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Change is needed and the floor is open

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Care to enlighten why, how would it solve any, what makes it awful?

Somewhat confused what you mean by 70 man blob. We have a slot limit of 25 ingame, those slots are almost never filled, apart from sunday 8pm where we have our weekly ingame meetings. In total we have 70-90members in Poseidon where atleast 20+ have not been ingame for over two weeks(I could get accurate numbers but duck that.)

I'm genuinely asking here, I'm a fairly high rank in Poseidon, I've personally done alot to help Poseidon get to where it is, and theres alot more peolle that's done a hell of a lot more than me aswell. I'd think it would be a shame to see it go, I personally think it its something the server need/should have. But if it would be necessary to bring rebel life back to life and help re-populate the sever, then I dont have a problem with it going.
It was a fairly accepted idea when i played a while back, that rebel life was so dead, that anyone considering it simply signed on to join Poseidon instead. Fair enough that's a rebel life problem, but Poseidon definitely took in most of the rebels regardless. Also, the general idea of it is very limited and over shadows rebels. A " rebel white listed faction that is centered around the control of drug trafficking and illegal activites " renders rebel a very pointless and not unique idea/play style. the " 75 blob " comment is largely related to that. Most rebels were in/aspired to join Poseidon.  
A white listed faction is fine. UNMC in its early days, was fine. However a faction that simply over-shadows rebel and is alot easier to be recruited into, eventually poses a problem IMO. 

But i'll stress the fact that Poseidon is NOT the be-all-end-all problem with playerbase or the server, and removing it with no other actions wouldn't change anything; the playerbase would likely drop even further.

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-  Remove Poseidon. What an awful faction, and if you introduce a white listed faction other than police again, limit recruitment. Don't allow a 70-man blob which poseidon was the last time i loaded in.
This is a very bad idea in my opinion, first of all there are many players (myself included) which only really enjoy the white listed rebel role, I was in the UNMC for a year or so and when it disbanded I stopped playing until Poseidon was created and the reason is simple I just dont enjoy playing as a rebel or as a cop and that's just my preference and I think there are probably a fair few others who are similar to me. Removing a faction is a dramatic and needless change when instead you can just build on from what we already have.

As others have said before in this thread, the prices of guns, gear and vehicles are too high for new player and old ones like myself with not much money. We dont have much, so when we get robbed as soon as we leave the greenzones we just quit tbh.

It is very hard to get back in to this game since so much shit has now been added and the map looks like someone used 15 different crayon sets on it now, we dont know what to do to make money, whats safe and what isnt, no clue what all the rebel bases, poseidon shit and different heists are. Sure i could go on the forums and look around but most people dont. Most new people that join this server dont know what to do, gets robbed, leaves to play on another server. 

If you are serious about getting the player numbers back up you probably have to remove a lot of stuff, make things fresh and interesting again. I would personally be good with a wipe, this server has never had a wipe for the 3 years that ive played. 

There is also the problem with the website itself, as far i can i see, this site hasnt changed much in the last year. The Altis life stats hasnt worked in ages, why the fuck is it still there as a main tab on the page if the feature doesnt fucking work. Just remove it or fix it, but leaving it as it is for a year is just retarded.

Unbans need to happen as well, players that was banned 3-4 years ago needs to get another chance by now, most of em probably wont come back anyways if you make an unban happen but the people that do will stay and give a healthy player injection to the server. Sure some of them maybe decides to just mass rdm, but who cares? just ban them again if they do that.

I ve hidden some posts that have hijacked this thread and turned it into a development thread, please keep these ideas and discussion ready for the new voted for suggestion system.

Please keep on track we have had some good suggestions and good votes as a result.

Being completely honest, the reason why I stopped playing everyday as I did in the past is one of many aspects of which all would be difficult to change or improve on but I will list them below.

Altis as a Map

A major reason why I’m personally less active is due to how repetitive it feels playing on the server, you do the same thing, day after day after day. There’s never much change in that schedule, of course occasionally you will have that one unique experience but it’s not common.

Personally I was rather excited after the release of Malden, especially with the ‘tease’ (used loosely) that we would be getting a brand new experience with new challenges and a reformed system. Like Tanoa however the main reason that failed was because of the laggy mess the map is and an XP system which a lot of players hated, myself included.

Faction Commands

These are the most important aspects of a roleplay community, those who govern the mass of players in the server. I think there needs to be some serious moderation of faction commands, in regards to activity and engagement. As the main goal of a Roleplay server is that progression from nothing to something and some time that progression can be stunted by various things. Either you’re utter trash like me or you have someone much lazier and much less engaged and inactive hogging up a progression path. Now spec units or the alternatives really help people find their niche and a place they are comfortable with so progression overtime is irrelevant to them.

What I would really like to see is an extensive overhaul, to the map and the systems in place on the server to create a new experience now this will take a really long time, time that isn’t there to grasp at. This includes new vehicle skins, uniforms, vehicles accessible to everyone, utilities as a player. Please bring Malden it may be small but it’s pretty and an experience. Also introduces a large range of possibilities in regards to the ocean and islands. Pls

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hy I’m personally less active is due to how repetitive it feels playing on the server, you do the same thing, day after day after day. There’s never much change in that schedule, of course occasionally you will have that one unique experience but it’s not common.
it's amazing how many secruity alarms experts are on this island who are just fixing a wire.........

I just want to echo what Wolfey said. When Tanoa and Malden came out I was so excited for a fresh new experience. Ultimately, I understand why those didn't come to fruition.

A complete refresh of the Altis map would be great. Be bold and just go for it!

@Simon Ross This is one location, I'm not speaking about one location, people hardly do drugs anymore and why would you it doesn't get you anything. When I say an overhaul I mean EVERYTHING not 1 few key features. This is a big en devour however I see it as necessary.

I think there are few big issue is (at least before I quit the server)

Gameplay wise
Most of the updates were focused on gunplay and ability to obtain loads of cash doing red zones (which are IMO bad for RP server anyway, let alone if you let people get money from it), while the RP side did get some jobs, but most of them don't pay anywhere close to what you get from red-zones.
Old players left the server, new players didn't get a chance to join in properly due to high ammount of poor quality RP on the server and rather than helping new players out people would just camp outside GZs and rob them straight away, etc. That way new players that would possibly be interested in the server lost their interest.
Economy was completly fked to the point where people could get in gunfights, die, regear, gunfights, die, regear... And a lot of people found that more interesting than RPing.

Other stuff
Other things I noticed (could be just me overthinking this but I'm fairly sure some people might agree) is some report cases, unban cases etc. being extremly bias. People that should be banned due to providing little to no RP got away with countless warnings, easy unbans - even perma unbans. All that let the cycle about new players not feeling welcome continue and here we are.

I think development team should seriously look into possibilities that would make RP experience better and actually reward RP over gunfights / redzones. That would be great start to get more people actively roleplaying.
Maybe consider even making rifles and powerful weapons in general expensive as heck and hard to obtain?

Other than that, I think everyone would agree that mods would make this way more fun and would keep people interested for a bit longer, but we all know your stance on modding the server.

The reasons above are the main reasons I personally quit the server, so this is just me speaking from my experience.

P.S.: I read some comments on the post and it's really sad to see that a lot of comments are all about gunfights, what guns / bullets (rubbers) are overpowered, the price of weapons, etc. etc. And I think this is one of the biggest issues as well. People think that you NEED a gun or be in a gunfight for RP? It's really dissapointing imo.

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@Wilco has there been any news on the faction restrictions? I seen your last thread was just wondering if faction leads have came up with any ideas yet as I haven’t seen anything about it

Coming back rebel, some suggestions to make sure those who are coming back, stay.

-          Allow gang bases to buy additional weapons like Advanced (

o   It used to be you’d be able to buy 7.62 from gang bases however this has been removed. As a result the best you can buy is a 5.56 which is useless. Gang bases have great potential however have been nerfed to make them useless. Allow us to buy 7.62 from them so there is some actual worth. Right now they’re just a glorified spawn point.

-          Make it always half price for weaponry

o   For example, on non-half price its 800k for a mk1 loadout. As a result, no-one wants to play rebel when its not half-price and now we only hit half-price nearly at the end of the month (or don’t hit it) because playing as rebel when its not half price is too expensive. This leads to people not wanting to be rebel as its too expensive

-          Remove silencers from whitelisted factions

o   Currently everyone get silencers. MAke it so only rebels should be able to get them by for crazy prices. 500k - 5.56, 600 - 5.8 700k - 6.5 900k - 7.62. This means there is a reason to play rebel as they’re the only ones who can get silencers but at a big cost. As a result people will be more enticed to play rebel as whitelisted factions don’t get them.

-          Give good stuff in Viper Store

o   Viper licence cots 50 million however currently you get nothing. You should be able to buy from it : full nvg’s, silencers (goes hand in hand with removing silencers, means people will have to spend loads of money to get silencers thus emptying peoples bank accounts), zafirs, mk200’s, type 115 50cal mags, Striders, LRPS’s, CSATS’s (300k per etc), blasting charge<<<.

Viper should come with gang base discounts IMO - or a certIn number in a gang with viper results in overall discounts. E.g 1x viper = 10% discount on upgrades, purchase and rent. 2x= 15% discount 5x = 30% discount 10x= 50% discount - encourage fangs to stay big and makes it more affordable 

What is one of the biggest problems with the community at the moment? The fact we don’t have the same kind on numbers/player base we used to. The mass unban helped, but it won’t help but other things need to be done to help encourage more people to come back. We need and want to have old and new players enjoy there experience when they play on the server. For me personally since being back it doesn’t feel the same.... 

I’ve been trying to figure out why and come up with some ideas on how to fix it and I want everyone to bare with me, and read all my points before jumping down my throat.

Server performance 

The first problem is with the servers performance. This has been brought up a million times, has been a problem for as long as I can remember, and seems to be getting worse and worse. The FPS in game is horrible and often unplayable. Getting 30 FPS I’m any other game would be completely unacceptable so why do we have to put up with it on RPUK? 

Other RIVAL servers have much much better optimisation, and stability then we do. Witch definitely will tempt some players to play there instead purely based on the fact they can have 60 FPS in Kav and up their settings... 

If you took a 1000 people and made them login to the server for the first time, I guarantee at least 250 of those people will log straight back out based on the poor FPS? And at that point we are just setting ourselves up for failure, and losing people? Why give them the chance to leave based on poor FPS when something can be done about it? 

Rebel life improvements.

This is a roleplay server, it’s based on these key “factions”. Police, NHS, Poseidon, Gang, Civilians. At any given time on the server there will always be a split of these types of players on the server. When the server was at its strongest with 2 servers full up, the split was something along these lines. 

Civilians - 20%

Police - 25%

NHS - 5% 

UNMC - 10% 

Gangs - 40% 

This in my opinion was very balanced, as gangs would be groups between 5-15 members. And it always felt like there was a good split. Always something going on, always something new to do. 

I feel like over time this split has started to change. Gangs have been targeted as a bad “faction” on the server. “Bad roleplay standards” always apparently causing problems for the other members. And slowly but surly people where banned, blanket banned, given warnings, given restrictions. Guns where harder to buy, runs where harder to complete, big gang bases taken away. The fun was taken away from the rebels, or they where banned. 

This has definitely had an affect on the player base. But I don’t think the mass unban is going to help completely? Because people aren’t gonna stay if they think same will happen again, or if there’s nothing to do. 

  • The gang uniforms that are being added is a good start. 
  • I think the drug dealer should be in kav again, and not move every restart. 
  • Gun prices should be lower even if it’s just for now as gangs get back on their feet. 
  • Make gang based more achievable 
  • Don’t punish rebels for having “to many gun fights” as long as their roleplay is at a good standard while the situation is going on. 
  • Add more places for them to rob, more things for them to do just having the HM as a main money maker gets boring for everyone. 
  • I think when any gang with more then 10 members should have a staff member represent them, not part of their gang, but someone they can go to for help and guidance, someone that is looking out for them and trying to make sure they stay and don’t get banned. 

More events 

I think there needs to be more events again, so people look forward to coming back to the community. And maybe get new players to play as well. 


The economy is very broken right now and needs looking into. 

We need to stop focusing on the casual player as much and focus on the players that will play day in day out. Give them a scene of community again. 

Overall as a community I think we need to figure out why people aren’t staying anymore, what’s making them leave, I think two of the biggest issues is server performance, and rebel life. They need fixing. 

At a minimum I think you need to do a poll saying, try to impove fps or not, obviously some scripts will need to be taken out but i think it neccasery 

@Wilco can you please make a poll? surley you can see the benfits of making the server more playable for everyone?

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At a minimum I think you need to do a poll saying, try to impove fps or not, obviously some scripts will need to be taken out but i think it neccasery 

@Wilco can you please make a poll? surley you can see the benfits of making the server more playable for everyone?
it's most definitely not as simple as just "improve fps"! and I can't see a poll exactly proving much. The devs look to optimise performance in all the features they produce but sending them off to delve through the hundreds of different scripts and their dependencies to improve your frames per second by a marginal amount that is dependent on your gaming hardware isn't a good use of their time.

I think perhaps you've mixed up fps with server performance/latency, which again is something the dev's are continually tweaking but telling them to stop making anything new just to optimise a few scripts and begin scrapping lots of features is going to do more harm than good. 

I've seen the issues we get when the server is full and know the dev team is looking into this but it's not going to be their main area of focus AFAIK.

it's not going to be their main area of focus AFAIK.
And if it was, all anyone would do is complain that we were getting no features. When we were told “we’re focussing on optimisation” people would say “can’t you add some features while you do it”

Good devs are hard to come by and good devs with no lives who code for RPUK all day every day even harder 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Performance will hopefully be optimised over time but let’s not pretend that we don’t want new features to keep us all interested in playing when/if the server fully is optimised .

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