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  1. TheTitan (Chris)

    I need a direct chat with Admins if possible.

    Thanks for doing all that you could, Kris. Means a lot. I let this thread lie for a few days just to see if the powers that be would take any notice. Obviously they didn't (or they did and just don't like to be told the truth and how their actions make them look). I was hoping for another...
  2. TheTitan (Chris)

    I need a direct chat with Admins if possible.

    Even though you seemed a little condescending (considering I am 20 years of age, how and ever this may be young to you), thank you and it does mean a lot having someone actually here fighting my corner :P And yeah in relation to bully-ish, I honestly do see it that way. You even have the...
  3. TheTitan (Chris)

    I need a direct chat with Admins if possible.

    And if I change it? But I honestly don't understand your issue with it. 
  4. TheTitan (Chris)

    I need a direct chat with Admins if possible.

    Soooo.... any chance of a Christmas miracle and let me rejoin the server? I've missed it quite a bit...
  5. TheTitan (Chris)

    Serious questions regarding Police Officers...

    Ah fair enough I suppose. He didn't exactly specify if it was with lethal force or not. Although yeah, the whole killing part does kind of specify it as lethal. My bad! I just want to play again ha
  6. TheTitan (Chris)

    Serious questions regarding Police Officers...

     So then is what CSI Neo said above incorrect?
  7. TheTitan (Chris)

    Serious questions regarding Police Officers...

    Wait though, this is the exact reason I was banned for? I told a cop to free my friend. He then shot at me, I shot him. His friend shot at me, I shot him... Going by what you've just said, I never actually broke the rules then as I was fired upon first and only returned fire. Not trying to...
  8. TheTitan (Chris)

    Arma 3 Epoch - Server #4 Online

    Is it safe to assume that if I am banned from one of your servers, I am banned from all servers? Never played Epoch on Arma3 and wouldn't mind having a stab at it.
  9. TheTitan (Chris)

    unconnected's setup

    No Nintendo 3DS? Pleb... Nah joke. That's fucking insane! jealous as fuck.
  10. TheTitan (Chris)

    I need a direct chat with Admins if possible.

    I didn't disregard them. I just missed the first one because they both came in so fast. The first one said "No voip in square". Then the next one said "This will lag the server". This was referring to the first msg. I had only seen the the second one and thought it was referring to the Tanks...
  11. TheTitan (Chris)

    World of Warcraft 10 days WoD free trial.

    During the "Black Friday" Sale it was like €5.00 for every game up until WOD and 30 days game time. Pretty beast deal. Got a crap load of my friends in on it. Recruit a friend FTW lol
  12. TheTitan (Chris)

    I need a direct chat with Admins if possible.

    That's pretty rude considering that is me in the picture (About 4 years ago but me none the less). A friend just edited a photo of me in Photoshop. I'm sorry for spamming people on TS. I didn't mean to interrupt any ones play and I actually said that in the msg. Obviously I still shouldn't have...
  13. TheTitan (Chris)

    I need a direct chat with Admins if possible.

    Thank you so much. It really means alot and I appreciate this so much! Gent!
  14. TheTitan (Chris)

    I need a direct chat with Admins if possible.

    Hello to anyone reading this and a big hello if you are an Admin!  Let me apologies in advance for posting this here but my appeal thread was locked before I could respond. So I made a ban appeal yesterday which was denied unfortunately due to it being my third strike.  That's fair enough as...
  15. TheTitan (Chris)

    Banned for killing Cops in Cop zone. (Denied)

    I am sure you do know how PTT works and I didn't mean it as an insult or cut. Just saying it happens. I have voice activation in mumble but PTT in arma. Sometimes I forget. Also, how you phrased that I opened fire on cops dealing with a troll is pretty misleading. I fired once I was fired upon...
  16. TheTitan (Chris)

    Banned for killing Cops in Cop zone. (Denied)

    also in regard to me standing there saying nothing, I have a recording of the whole thing and the only time it shows your voice being activated is when you said "Do you speak English?" to which I answered yes I do (I had also been saying bits and pieces before this). You didn't say anything...
  17. TheTitan (Chris)

    Banned for killing Cops in Cop zone. (Denied)

    I had no control over my friend doing that. I had just bought the car like 10 mins before. I didn't want it to be plunged into the sea.  Also, I don't follow you when you say the incidents were staked up. Do you mean as in the supposed trolling? There was no intentional trolling and if anyone...
  18. TheTitan (Chris)

    Banned for killing Cops in Cop zone. (Denied)

    When you say "the guy restrained at the HQ" I take it you are referring to me. I honestly couldn't hear you at all. In my defense, there was so much shouting going on. Also, what account did the police give genuinely curious as to what their perspective was for all of this.
  19. TheTitan (Chris)

    Banned for killing Cops in Cop zone. (Denied)

    To whom it may concern, Earlier this day (as in less than ten mins ago) I was banned for killing cops in the police HQ. I'd just like to give my side of the story and leave the decision in your hands.  So me and my two friends were playing on the server when one of my friends thought it'd be...
  20. TheTitan (Chris)

    RDM without RP

    I've come across him before. He is 100% an asshole and terrible at RP. He robs people in the green zones and then just calls them a "Faggot" along with other insults when ever they challenge him about this. 