they are now visible giving you a disadvantage because you can't just walk around with a assault rifle in you ass, but the sling does allow you to use it faster
Yes it looks odd however IMO if we forced people to sling then it would just lead to endless battles between police and robbers.

People are still going to carry them if it’s implemented or not. Not because they are looking for a fight however for the instance something was to happen. However if the guns were visible, police would just be constantly trying to take them while people constantly resist. Creating constant gunfights.

With the interest in preserving roleplay I believe it would be best to keep them hidden and only visible when required.
See I don't see a issue with the sling, because really for what reason should anyone be visiting the shops with a full auto rifle or a combat shotgun, you shouldn't they should be stored away for when shit gets real
i'm on both sides of this.

i can see the positives it would bring adding a "slinged" weapon, be it like police at your front, on your back, W/E

but i do agree with Maverick delta, it'll probably cause more gunfights between police and gangs, which isn't really what we want

buut, it could also mean gangs plan when to bring out the "big guns" instead of always running around with them
for what reason should anyone be visiting the shops with a full auto rifle or a combat shotgun, you shouldn't they should be stored away for when shit gets real
It would be great if this was the care but its a fact of the server that it is not. People do and will always carry these guns.

If a situation kicks off you don't have time to drive across the map and get your weapon.

All I can see happening is constant battles over gangs carrying guns then people crying the server has turned into Arma 3.

In a ideal realistic world yes have slings but this is a Roleplay sever, I think the realism hit is worth is oppose to the hit towards constant fighting.
buut, it could also mean gangs plan when to bring out the "big guns" instead of always running around with them
Exactly. As stated in my suggestion it would be more a strategic. Gang members will still be running round with guns. That wont stop. But it wont incentivise casual carrying big weapons.

If its already a thing for Firearms, why not for everyone else?
+1 im all for this

Is that an m16 in your trousers or are you happy to see me? 😂 but in all seriousness it has never made sense to me why people can carry full on rifles on them completely concealed, I think this addition would be a great change as like a few others have said, it means gangs have to be more careful carrying large weapons with them (as realistically you should be careful carrying something like that and the only reason people are more reckless with them is because theyre concealed)

As for the argument of well "i dont have time to run to my house if theres a situation" keep it in the boot of your car? or in a car in parking nearby i agree you definetely wouldnt have time to run to your house if there was a situation, thats poor planning on your part XD

Would it cause more shootouts between police and gangs? most likely. is that an issue? I could see it being an issue for the first week or two until gangs adapt and switch up how they do stuff to... yknow avoid getting spotted by the police like gangs are meant to haha

With the interest in preserving roleplay I believe it would be best to keep them hidden and only visible when required.

Would the interest of preserving roleplay not apply to both sides? With this logic are you saying that by making gangs have to be more careful with weapons the crim side of the server cant be trusted to keep up good roleplay? as in reality this would just means gangs have to adapt and get creative with hiding their weapons but keeping them nearby and if anything in my opinion adds more rp to police and gang interactions aslong as people arent just trying to firm carrying a rifle openly then complaining when police catch them carrying it XD (this is not me poking at crim players or trying to spark up an argument of crim vs police roleplay just a genuine question)

It’s like living on smoothies, or owning 100s of cars, or running twice the speed when you drink a can of red bull - it’s stupid and doesn’t make sense, but it makes the game enjoyable to people so that’s how it is.
Im not sure i agree with this statement either, as theres many suggestions with a large majority of positive votes towards changing these to be realistic for example changing it so other food is more viable instead of there being a meta food. I do feel theres alot of things that the server trades off realism for enjoyment but certain things like this suggestion in my opinion could greatly benefit the server and improve the roleplay people provide across the board aswell as switch up the meta for things.
-1 From me, its just going to turn into one of them servers that wouldn't get taken seriously and its a ridiculous look.
A lot of things we do don’t make sense, it’s a game. It’s just my opinion, but I’d say pulling from your back like you current do is better than it sitting on your back. If you don’t like the animation, wear a bag, I do regularly because it looks better
I agree with everything said here.

I feel like there's been so many things against crims and i feel like people don't look at it from both sides and its just going to make being a crim more of a chore when we're all here to have fun.
It would be great if this was the care but its a fact of the server that it is not. People do and will always carry these guns.

If a situation kicks off you don't have time to drive across the map and get your weapon.
Well you can still carry a sidearm but the big guns they should either be used when you are defending your turf or assaulting another one.

Put them in the boot of a car, drive over then hide away close to your enemy gear up and go, don't need to travel from the city to pelato with it on your back
Put them in the boot of a car, drive over then hide away close to your enemy gear up and go, don't need to travel from the city to pelato with it on your back
It take 10 seconds to lockpick a car. Who would leave a £1m gun in a car that can be stolen in 10 seconds...

It's not something that causes issues so why change it. Yes it increases realism but that could be done in many ways without the risk of triggering gunfights.

Like @JackJohnson said it's not realistic a Red Gull doubles your speed but its a game.

Just have fun and play the game.
This aint arma. Yeah could have and add more bags for that reason but openly having big guns on your back would be silly. everyone seeing it. police running around fighting everyone cause of it. would cause more issues than it fixs
literally, it takes baiting to the next level.
It take 10 seconds to lockpick a car. Who would leave a £1m gun in a car that can be stolen in 10 seconds...
But if everyone has the same issue of hiding guns. Why do you need a AR to protect you if they are most likely also got pistols unless pre planned?

(To clarify i am not + 1 or - 1. This really doesnt effect me directly)