My In depth burglary plan was accepted back in last November which links into this post. Must still be in development currently.
+1 from me, good idea 👍.
Good Evening,
As the owner of the fishing store I took it upon myself to go around the island experimenting with all the new fish introduced to figure out how it all works.
I found out that as bait is no longer used the new way you catch turtles is by using either seabass, salmon or trout meat...
They need to add the ability to put your group emblem in this case business logo on to the side of your personal vehicle's like as seen on altis life arms 3.
Would be a neat feature for buisness owners to have thier own branded vehicles for publicity etc.
All I can say is I know there are some big changes comming 👀
What i can say is the following things have already been put forward to the council:
. Atm : to store and retrieve money on site
. Public car park: located at the top of the hill to stop all the cars being left there and...
+1 it needs more work on fine tuning currently.
I belive like alot of people have suggested that if it were possible to create plastic bags out of plastic sheets (1 sheet = 5 bags) at a hidden location such as the public workbench,
this could solve the hyper inflation of bag issue.
This post is now wildly outdated in terms of prices, rods are now 1,500 which is wlot more reasonable.
As I've explained before it was a stock issue, the more readily available and obtainable stock is the cheaper the price will be which is the basics of supply and demand which is how business's...
I speak to mr white on a daily basis and order all of his stock as and when it is available,
we have been fortunate to get a good amount of stock recently but there seems to be no "set in stone system in place".
We can order fishing supplies from the general warehouse but they are few and far...
Yes sounds good lad, but I'm not keen on fluctuating prices as that's a slippery slope. Because if applied to everything as in apple sales and car sales and house sales it would be a nightmare!
But as stated above having different types of fish at different sell points would be nice. I was...
Brief Summary:
A small change in fishing mechanics to benefit realism
Detailed Suggestion:
I think fishing may be reworked in the future so I have some suggestions which I believe would be a good addition to the fishing system.
Currently people are bringing semi trucks down on the beach...
Staff have informed me that my shop is the only one tagged with fishing goods, meaning that the option to buy stock should only come up for me and nobody else.
If that is the case it would be bad as we struggle to get stoxk in in the first place. There is no limit to the amount we can buy its...
Twice as much fish bait as turtle bait, but easily 1000 fish and 500 turtle as well as 250 rods at minimum but probably more.
If we are talking a full day from 1am till midnight.
Yes makes sense, but in my opinion if you do it for one you do it for all to be fair.
You wouldn't find a grocery store without stock for 2 days straight? So why should the fish store be any different?.
If they are that concerned about the money farm make fish 250 not 320, which still is...
Hence the catch 22 situation I find myself in. If you could only fish with bait I would need a constant supply of it otherwise we are back to square 1.
Yes I understand someday there may be none available to make people do other things but not no stock for 3 days straight, seems people are just...
I'll the store made 5% of fish sales it would be reasonable, every grocery store is constantly turning over while these days when we don't have stoxk we will be dry.
Brief Summary:
As the owner of the fishing store myself and my staff are very very limited to as and when we can buy in fishing supply's
Detailed Suggestion:
For the last couple of days I have not been able to obtain any fish or turtle bait for the store. I get constantly complained at by the...