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Without trying to course and argument, or act like I’m saying that your wrong.it's most definitely not as simple as just "improve fps"! and I can't see a poll exactly proving much. The devs look to optimise performance in all the features they produce but sending them off to delve through the hundreds of different scripts and their dependencies to improve your frames per second by a marginal amount that is dependent on your gaming hardware isn't a good use of their time.
I think perhaps you've mixed up fps with server performance/latency, which again is something the dev's are continually tweaking but telling them to stop making anything new just to optimise a few scripts and begin scrapping lots of features is going to do more harm than good.
I've seen the issues we get when the server is full and know the dev team is looking into this but it's not going to be their main area of focus AFAIK.
Back in 2014, when you would log into the server, when I would get around 45-50 FPS in kav city and 60+ FPS (with my old computer! Witch had an intel pentium cpu and a 960) everywhere else, the mission file was around 25k. Over the years as more and more has been added, the FPS has dropped and dropped. It’s only a problem on this server, and @Wilco said (without getting the exact quote) that arma 3s player base is dropping but other servers player base is not, and therefor RPUK is doing something wrong. You cant expect us to believe that there’s nothing that can be done to improve everyone’s FPS on RPUK when we go onto other altis roleplay servers and get much better FPS.
i don’t want to play on those servers! Their roleplay standards suck! I want to play here, the point im making is by not trying to fix this issue your automatically pushing a huge amount of potential players away, as they won’t want to play with low FPS, or have to lower their settings just to play here.
Remove the scripts we don’t need or put hardly used, take away buildings that realistically dont need to be there!
Focus on events, and runs, and things people can do on the server rather then making the server look “pretty” no point in the server looking pretty if no one can get 20fps!
don’t blame the game, don’t blame anything, THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH FPS on this server. The sooner we admit it, the sooner we do something about it! The happier the community is! It will grow more and more....
thank you for the response sir!

The number one thing that keeps the server “interesting” is people, every single person that logs onto the server, is another person for you to roleplay with! If there is two full servers of people, my god you will never get bored. By having poor optimisation your loosing those players before they could ever really get started, they just give up.And if it was, all anyone would do is complain that we were getting no features. When we were told “we’re focussing on optimisation” people would say “can’t you add some features while you do it”
Good devs are hard to come by and good devs with no lives who code for RPUK all day every day even harder.
Performance will hopefully be optimised over time but let’s not pretend that we don’t want new features to keep us all interested in playing when/if the server fully is optimised .
all I’m saying is have a look into all scripts/ features we currently have, determine the ones that are used and the ones that aren’t, remove them, then if some are used but not very much, put it up for debate on the forums if it should stay! Make room for new scripts that are more enjoyable, rather then waking them onto the same mission file.