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I'm Steve Seabass

Steven Seabass

Frog catching expert
Altis Airport
Good afternoon to all of the lovely island of Altis!

I would like to introduce myself as a gamer and my in game character and background.

So my real name is Steve and I am 31 years of age. I have played computer games since a young age with the Dragon 64 system(most of you will have to look that one up, i bet). I then had a Master System, megadrive etc. 

I started gaming on the PC properly only a few years ago and that was with Flight Simulator and then I got Steam and found ARMA 2 and the Wasteland Mod. I have loved ARMA ever since. 

I live with my fiancee who I have been with for 7 years. Although she may think I send alot of time gaming she knows its better than if I was out getting drunk every weekend! I have done many jobs in my life including the Police force for 5 years, bus driver and Prisonor escort officer. 

I stumbled across AltisLife while viewing Youtube and saw this UK themed one. May I say what an amazing community you have here and I thank Wilco and his team of admins for all there hard work and dedication to my second life.

My man on the ground is Steven Seabass and his background is as follows:

Steve was a farmer back in the UK and worked on the fields in the Cotswolds. He did not own his farm and it was not a big one but it was his safe haven and home. He lived there with only his trusty black Labrador dog 'Bruce'. One day Steve was out in the fields getting ready to harvest his crops when he heard a bit of commotion and Bruce barking in the direction of his farm house. He jumped in his truck and drove towards his house. As he got there he saw a small van driving off down the track towards the main road. He did not recognise the truck but did not think anything of it and went to the house to make sure all was ok. A sinking feeling fell apon Steve but he did not know why, then he realized Bruce had gone silent and had not greeted him on return to the house like he always did. He frantically searched the house and immediate area but nothing!! They had taken him!

He made a report to the police and searched the local village and miles around for months but to no avail. 

His friend had gone and the house and his home did not feel like home anymore. He knew a friend who had visited the island of Altis and said it was a nice place to check out. With no motivation to carry on in his lonely farm he sold his car and other belongings and took a flight to Altis.

He landed in Altis and made his way to Kavala where he soon found was over run by what the locals called 'hobos'. He in fact was also called a hobo many times around the town square. He did however speak to one gentleman who informed him that he could buy new clothes and make money by picking and selling apples. Steve saw alot of crime in a short space of time and was scared to leave the local vicinity but he picked apples day and night and eventually realised he could turn them into Cider! You will probably see Steve in Kavala sat by the billboard of the carpark having a drink and watching the world go by.It got to a point with witnessing crime he needed to protect himself. He purchased a gun licence and went to the gunshop. As he got there another fella was at the till. The next thing he saw was the barrel of a shiny pistol in his face and a deep voice shouting at him to give him his money! Unfortunately for the aggressive hobo with the gun, Steve had not taken money with him. 

Steve has always been on the right side of the law but all these emotional events has made him think about life and seeing guys with guns and money made him think that being on the right side of the law may be actually the wrong side of the law! He decided to give crime ago, and stole a car with the help of another male which was fun but then he tried to rob someone and for days after felt really really bad so carried on with the straight an narrow lifestyle.

Will this island change his ways again, maybe, but for now he is happy with cider and ores.

Hope to catch you all in game and on TS.


I've seen you lurking on that greenzone corner in Kavala, rest assured if you end up on my list I know where to find you.  ;)


Have you found Bruce yet? :(
Unfortunately not! The built up rage inside me is getting stronger as time goes on and I have found myself going to the darker side of Altis every now and again but at the moment I can control it to a certain extent. It just takes a bad day in town to make me do rash things. 

This is the price you have to pay after loosing something so close to you. Thank you for your concern though my friend.

Unfortunately not! The built up rage inside me is getting stronger as time goes on and I have found myself going to the darker side of Altis every now and again but at the moment I can control it to a certain extent. It just takes a bad day in town to make me do rash things. 

This is the price you have to pay after loosing something so close to you. Thank you for your concern though my friend.
I'm still watching you Steve Seabass.

i have filleted far too many seabass in my time....don't be added to my list :p

Welcome, have a good time and be a good boy :)

Hey Man just wanted to say !


ohh man only console I ever owned

Welcome! Thanks for saving me yesterday chap! that sure was a messy car crash. The lolly pops helped cure my broken legs. I'll need some more of those!

Welcome! Thanks for saving me yesterday chap! that sure was a messy car crash. The lolly pops helped cure my broken legs. I'll need some more of those!
I'm glad that I could get there in time to help you. We can't be giving out those medicated lollipops to everyone! Can you imagine the hobos in Kavala high on those things! The thought of it makes me shudder!

I had many many car accidents yesterday I attended to and apart from 1 I had great RP with people. I do apologise if my RP is not the best but I am completely new to the whole RP world and do try my best. With being in the NHS it has given me the confidence to try my best and constantly improve myself both as a civ and representing the NHS.

