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Report a player - Several Marabunta - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Alex Torez

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Several Marabunta

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 03/08/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1200

What best describes this incident ?: Metagaming

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I feel like Marabunta were metagaming yesterday and logged on because they were aware that me and one other Grove member were looking for them.

One of them is scouting us while I believe they were selling on Mara turf, and they end up coming to Grove trying to get one of us from safehouse to which we end up killing him due to not complying with our demands.

After he’s dumped we go to Marabunta’s turf and kidnap a member of theirs. While this is happening more Marabunta members login, whilst you can hear their voice through the members microphone ingame meaning he is streaming in the Mara discord.

Anyhow, after all of this we go back to their turf and suddenly there are many of their members online ready to retaliate.

All just seems a bit suspicious in my opinion so decided to put a report up. Will be adding videos soon as I’m currently at work and don’t have access to the recordings and didn’t have time to make a report yesterday.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

rpuk most hated

bit dead that u didnt wanna resolve it

when u kidnapped me, i was already streaming on discord because one of the main houses on turf were available n ppl didnt believe me, n the other members were already on im pretty sure staff can check it

this beef is so dead with you always reporting petty stuff, only reason u reported is because u lost a shotgun and a heavy to us.

i was the only mara member u grabbed that morning, so whoever u claimed to grab earlier he's not mara

when u did go back to turf after, u hands a mara member, then another mara member killed u with a crowbar, then he grabs a dotty from police impound n kills ur friend. if it was to be metagaming, they would've both had guns ready for ur arrival. 

something honestly needs to be done about these petty reports from grove's side


I don’t appreciate you thinking it’s “petty” or that it’s just because I lost a gun. This is a roleplay server and losing guns comes with warring another gang. And I’m not going into this hoping for compensation, as I was killed by my friend desyncing and am not really fussed about it.

The purpose of this report is because I was suspicious of metagaming the moment I heard the discord through your microphone ingame, and want a staff member to have a look at it - which is what reports are meant for and I feel calling them petty would just discourage people from reporting at all in fear of being seen as “petty”.

I have recordings of the IDs, much later than yours (111), and that the Marabunta members there did actually have guns ready for us. Will upload everything later today when It’s possible for me.

I didn’t want to resolve this with Marabunta for various reasons that I’d be happy to let the staff member dealing with this report know about in a private message.

Would also like to add the screenshot below from our conversation right after I was killed - which leads me to believe you are all in your discord seemingly actively screensharing to each other as you saw exactly when I died and messaged me straight after.


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Nah, after i respawned I got told on radio 2 people with weapons that tried robbing mara members were killed. I knew it was u so that's why i dm'd u. 

Hello, hope all is well fellow gang member of RPUK, the clip isn't uploaded yet but I'm sure it will show you at mara turf getting killed, I was the first person you stuck up. Nobody on turf had any guns and as Omizz already mentioned I had to go all the way to police impound to get my strap out.

Prior to this interaction, I had been selling for 40 mins and the other Marabunta member had also been selling from my knowledge.

Would love to know the reasons you don't want to liason with us, would save not only staff time but our own time having to waste it replying to this report as no offence but I honestly do feel that this is an attempt to comp your sawnoff and your mates pistol. It feels like you've had a grudge against mara since you put up a metagaming report on us many months ago and have since called us metabunta.

Prior to this interaction, I had been selling for 40 mins and the other Marabunta member had also been selling from my knowledge.
40 minutes prior to this interaction is still after Omizz was taken, whilst screensharing it in your discord.

Would love to know the reasons you don't want to liason with us, would save not only staff time but our own time having to waste it replying to this report
The reasons are not something I want to get into in a public channel.

Please keep the replies focused on this report rather than reports from many months ago - which I didn’t even put in a compensation form for despite also losing a gun there and having the metagaming report against Marabunta accepted - despite your belief that I would only be reporting to put in a compensation form.

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40 minutes prior to this interaction is still after Omizz was taken, whilst screensharing it in your discord.
Can I not log on then? Wasn't aware Omizz had been taken when I logged on and regardless of if I knew or not I went straight to selling which is I something I commonly do at midday. Fair enough if I had logged on, hopped in my car and went on a random hunt for grove or whatever but I simply didnt. You even caught us off guard and successfully stuck me up so the claim is completely baseless, would love some more proof besides the fact that we had late id's xD

Can I not log on then? Wasn't aware Omizz had been taken when I logged on and regardless of if I knew or not I went straight to selling which is I something I commonly do at midday. Fair enough if I had logged on, hopped in my car and went on a random hunt for grove or whatever but I simply didnt. You even caught us off guard and successfully stuck me up so the claim is completely baseless, would love some more proof besides the fact that we had late id's xD
I think the proof is everything taken into account - Omizz was streaming in your discord, so I believe you were indeed aware of us going around with guns prior to connecting to the server, as well as your perceived importance of these guns, seeing that with all the replies thus far you collectively believe that to be what I care about. So for me it makes sense that you saw what happened on Omizz’s stream and logged in to sell on turf and wait for us to come around so you could retaliate.

However, I don’t know what constitutes a “hop on squad” as it’s been referred to by many as, and I’m not well versed in the rules in general like staff are, so all I can do is put up a report for what I believe to be a rule break. I really don’t understand the attitude you have given me so far, and I’m not saying you can’t login to the server.

Nah, after i respawned I got told on radio 2 people with weapons that tried robbing mara members were killed. I knew it was u so that's why i dm'd u. 
If you did respawn fair enough, however I don’t really believe that as you still had 10~ mins left to respawn and another 5~ minutes to get a radio and head down from Paleto into radio range, as we went straight from where you were bleeding out to Marabunta turf.

Would appreciate if the staff member taking this report could verify that he’s not lying there once I get my recordings which will also give me exact timings of when everything happened, as it would show that they are streaming to each other whilst in the server at the same time.

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sell on turf and wait for us to come around so you could retaliate.
If we wanted to retaliate like you say we do, we would've had guns on us but we didn't because I have never sold with a weapon on me as I see it too risky and I don't see myself in much danger at such times in the day, myself and the other marabunta member had melee weapons as stated several times already...

I think its best we wait for you to upload the clip so we can get some more context.

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Bro what? I died in grapeseed making me spawn next to ballas turf? I had about 4-5 minutes left when you decided to check up on me again and told me in roleplay that "you were gonna go check mara turf" after i respawned i got a radio and was told there was 2 dead robbers with guns. Robbery gone wrong and a horrible attempt at getting ur guns back g

Bro what? I died in grapeseed making me spawn next to ballas turf? I had about 4-5 minutes left when you decided to check up on me again and told me in roleplay that "you were gonna go check mara turf" after i respawned i got a radio and was told there was 2 dead robbers with guns. Robbery gone wrong and a horrible attempt at getting ur guns back g
As I’ve said I don’t care about the gun, and you messaged me on discord within seconds of me dying - before the other member died, hence why I don’t believe you. And also Top Spliffers claims just aren’t true as you did have guns ready which is how you downed the other member (was in a car).

Feel like yous are just getting toxic for no reason at this point so I’ll just be posting the clips and no further replies.

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Not getting toxic, just tired of going straight to reports anytime something doesn't go your way. No guns were ready, that's why during the situation you got hit by a crowbar and a machete. After that the mara member grabbed a shotgun and killed the guy in the car. You've put up so many reports against mara, just enjoy the server. It's like ur trying to win the ooc side of things instead of the IC side.

Turning into more of an argument at this point so im gonna stop responding

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Not getting toxic, just tired of going straight to reports anytime something doesn't go your way. No guns were ready, that's why during the situation you got hit by a crowbar and a machete. After that the mara member grabbed a shotgun and killed the guy in the car. You've put up so many reports against mara, just enjoy the server. It's like ur trying to win the ooc side of things instead of the IC side.
I did not know 1 other report constituted so many, if I believe a rule is broken I will report it as that’s what has been recommended to me in many tickets with staff whenever I’m confused on whether something is a rule break or not.

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Hello AJ!

I was the person who hit you with a crowbar when Rob was being stuck up on turf, I dont really understand the hop on squad accusations tbh I personlly logged on to sell cocaine and I was selling from when I logged on until the situation occured, You said that we had guns "ready for you" but I literally hit you with a crowbar and rob had a machette until he grabbed his shotgun from a car park about 2 minutes away after you had already been downed.

All of this could have been solved in a vc on discord hearing our side of the story instead of instantly deciding to report us and if you arent comfortable talking to us you could have requested a staff member to be present in the call to watch over what people were saying.

Most of the points I was going to cover have already been covered so I dont see the point in bringing them up twice.

Hopefully this can all be resolved 
Have a great day!


How about this gentlemen, would you like staff to spectate a liason and go forward from there? 
I feel this report is only going in circles.

We can proceed with the report if you wish, however, I feel a liason could be very beneficial to all involved.​
We have attempted to liason multiple times, I doubt the guy who made the report is gonna agree to it but I'm up for it.

AJ seems to be extremely uncomfortable in a call with us and no offence to him but he gets very vexed, very quickly, so in my opinion there's no point.

I tried to liaison them for a separate situation and all I received was petty insults and arguments, as seen in this report so far, about things that weren’t even relevant to the situation I wanted to liaison about, and didn’t even get a chance to speak to the person I wanted to because there were 5-6 other people in there who weren’t even involved.

So I don’t think a liaison is possible with Mara, and will be posting the clip of Omizz being in a call as well as the late IDs soon.

Also I’m a very mild mannered person, I don’t know why you’re trying to attack my character here, considering you don’t actually know me since we’ve been in only 1 call before for 3 minutes, Top Spliffer.

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