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Other ways to get materials

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Anonymous Eagle

Brief Summary:

Other methods to gather materials for crafting

Detailed Suggestion:

at the moment the only way to get the metals needed for crafting is mining and smelting, often ending up with upwards of 20+ people all in the mine and smelter, im suggesting other ways to be able to gather the materials though my big brain hasn't thought it out fully

ways im thinking (and buy thinking i mean ways that ive seen on other servers ha) are 

vehicle scrapping - A list of cars or a job that can be scrapped to del boy and depending on the value of the car can give different amounts of the various materials would have to be limited in a way so you can just take any local car you see and get some metals hence the list

Robbing houses - If this feature should ever come in stealing from a house has a chance to give you random items from jewellery to ores or bars that can be smelted say at the jewellery store or something

Fishing - with perhaps an additional item that works like baits do (or did) you can attach to magnet to your rod and have a chance to catch a varity of scrap from the rivers, lakes and oceans of the state that can then be processed or even be actual metals from 

The Pros:

Gives more variety then sitting at the smelter or mine and hopefully wont have large groups of people all at the same place 

The Cons:

some people might not like having to actual talk to others when gathering materials 

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

i think it gives variety and that cant be bad

I completely agree a bit of variety would be nice. I think the merging of activities is a great idea as mining and smelting gets not only extremely tedious but little to no reward given the amount of people that are often working to get these materials. Sure it's possible with just two people but with the time it takes to mine, smelt and craft all whilst loading trucks up inbetween is extremely mundane with little to no actual RP risk (Aside from people just stealing trucks without a word).

Personally I love the idea of robberies as it could add multiple steps to obtaining materials, potentially rare ones too. A randomness factor to these robberies for both house burglaries and bank robberies would keep them fresh and exciting no matter how many times they are done. This would allow people to create their own quest lines, much like popular streamers do obtaining items needed for so and so raid or another activity.

Burglaries, robberies and car scrapping can all be done with the addition of some kind of black market dealer that could move around every storm with multiple locations. This would stop people consistently farming local vehicles or sitting on one single spot and robbing people at said dealer. Also, having the possibility for house burglaries to provide random items allows for high risk / low reward and vice versa depending on the location. Some kind of reputation factor with the dealer could come into play aswell given the amount of people that abuse the ability to cancel jobs at the trucking depot. This could work similiarly to the way job reputation does already by completing jobs for him/her however adding a minus reputation for canceling jobs or failing them. Having a lowered reputation could mean that the dealer outright refuses to give you jobs for a certain amount of time, or gives you jobs with less payout for you to regain their trust again.

Apologies for rambling or mixing up ideas, just like to put my two pence in where I can lol.

My In depth burglary plan was accepted back in last November which links into this post. Must still be in development currently.

+1 from me, good idea 👍

Bunch of yes/no's are there have been changes made in the time between.

It being player driven and having 20+ people here and there makes it into a competition from good prices and time to robberies and taking advantage.
This could change in the future.

Thank you for your suggestion!

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