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[Gc] Jack Sonia And Suicide Salami (Rejected with warning)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Suicide Salami
Time & Date this happened: 18:10-18:20 02/01/2015
Description of what happened: 2 people told me to put my hands up so I started shooting. I killed them both then 1 of them combat logged. Then I got RDM'ed by [Gc] Jack Sonia.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No
Please post video evidence/screenshots here:
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
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He Alt-F4'ed after death which makes him not lose his stuff.
It was myself in question. You were standing still the whole time and then 5-10 seconds later when the server catches up, me and popadopolous are both dead on the floor, you killed us due to a lag spike.

I alt f4'd because i was angry that i died to server lag and couldnt be arsed to wait for the medics, not because i wanted to save any gear as i wasnt aware it would save it. I have the whole thing recorded where I respawned and still had my gear (excluding weapon), then i told my teammates on teamspeak that i am suprised i still had my stuff, then i dumped all my gear on the floor and ran 3KM half naked to the VIP area. I'll upload my video that shows this in a bit but will take a while because of my slow upload speed.

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Suicide Salami
Time & Date this happened: 18:10-18:20 02/01/2015
Description of what happened: 2 people told me to put my hands up so I started shooting. I killed them both then 1 of them combat logged. Then I got RDM'ed by [Gc] Jack Sonia.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No
Please post video evidence/screenshots here:
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
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well you dont know what is rdm :) . i told you to put your hands up ! you have 5 sec i wait and you just try to hide so i shoot you and after i kill you like 5 mins you come back and say rdm rdm ?! you serious ? if the admin need i just uplod the rec

My video is taking over an hour to upload so will upload it over night and will link it here tomorrow for admins to see. 

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you gave me 2 seconds to put my hands up, then you just killed me. I didn't move. Plus it wasn't 5 mins till I came back.

here you go, video showing when i exitted the game i had no intention of combat logging or saving any of my gear. 

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Shadow play is on a continuous record. You just press a botton and it saves the last x amount of time to disc. I was there and he was just angry about dieing to lag as was I. He genuinely did not realise he would keep his gear hence why he dropped it and recorded him dropping it to prove he was not doing it to save his gear.

1stly. Someone could have took that gear.

2ndly. Why would you alt-f4 because you didn't want to wait 20 secs when it takes about 30 secs to get back on.

1stly. Someone could have took that gear.

2ndly. Why would you alt-f4 because you didn't want to wait 20 secs when it takes about 30 secs to get back on.
1- does it make any difference? its just clothing, a backpack, gps + NV..... not exactly the find of the century, or worth moaning about!

2- Already explained. And thanks for stating i did not gain any quicker respawn. 

I can understand your frustration, reporting someone for combat logging and then finding out with video evidence that they didnt mean to. In any event you still killed both me and Popadopolous, OK it was because of server lag, but you still got the kills.  :)

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I could easily make  a video of me dropping stuff and saying that I didn't know it was going to happen.

You made the video because I FC'ed you.
Wow bro you're paranoid. You been smoking the marijuana? I explained previously i didnt intend on combat logging, and the video shows this, when i realised i still had my gear i did the right thing and dropped it all :)

You overlooked the fact that you can see the side chat messages in the video, and overlooked the player list being opened in the video, both will correspond with the server logs. :)

Glad I cleared this up for you ;)

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