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  1. Popadopalous

    [BG] Players & [Gc] Player (Multiple Offences)

    I stand by my initial post with these time stamps. Please correct me if I am wrong and please post down the time stamps you see but having checked it 3 times I cannot see any difference. [Gc] Redpath Dies - 1.32 - 1.50 Logs Out (Disconnects 18 seconds after dying) [bG] Spenno Dies - 2.07 - 2.29...
  2. Popadopalous

    [BG] Players & [Gc] Player (Multiple Offences)

    You have admitted to combat logging. That is all I reported you for. I have provided evidence of it and you have confessed. You do not need to say anymore on the matter as you have admitted to the crime and I am sure will be dealt with in due course.  It is not for me to prove you were not...
  3. Popadopalous

    [BG] Players & [Gc] Player (Multiple Offences)

    Please can no other UGN member post in this thread. Although your point is valid Krawly and would help prove he did not combat log. If this is the case did he have his gear when he logged back in? Please stay out Boris. It's a report that does not involve you. You have not been reported. Stop...
  4. Popadopalous

    [BG] Players & [Gc] Player (Multiple Offences)

    Sorry have I reported you or are you the reporter? No. Please don't come in here stating false claims about a witch hunt when I am clearly just reporting people I believe have broken the rules. I feel you have only posted to try and create an argument. Please don't post again as you are breaking...
  5. Popadopalous

    [BG] Players & [Gc] Player (Multiple Offences)

    The RDM is in reference to you killing me even though I complied 100%. I was no threat nor was I non-compliant so therefore what was the reason to kill me? There was no way to know the person shooting you was with me. He could have just been a random psychopath.  The only proof I have is the...
  6. Popadopalous

    [BG] Omligon combat logging.

    Already reported them Krawly.
  7. Popadopalous

    [BG] Players & [Gc] Player (Multiple Offences)

    Lets brake the video down then shall we in terms of what happened with me and role play. Sorry for the long reply but it is needed so you can see what the video shows. You state in your post I am intentionally being awkward. I am told to put my hands up by a group of armed men. I know my...
  8. Popadopalous

    [BG] Players & [Gc] Player (Multiple Offences)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [bG] Spenno (Fail RP, Combat/Gear Log), [bG] Omligon (RDM, Combat /Gear Log), [Gc] Redpath (Combat/Gear Log), [bG] Vincenzo (Combat/Gear Log)   Time & Date this happened: 21:10 - 21:15 (UK Time) 28/01/15   Which Server did this happen on...
  9. Popadopalous

    [UGN] Robbert (Rejected)

    I can upload a video over night and post a link tomorrow morning that will show our version of events. 
  10. Popadopalous

    Running into the green zone during firefight

    Is it possible to get an actual admins view on this please as I have been told by an admin in person that if someone runs into a green zone whilst in combat it is not a green zone for said person as he is already engaged in combat. I was told this after a police officer ran into a green zone...
  11. Popadopalous

    GC Alexander (Action: Ban Issued 19/01/2015)

    For as long as I have played here I have always been told its a Role Play server etc etc. Why on earth in RP sense would you park a vehicle in an ocean? Its not a garage. Its full of salty water that will break your vehicle. I would also imagine driving an armoued ifrit into an ocean would be a...
  12. Popadopalous

    GC Alexander (Action: Ban Issued 19/01/2015)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):  [Gc] Alexander   Time & Date this happened: 10:15AM ish UK Time   Description of what happened: Alexander stated in side chat that the police were at Kavala garage so was not going to store his ifrit there so dumped it into the ocean to...
  13. Popadopalous

    [Gc] Jack Sonia And Suicide Salami (Rejected with warning)

    Shadow play is on a continuous record. You just press a botton and it saves the last x amount of time to disc. I was there and he was just angry about dieing to lag as was I. He genuinely did not realise he would keep his gear hence why he dropped it and recorded him dropping it to prove he was...
  14. Popadopalous

    [Gc] Jack Sonia And Suicide Salami (Rejected with warning)

    If you already killed myself and Salami and we are both dead on the floor how has he combat logged?
  15. Popadopalous

    2 UGN Players RDM for no reason TWICE.

    Panda is currently uploading it now. He has a slow connection so please give him some time. 
  16. Popadopalous

    2 UGN Players RDM for no reason TWICE.

    Your mate was looting Boris's body. Your mate does not have a weapon until he takes it off Boris's body. Panda told him to stop, he did not. He was clearly picking up a gun so Panda went to shoot him, failed, and died. I think I am allowed to return fire. You get out your truck and run towards a...
  17. Popadopalous

    2 UGN Players RDM for no reason TWICE.

    @Erwin Your mate rammed us with a car. Trying to kill us CLEARLY stating that was his intention in the video. So that is VDM already. The hemit and the red pickup collide, killing Boris. Panda and your mate are at gun point. Your mate clearly shoots Panda. Gun fire is going to be traded. You...
  18. Popadopalous

    2 UGN Players RDM for no reason TWICE.

    Let me also direct you to 1.50:46. Look at the chat logs. Popadopalous was killed. Jason Burton was killed. That is when you initially rammed me with your tempest. We both died as a result. I waited to be revived by a medic as my team watched over me. You re spawned and drove back down to your...
  19. Popadopalous

    2 UGN Players RDM for no reason TWICE.

    I would like everyone to watch his clip and watch from 1.57:30   1.58:00 Watch out now They're coming along the road. 2 Cars following you  I know 2 Off roads Yeah I'll kill them, i'll kill them. i'll kill them. Watch this Mentions something about staying left or right They stopped what the f***...
  20. Popadopalous

    [UGN] - Pandagasm [GL]

    This baffles me slightly. Looking at this from purely a RP point of view.  In a RP situation, why on earth would you go to a heavily armed group of people that are clearly doing an illegal activity whilst in possession of a weapon which is semi pointed at them, at night, from their blind spot...