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ATWA camping calling it roleplay

Yuri Kosovo

In the back of a police car
Today again after 2 weeks of camping the ATWA keeps camping the outpost . they told everyone they would be taxing players everytime you would use pygros outpost, fine enough i guess.  but this is not what they are doing ! they are shooting anyone that is passing throught no matter what , no taxing .no roleplaying nothing 90% of those guys dont even speak english . let's stop this guys come on ! camping all day and killing unarmed people WTF! where is the challenge in that ? why are you even in a roleplaying community ? go play COD or something where camping dosen't make you seem like a duche, ohh wait if you camp in COD makes  game it seems like you are a duche too! 

The thing that proper grinds my shit is when people kill you at the outpost when you are clearly a new spawn. So bloody frustrating!

lol i got one of them bk by robbing his heli in kavla on 2nd sever =] thanks for the chopper atwa nick. all it took was 2 lockpicks to get the key guy was well shocked lol 

Red zone inducing rage I see. 
Red zone is not inducing rage per say as 80% of all the other rebel clans dont attack other rebels at outposts cause its a retard noob thing to do (Enless ofc they are at war with each other etc etc)

A.T.W.A just sit and camp Pyrgos 24/7 RDM everything that goes near whilst claiming to be elite RP'ers, which as we can all see and have seen over the past week or so this is not the case.They said themselves that they are RP'ing and would Tax ppl to use it . . . .This is fine but again its not being done. . . . . basically this is a group of retards that barely speak english and camp pyrgos 24/7 in the name of RP but do no RP anyway and just random shoot anyone who is stupid enough to roll up 

If the server implemented a Rule where all Rebel out posts were safe zones for all rebels this group of individuals would have nothing to do on the server . . . . . 

Even though i'm on the other side, I sometimes venture into the redzone as a civilian when I'm off duty. And I knew from the start that people would camp the rebel outposts killing on sight. Taxing is fair enough and still in the bounds of roleplay. RDM and VDM may be allowed in the red zone, however I thought as a serious roleplay community  of people would be better than this. It let's the rebels down if a well known gang is just camping and killing people. Come on guys! Get your act together and actually roleplay. Because soon I will be joining the rebels and I don't want my time and hard earned money wasted on people who cannot roleplay on their own bloody turf. And as for freshspawns, why would you kill an unarmed man for no reason? Some may simply be passing through or just coming in to have a look, but there are fools camping there simply killing because they can. Seriously...

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Well, they have been caught RDM'ing not just in the rebel outposts but everywhere. I have about 5 videos in the same day of RDM on their part, not roll-playing. This needs sorting now.


I had to ;)

haha instead of defending them selfes on this subject they send me personal massages where they blame me and others for roleplay and offends me also, what a bunch of lovely people.

I don't fucking understand what your people problem? Tell me what is your IQ? Or are you out of vitamine? Sorry for your sorry ass buddy..

- A.T.W.A dragonfly

Well, they have been caught RDM'ing not just in the rebel outposts but everywhere. I have about 5 videos in the same day of RDM on their part, not roll-playing. This needs sorting now.
Agreed, despite me having no evidence ATWA would rather shoot you then even say a single word to you, no roleplay.

I was killed multiple times the other day by these group of elite soldiers. :p

First instance, I am a fresh spawn. An ifrit pulls out of Outpost and I lie on the ground (surrender doesn't work for me, not sure why).

One of them jumps out, walks up to me. I switch to direct comms and as I open my mouth to say "Don't shoot", he blasts me in the head.

Wow, such roleplay, much 'special' forces. Same bunch later on that day, are driving through Pyrgos town. I'm simply walking on the sidewalk, acting casual. They stop next to me, and super special forces 1337 marksman dude, jumps out to shoot me. I'm not losing anything but time in both cases but their style of play doesn't seem to match a roleplay server.

And as others have pointed out, they don't have many English speaking players. This is probably why they sit in red zone shooting fresh spawns all day. COD can be difficult, y'know.... with people having the means to shoot back.

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And it's not only camping places, whenever they're in Kavala without gear they jump infront of cars on purpose so that person becomes wanted which is clearly stated as trolling.

After i warned him that it's bannable this was his response:


Just a group filled with dickheads.

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Put simply this is not illegal in the red zone. Perhaps we can talk this out in a civil manner and resolve this problem?

Also the only issue I've personally had with shooting fresh spawns in the Red Zone is because there is no NLR rule active in the red zone and they just run right back to the outpost,like the first week when URGN were camping it. It just changed hands and frequency.


First of all let me explain something guys:

- ATWA kill whenever we want, wherever we want, even fresh or armed in redzone.

- ATWA trying to start a turf war between rebels because of alliance and diplomacy more mean with this. 

- ATWA talked with almost all clans about holding Pyrgos Rebel Post and all of it agree with that even some of them our enemies.

- There are 3 rebel post in redzone. One of them still have spawn point (Sofia). Pyrgos Rebel Post's entracne fee is 20.000 GPB. If you gonna pay it, you can access. No? Turn back and go away. Wanna fight? Come Pyrgos Rebel Post and pull the trigger.

- If you want to dominate ATWA and take control of rebel post of your own profit, you are feel free to fight. When you get killed, don't be a dickhead and yell about RDM! This is redzone there isn't RDM.

Last words, we are keep doing that you are complain.

In the corner is ATWA and other one is cryers..


See you on the post for count the dead bodies.

PS 2: BRC still get free access. ;)  

There are about 5 outposts and A.T.W.A are only camping one. Use common sense and use a different one, maybe then they will get bored and do something else.

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