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  1. sigmatic

    Report a player - ID 447 - GTA RP

    I completely understand what the report is, and have given my perspective regarding the rules you believe I broke in my previous responses. I just wanted to add to your comment there as you missed quite a few key points in how the situation started.
  2. sigmatic

    Report a player - ID 447 - GTA RP

    I'd like to add to this that you actually had checked me already, and told me to say "Fuck Grove and fuck Changaloas" to which I did as I was carrying a gun and didn't want to get into a gunfight for not saying it. The disrespect came on the second check to which I let them know they already...
  3. sigmatic

    Report a player - ID 447 - GTA RP

    Only going to reply to this as this is a totally new allegation you've stated - as you are the one reporting me I believe it is up to you to provide evidence, secondly I'd be happy to show staff that I wasn't even recording most of the situation via screenshots of me asking others for clips of...
  4. sigmatic

    Report a player - ID 447 - GTA RP

    I did comply, as seen in the clip I posted. No frustration at all, it is just a game and I've lost a lot more than just an M19 over the years. I'm just generally bad at injury RP as it just cringes my throat to talk all husky, and that sometimes I forget to RP my injuries after a minute or 2...
  5. sigmatic

    Report a player - ID 447 - GTA RP

    I was trying to delay/waste time as much as possible incase of any passerby's coming past, this I feel is clear through the fact I "hesitated" with every item (including the bullets I no longer had a gun for). The odds are also high someone might help if they see as there are lot of hostilities...
  6. sigmatic

    Report a player - ID 447 - GTA RP

    I had explained to you that I hit 3, which as you can see in this video is where I have my gun, rather than F3 by accident when bringing up my inventory. Here is the 2nd time you dodgy'd me, to which I knowingly accepted and dropped my items. This seems like a revenge report after I had asked...
  7. sigmatic

    Report a player - Grove OCG - GTA RP

    A bit childish that you ended my attempt at talking to you about it by telling me you’re screenshotting our dm’s to post on forums after I respond to your accusation of poor RP by mentioning (something I have previously mentioned in this report) that you didn’t allow us to RP with you by being...
  8. sigmatic

    Report a player - Grove OCG - GTA RP

    You instantly called for firearms backup? I believed it was a police car that rammed me off at the time, and I already heard gunshots, so I wanted to defend myself using the shotgun. It would have been stupid of my character to have thought that after being hit by a police car, then hearing...
  9. sigmatic

    Report a player - Grove OCG - GTA RP

    Hello, I was the bike being chased throughout the video and I'd like to state I don’t believe this to be RDM. Firstly you can hear the officer straight away ANPR my bike and say “Bruno Clark?” (you know to be grove) and immediately switch to a different freq asking for a Trojan unit stating...
  10. sigmatic

    Report a player - 863, 884 and others - GTA RP

    I believe I'm 884 however I'm not too sure (I'm the one with dreads asking for an apology) and yeah I was just joking around and trying to distract you from chasing the guys on the bike, and I was about to leave anyway in the R8 10-20 seconds before you got shot in the clip (09:25 in your clip)...
  11. sigmatic

    Compensation Request - sigmatic - GTA RP

    Nah I don't think I'm missing anything, I thought I was but went through recordings to find where I went to my container and figured out it was all there
  12. sigmatic

    Compensation Request - sigmatic - GTA RP

    Sorry I was mistaken after going through my recordings
  13. sigmatic

    Compensation Request - sigmatic - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Alex Torez Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199400513742 Character ID: 79280 The date when this happened: 05/02/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: Pretty sure I lost an Uzi from my container Link to any evidence: Lost items and total value of...
  14. sigmatic

    Compensation Request - sigmatic - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Alex Torez Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199400513744 Character ID: 79280 The date when this happened: 03/08/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: I lost a shotgun and various other items after what I believed marabunta to have metagamed in order to...
  15. sigmatic

    Report a player - Several Marabunta - GTA RP

    'constructionlongtime' as in we were at construction for a long time, coincidentally across the road to civilian impound, where you placed your gun and where a marabunta member (assuming it was you) was seen while we still had Omizz. We both had voice changers on, and if it was from my...
  16. sigmatic

    Report a player - Several Marabunta - GTA RP

    That clip is only to show what made me believe you were screensharing, as the sounds came from neither me nor the person driving the car. And you have already admitted many times in the report so far that you were indeed screensharing to Marabunta so I hardly see any necessity to criticize the...
  17. sigmatic

    Report a player - Several Marabunta - GTA RP

    Hardly see why that's necessary, the clip is only there to show your ID's as well as you calling out the 3rd member (Devon) to show the people I'm reporting for the possibly metagaming. If staff need anything more from me I'll be happy to send them it when requested. Other than that I will not...
  18. sigmatic

    Report a player - Several Marabunta - GTA RP

    This is one example of a few instances where you could hear other people in the background of Omizz's microphone while we had him as a hostage. Only including this instance as the others were proving difficult to find, however Omizz has already admitted in the replies to this report that he was...
  19. sigmatic

    Report a player - Several Marabunta - GTA RP

    I tried to liaison them for a separate situation and all I received was petty insults and arguments, as seen in this report so far, about things that weren’t even relevant to the situation I wanted to liaison about, and didn’t even get a chance to speak to the person I wanted to because there...
  20. sigmatic

    Report a player - Several Marabunta - GTA RP

    I did not know 1 other report constituted so many, if I believe a rule is broken I will report it as that’s what has been recommended to me in many tickets with staff whenever I’m confused on whether something is a rule break or not.