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Weed prices

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Well-known member
London, United Kingdom
Brief Summary:

The cost of growth to the cost of selling weed.

Detailed Suggestion:

So after doing some maths growing and selling weed to players and locals is just not worth it it terms of cost to profit which i will show here for 1 plant as an example.

Seed x1 - £100

soil x1 -  £100

water x4 - £400

Thats a total of £600 just to grow one plant. Once that plant has grown you get between 250 to 300 buds and with the recent economy change baggies now cost between £100 to £250 per bag. lets say one plant gives us 260 buds you would need 260 bags and the most common price per bag i have seen is £250 meaning it would cost £65,000 just for the bags alone so the total price for one weed plant comes to £65,600. Once the 260 buds are sold to locals you get around about £55,000 return giving you a loss of around £10,000 and players is a different story as a player will not buy weed at that price knowing they will not make a profit so we have to sell weed a hell of a lot cheaper to a player so its appealing to them to sell it. So my argument here is for the person growing and selling its just not worth it because its not even just this factor as well you need to think about the added risk factor to selling any drug.  If we look at selling drugs in real life yes growing weed is not cheap BUT there is a high profit in selling it and theres just not in the game so i believe that the drug prices need to change to make selling weed more profitable because after looking at these prices there is no point in doing it and doesnt reflect real prices for weed. I cannot talk about the other drugs as ive not made or sold them them so this is purely for the argument of weed. Im not asking to be making millions selling weed but showing the prices of how much a person is losing with the entire process i do think it needs addressing.

So in total all im suggesting is address the prices of either growth or the prices of sale for weed so the player can make some return rather than a loss.

The Pros:

Price change could make more people selling weed giving police more RP to deal with growers and dealers

The Cons:

I cant think of a con is changing prices to give the player a slight profit rather than a loss.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


+1 it needs more work on fine tuning currently.

I belive like alot of people have suggested that if it were possible to create plastic bags out of plastic sheets (1 sheet = 5 bags) at a hidden location such as the public workbench, 

 this could solve the hyper inflation of bag issue. 

I think overall the pros out way the cons.

Good post. 


Weed took a double blow where the sell price of drugs was reduced AND the difficulty of obtaining bags came about. While the availability of bags has improved, the cheapest I have found them for sale is £80 per bag. That is a 900% increase in the bag price and it doesn't appear to be dropping any lower than that currently, with other shops seemingly selling them for more.

I worked out over a test of 100 weed sales before the changes I would average £280 per bag of weed. Over a test of 100 now I average £210. That's £7000 for every 100 lost.

A key part to my roleplay experience was weed selling. A friend and I would bump into new players to the city, give them free samples and get them hooked into drug selling for me. Sometimes would come across 4-5 people a day. I have come across 1 person who wanted to give it a go despite my warnings of the lack of/price of bags. Needless to say they didn't come back for more! In my view weed selling is an interesting concept with some risk but was good reward. I got hooked as a new player to the city, I loved calling up my dealer, meeting up, exchanging, having that interaction. Now, players are told to go and spend time on your own in a truck or your own in a boat to make money and I can't think of anything worse to be told when a new player.

I recommend the price of the weed sales is increased again, with a way to make bags somehow like Colin said. 

It should not be the case that you're putting £2.50 worth of weed in £100 bags. It's crazy.

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Not only that double blow, but as they removed lockpicking and robbing from shops and banks, crime in general just became a scarce opportunity. 

But I am sure they will return the balance soon!

I think weed should sell for more but should be more expensive to get up and running. I think a bit more depth needs to be added for the grow as it was too easily obtained beforehand, leading to its nerfs.

Brief Summary:

The cost of growth to the cost of selling weed.

Detailed Suggestion:

So after doing some maths growing and selling weed to players and locals is just not worth it it terms of cost to profit which i will show here for 1 plant as an example.

Seed x1 - £100

soil x1 -  £100

water x4 - £400

Thats a total of £600 just to grow one plant. Once that plant has grown you get between 250 to 300 buds and with the recent economy change baggies now cost between £100 to £250 per bag. lets say one plant gives us 260 buds you would need 260 bags and the most common price per bag i have seen is £250 meaning it would cost £65,000 just for the bags alone so the total price for one weed plant comes to £65,600. Once the 260 buds are sold to locals you get around about £55,000 return giving you a loss of around £10,000 and players is a different story as a player will not buy weed at that price knowing they will not make a profit so we have to sell weed a hell of a lot cheaper to a player so its appealing to them to sell it. So my argument here is for the person growing and selling its just not worth it because its not even just this factor as well you need to think about the added risk factor to selling any drug.  If we look at selling drugs in real life yes growing weed is not cheap BUT there is a high profit in selling it and theres just not in the game so i believe that the drug prices need to change to make selling weed more profitable because after looking at these prices there is no point in doing it and doesnt reflect real prices for weed. I cannot talk about the other drugs as ive not made or sold them them so this is purely for the argument of weed. Im not asking to be making millions selling weed but showing the prices of how much a person is losing with the entire process i do think it needs addressing.

So in total all im suggesting is address the prices of either growth or the prices of sale for weed so the player can make some return rather than a loss.

The Pros:

Price change could make more people selling weed giving police more RP to deal with growers and dealers

The Cons:

I cant think of a con is changing prices to give the player a slight profit rather than a loss.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

Didn't you forget the plant pot price in the main post? Isn't it £5000 a plant pot? I've also done some recent testing and posted a comment on the 'drug sell prices' post, I'll copy and paste it on to this post as it is 100% relevant:

"Weed prices should go up, it costs 6K to make 250 pieces of weed at your house, as well as 48 hours for the plants to grow. You then need to bag them up, bags are currently at £100 a piece and that's on a good day, so that's another £25,000 just to bag up the 250 pieces of weed. On average, every 100 pieces of weed sold to locals makes you 20,000 (I've done multiple tests on this), so for one plant that gets you 250 pieces of weed, you are making around £50,000 selling to locals, now deduct the 6K to grow + 25K for baggies, and you're making £19,000 PROFIT. That's a joke, especially considering it takes 48 hours for the plant to grow, and around an hour to sell 250 weed to locals, maybe more. £19,000 proft, when fishing makes you around £75,000+ per hour in a truck.

In my opinion, selling weed to locals should make slightly more than fishing (with preparation costs in mind), and selling cocaine should make 20-30% more than fishing. Also, plastic bags should be sold at the weed store for £10 a pop, not for £100 in player owned stores."
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Agreed, I don't think this should be a reduce fishing prices it just needs drug prices to be buffed and a higher initial set up cost to balance it out 

I have made two posts regarding the matters in this post here: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/129933-price-of-selling-drugs-should-increase-slightly/ and https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/130202-sell-baggies-in-the-weed-store-and-allow-players-to-buy-an-expensive-bagging-machine-for-their-house/

Also, the most upvoted suggestion right now is this: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/129913-drug-sell-prices/ (posted April 1st)

And then we also have your post. All valid points, yet nothing is being done about it. 

It's crazy, because in my opinion, just 3 things need to change to balance it out, and I'm probably wrong but to me they sound like easy to implement changes:

  1. Sell the baggies in the weed store for £8-10 like it use to be, OR allow us to create baggies via plastic, OR change the price of baggies at warehouses so shop owners can price them for less than £20. 
  2. Change the way weed sells to locals, so if you sell 3 or 4x, then actually earn the amount you're meant to earn. (i.e. for 1 sold you get £300-400 but for 4 sold to a local you get £700-800, make it so 4 being sold to a local gets you £1500-1600)
  3. Make the frequency of locals accepting the deal higher, currently I get 5-10 no's in a row, making selling weed even longer and more frustrating. 

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Didn't you forget the plant pot price in the main post? Isn't it £5000 a plant pot? I've also done some recent testing and posted a comment on the 'drug sell prices' post, I'll copy and paste it on to this post as it is 100% relevant:

"Weed prices should go up, it costs 6K to make 250 pieces of weed at your house, as well as 48 hours for the plants to grow. You then need to bag them up, bags are currently at £100 a piece and that's on a good day, so that's another £25,000 just to bag up the 250 pieces of weed. On average, every 100 pieces of weed sold to locals makes you 20,000 (I've done multiple tests on this), so for one plant that gets you 250 pieces of weed, you are making around £50,000 selling to locals, now deduct the 6K to grow + 25K for baggies, and you're making £19,000 PROFIT. That's a joke, especially considering it takes 48 hours for the plant to grow, and around an hour to sell 250 weed to locals, maybe more. £19,000 proft, when fishing makes you around £75,000+ per hour in a truck.

In my opinion, selling weed to locals should make slightly more than fishing (with preparation costs in mind), and selling cocaine should make 20-30% more than fishing. Also, plastic bags should be sold at the weed store for £10 a pop, not for £100 in player owned stores."
I didnt forget the price of the plant pot as that is an investment cost as you can use them over and over again where as seeds soil and water are costing you each time you use them. I do think that no matter what the drug it should be more profitable than any legal job in my opinion as in real life that is the truth. I wouldnt even say that much needs to be changed apart from just the prices of selling. 

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Okay so price tweak in latest update needs to be tested.

Plastic bags are not an issue at all anymore.

Hopefully making the weed dealing job far more appealing now.

Okay so price tweak in latest update needs to be tested.

Plastic bags are not an issue at all anymore.

Hopefully making the weed dealing job far more appealing now.
Already tested it, 100 bagged weed would get you 22K before the update, now it gets you 32K (tested on 200 weed). Will have to compare the time it took me to sell 200 vs new fishing update prices.

Already tested it, 100 bagged weed would get you 22K before the update, now it gets you 32K (tested on 200 weed). Will have to compare the time it took me to sell 200 vs new fishing update prices.
Im confused about this as you stated you tested it on 100 beforebthen 200 after so wouldnt thst mean its less? 

Im confused about this as you stated you tested it on 100 beforebthen 200 after so wouldnt thst mean its less? 
Sorry, I mean, I did 100 weed twice, so i sold 200 in total, in total it made me 64k for 200, after i sold 100 I had 32K, and after i sold another 100 I had 64K, if that makes sense.

Sorry, I mean, I did 100 weed twice, so i sold 200 in total, in total it made me 64k for 200, after i sold 100 I had 32K, and after i sold another 100 I had 64K, if that makes sense.
Is that pre or post update? 

Already tested it, 100 bagged weed would get you 22K before the update, now it gets you 32K (tested on 200 weed). Will have to compare the time it took me to sell 200 vs new fishing update prices.
That's actually better than before the updates - as I had average prices of about 280 before.

Bags are going for about 20 a bag or so, but you might be able to source yourself.

Seems like a far more realistic and reasonable model now.

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