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Fishing Changes/Expansion

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Colin Forester

Well-known member
Brief Summary:

A small change in fishing mechanics to benefit realism 

Detailed Suggestion:

I think fishing may be reworked in the future so I have some suggestions which I believe would be a good addition to the fishing system.

Currently people are bringing semi trucks down on the beach near Fort zancudo to fish with on the beach as they can store 500 fish. I did not agree with this at first but granted fishing from the beach is realistic so fair enough.

It is not realistic in my opinion to be able to drive a big rig truck onto sand and then be able to drive off casual once fully laden. Due to this new truck "meta" there is no incentive for people to use boats to venture out into open water I belive there to be some simple solutions to this.

1) current boat storage:

Currently unlike cars it does not matter about the size of the boat for its storage value as all boats currently only have 100 available inventory slots.

If a system was put into place like cars when they come in 100, 150 , 250 or 500 such as outlined below:

Jetski: 50 

Dinghy : 100

jetmax : 150 

suntrap : 100

Toro: 150 

sea ray 650: atleast 500 or maybe more 

2) bigger fish found in deeper waters are more valuable :

If there was multiple different types of fish introduced in game where as the further out to sea you go you will find the bigger fish and sharks that reside in the deeper waters which are worth more.

With the current trucking "meta" it does not make sense to me how you would be able to catch a shark in ankle high waters.

With this system introduced people would still be able to fish at the beach with vehicle at a much reduced profit. This can be used when first starting up on fishing to save up for your first boat.

For example you could catch whitebait or similar small fish which are worth 100 a piece whereas out at sea you could catch mackerel at 250 a piece.

I believe with this implemented it would be a more fleshed out fishing experience with correlates with realism.

This would also have a beneficial impact on the sea police as there would be more people our on boats to stop and talk to making for more RP scenarios.

currently with the trucking the sea police are at a bit of a loose end as they don't really deal with land based incidents.

The Pros:

. Increased boat usage to provide more interactions with water Bourne police units 

. Increased incentive to venture out away from the shore into deeper waters spreading people out 

.increased realism in touch with real world fishing aspects 

. Increased incentive to buy boats instead of using big rigs 

The Cons:

. People might complain about the decrease in truck fishing 

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?



Overall these are just suggestions and are based on my personal opinion. I believe with these systems inplace it will benefit the fishing community as well as creating further more interesting RP scenarios. 

Let me know your thoughts in the comments 👍

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Big +1 the rise in fishing has definitely been a great insentive for Mpo however when we search people for sharks and turtles if they have anything illegal they drive off leaving us powerless we still get good interactions but when a truck can move through sludge at 70 is a bit iffy would definitely be nice to see more to fishing than it just being standing there for 3 hours such as maybe certain locations for certain species and the Futher you go out the more fish just different variables would be nice

+1 very good ideas and would completely over haul the fishing scene in a realistic way and great way to balance the fishing economy.

I agree the balancing of vehicle inventories needs looking into.

To be honest, I don't understand how a box truck can hold the same amount as a truck which storage is a couple of storage compartments that IRL would just hold small amounts of equipment. On the other hand trailers are not too reliable in FiveM so then dont really want to see people then being forced to use them and also those having purchased a truck for it's trunk space seeing it nerfed - so neither here or there on that. However, boat storages are the same as mentioned and I do agree as with size/value increasing so should the storage. 

I like the idea of different fish being implemented and the value of each type being dependent on the 'depth' (or how far you are out). The only issue is how best to check if you are far enough out. Do you get a depth meter that can tell you maybe?

One suggestion I have, although may require a bit of maths - have different fish sell points (maybe 3 - 5) where each fish type has different value. However, the more you sell there the quicker the value changes (and the value elsewhere increases). Eg Paleto could buy mackerel at 150 where as others sit around 100, but as you sell to it after 10 minutes the price starts coming down closer to 100 (gradually) and now the fish market in the city now paying more to try and get demand back. If anyone has ever played Farming Simulator will know what I mean when it comes to selling harvest.

I agree the balancing of vehicle inventories needs looking into.

To be honest, I don't understand how a box truck can hold the same amount as a truck which storage is a couple of storage compartments that IRL would just hold small amounts of equipment. On the other hand trailers are not too reliable in FiveM so then dont really want to see people then being forced to use them and also those having purchased a truck for it's trunk space seeing it nerfed - so neither here or there on that. However, boat storages are the same as mentioned and I do agree as with size/value increasing so should the storage. 

I like the idea of different fish being implemented and the value of each type being dependent on the 'depth' (or how far you are out). The only issue is how best to check if you are far enough out. Do you get a depth meter that can tell you maybe?

One suggestion I have, although may require a bit of maths - have different fish sell points (maybe 3 - 5) where each fish type has different value. However, the more you sell there the quicker the value changes (and the value elsewhere increases). Eg Paleto could buy mackerel at 150 where as others sit around 100, but as you sell to it after 10 minutes the price starts coming down closer to 100 (gradually) and now the fish market in the city now paying more to try and get demand back. If anyone has ever played Farming Simulator will know what I mean when it comes to selling harvest.
Yes sounds good lad, but I'm not keen on fluctuating prices as that's a slippery slope. Because if applied to everything as in apple sales and car sales and house sales it would be a nightmare! 

But as stated above having different types of fish at different sell points would be nice. I was going to suggest each time you catch one the weight would vary and that would determine the price based on fish weight as such like IRL but would be too complex and a pain in the ass to code 🤣


Thank you for the suggestion.
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