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  1. Psychel

    Noob instructional video for review

    How did you embed it into the forum?
  2. Psychel

    The domino effect

    I thught that it was well cool that we could park so close to each other however I never took into consideration the 'domino' effect.
  3. Psychel

    Police, Camera, CRASH!

    love it
  4. Psychel

    Noob instructional video for review

    Hi all. I have put together a little instructional video for noobs that join the server.  I have not spent that much time on it so far, however if the Admins confirm that they would like it, and if the user community thinks it would be useful I will finish it off. That will include a...
  5. Psychel

    I'm Steve Seabass

    Love the back story. How about blogging some if the stuff that goes on
  6. Psychel

    Day 3 NHS - the Race (Altis Journal)

    I remember when I first arrived in Kavala and asked people what they do here I have many suggestions.  These ranged from drug running to being a rebel.  When I asked about the NHS I was told that this choice was boring. So you can imagine my surprise considering my medical background. So far...
  7. Psychel

    Day 2 Medic (Altis Journal)

    Well how different could day 2 be from day one. Ridiculously different.  In fact our instructor today says that he has never had a day quite like it, in fact I don't think I have enough time to describe everything but here are the highlights. So we met in Athira in teh hospital (which needs...
  8. Psychel

    1st Day in NHS (Altis Journal)

    So finally all the necessary paperwork arrived from Princeton Plainsboro, and all my credentials we as required.  We met in Athira hospital, and straight away there is an incident. However there was a problem with the size of my uniform. I am not a trim as I once was and I struggled in the...
  9. Psychel

    RDM in Kavana (Refused)

    Changed the data to the template
  10. Psychel

    A new healer in the House (Altis Journal)

    1. It maybe, but put them on steroids and page me if they continue to die 2. I wander if I can ask for a skin specifically for that? 3. Will you be my Wilson?
  11. Psychel

    RDM in Kavana (Refused)

    IN Game name : PSYCHEL Player ID:76561198051796269 What was lost: 9mm basic gun 2 x 30 round mags Binoculars NVG 5k backpack Proganist clothes GPS Value of Items/money lost: No idea as not been back to the shops Quick description of what happened. There was an accident between a...
  12. Psychel

    A new healer in the House (Altis Journal)

    So I have some great responses from people about keeping a RP blog/journal so here is my RP introduction to joining the NHS as Gregory House (for those of you who do not know who he is search for House in Youtube). So in 2012 I (House) left Princton Planesborough in the US.  I will not go into...
  13. Psychel

    So who am I?

    Well I am called Psychel on Altis and Badman on WOW. So why am I here.  I have played WOW for about 5 years and was getting really bored as a healer just spamming one button in all situations. I tried RUST, and that just seemed to be naked men running around bashing each other on the head with...
  14. Psychel

    Lost truck full of copper bars (Refused)

    I was driving on the main road after processing some copper and there was a car parked in the middle of the road on a bend. I crashed and lost the truck (no in the garage) and all my processed copper