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  1. T

    ATWA camping calling it roleplay

    Agreed, despite me having no evidence ATWA would rather shoot you then even say a single word to you, no roleplay.
  2. T

    Resetting TLS

    We buy donuts...
  3. T

    Resetting TLS

    One of them has 40Mil...How is that fair on anyone
  4. T

    Resetting TLS

    Recently ALLOT of high ranking cops left the police force and joined TLS, as a result they are now running around with MILLIONS of pounds for a simple transfer, giving them a unfair advantage over the Cops and other rebels, not the time to have this advantage considoring 50% of the police force...
  5. T

    Well Gregory, you f*cked up.

    Gotta say though, somwhat fast response from Wilco for fixing it.. GJ indeed.
  6. T

    Well Gregory, you f*cked up.

    I'm hoping it was a fuck up and not a hack, got a virus scare like the instant after it happend, so yea...Now scanning my computer for viruses rofl..
  7. T

    How to stress test servers - The Altis Life Way

    domino effect of fuel trucks from kavla to athria anyone :) ))?
  8. T

    What would you like to see on AltisLife.co.uk

    Please god no, not restraining for rebels, it will take the RP out of hostaging police, rebels will just run up to a cop and shift+r and restrain, job done, now i sell you for moneyyY!!!!!!!
  9. T

    What would you like to see on AltisLife.co.uk

    Player housing, more ways to earn big money legally so people arnt forced to be illegal to get the big dosh. Less Desync... Police cars that can actually hit a fence or lamp post without blowing up.. Verchcles that actually make sense when being shot, if your fuel tank gets shot it blows up...
  10. T

    New Gang Coming

    Ive seen some servers have a item such as Cuffs or cable cuffs, allowing you to restrain.. Just sain, not saying it should be added but it could be, although possibly abused :s
  11. T

    Teargas Removed

    Never seen it used my self, most people carry MX's as their primary anyway so something like a Taser rifle is kind of a meh idea, if smoke grenades actually covered a area instead of indicated it, those would be nice to use, but sadly alas they do not..