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Banned for killing Cops in Cop zone. (Denied)

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TheTitan (Chris)

Well-known member
To whom it may concern,

Earlier this day (as in less than ten mins ago) I was banned for killing cops in the police HQ.

I'd just like to give my side of the story and leave the decision in your hands. 

So me and my two friends were playing on the server when one of my friends thought it'd be funny to drive my car off of the pier in the police HQ. Her and I began to swim back to the coast when my other friend did the same thing. Two cops appeared on the scene then saying my friend tried to run them over. Now, I just kept swimming because they didn't know where I was and I was just trying to get away.

I turned around to see my friend handcuffed on the pier and two police speaking to him. I watched for a min or two then one officer fell into the sea and drown so I thought this is my best chance to get my friend off. I knocked the officer out and told him "Drop your weapon and uncuff my friend" or something to that affect. At that point, his friend had respawned and shouted something like "Are you stupid? You can't do that". He must have thought I had already killed his friend when he was knocked out. 

Anyway, I didn't really hear anything else he said because I began to run away and his friend had just regained consciousness and began shouting for help. I got to more or less the end of the pier when the other guy who had been knocked out shot me (he had been stuck in that holstering weapon animation before hand).

It was only rubber bullets so I was able to regain consciousness and shoot him before I was restrained. Now, here's the bad part. I was probably just barely inside the police blue zone but i only shot in self defense (I'll upload map illustrating positions). I shot one other officer and my friend Panda, (who is making an appeal too) shot another. Well, to my knowledge. It all happened so fast and it was a real in the moment situation. I like to high light that we didn't shoot any fresh spawns. In fact, a cop spawned and I had no intention of harming him at all until he picked up his dead friends weapon. At this stage we just wanted to get out of there asap.

So that's when the bounty hunters turned up and shot me in the back with a tazer. I'm not going to lie, I would have shot both of them too (they were outside blue zone) only for the fact that my gun unloaded for some reason when I was tazed and my guy wouldn't stop moving right.

I was then taken inside the blue zone where I was confronted by the cops and the bounty hunters. I was pretty much ready for an RP situation and to pay for my crime. Now, I'd just like to high light the fact that a few cops broke RP there and started calling me an idiot blah blah blah. The only person who seemed professional in this situation was the bounty hunter. His name escapes me at this current time. He explained why he shot at me and what not. I didn't get to respond because all of the shouting. That's when an Admin, CSI Neo who just said "Do you speak English" turned up and banned me with no other warning.

Now don't get me wrong, I didn't expect any other warning because at the end of the day I broke the rules, but I just wanted to give my side of the story and just let it be known it was not  RDM or me just being a prick. It was a situation that just got out of control. 

I'd appreciate a second chance and the decision in your hands



Here's the little Map I drew up. It shows the location where all cops more or less died.

EDIT: Okay, how do I upload an attachment to this site???

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I had to ask the officers multiple times if their accounts were totally true, all I had was a log of kills and knowing one was in the HQ (their equipment was still left all over the floor).

I asked the guy restrained at the HQ what was going on... just stood there silent.

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I had to ask the officers multiple times if their accounts were totally true, all I had was a log of kills and knowing one was in the HQ (their equipment was still left all over the floor).

I asked the guy restrained at the HQ what was going on... just stood there silent.
When you say "the guy restrained at the HQ" I take it you are referring to me. I honestly couldn't hear you at all. In my defense, there was so much shouting going on.

Also, what account did the police give genuinely curious as to what their perspective was for all of this.

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I believe 1 got it on video... not sure...

Rule 4A: Safe Zones
VDM = Instant Ban (We have a anti VDM script however running people over for run is banable and considered VDM)
Killing = Instant Ban, No killing in the safezone... no killing from outside the safezone if someone is inside it and no killing people outside the safezone from the safezone.
Robbing = You are not allowed to rob a person who is inside the greenzone, these are considered safe heavens for players to meet and have friendly meets/chats
Flying = You may land in the greenzone however, The police will send any choppers found to the crusher, Landing in the greenzone is against the server law (not rules), The police will however open fire.
Weapons = Your weapon must be holstered inside the greenzone, If not then you will not doubt get in a spot of trouble by the police.
Police Stations = The police stations are police spawn points therefore are marked in blue, Any killing here will result in a ban.
VIP/Donator area = This is a safezone all the rules above apply to this area.
thought it'd be funny to drive my car off of the pier in the police HQ. Her and I began to swim back to the coast when my other friend did the same thing. Two cops appeared on the scene then saying my friend tried to run them over.

Could be considered trolling, This is a serious roleplay community... and I'd seriously love to see you and a friend attempt this in real life...

3A) Do not troll, running around the cops in circles, jumping off buildings without a RP reason, bombarding the police messaging system or the Medic system over and over is considered trolling. This is worthy of a ban.
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I'll add that I'm not saying you should be given a chance, I'm saying that the incidents involved were stacked up.

I believe 1 got it on video... not sure...

Could be considered trolling, This is a serious roleplay community... and I'd seriously love to see you and a friend attempt this in real life...
I had no control over my friend doing that. I had just bought the car like 10 mins before. I didn't want it to be plunged into the sea. 

Also, I don't follow you when you say the incidents were staked up. Do you mean as in the supposed trolling? There was no intentional trolling and if anyone was being trolled it was me. My car was driven into the sea but I'm okay with that. It was one of my friends having a laugh at my expense. It did not impede on anyone else role play. 

We do take RP situations quite seriously in this game.

We've never broken the rules before in terms of RP. If you regularly speak to PC Junior ask him. Maybe he has some good things to say about us? Me and my two friends were caught up in a "caroling" incident with him before. He'll understand.

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I had to ask the officers multiple times if their accounts were totally true, all I had was a log of kills and knowing one was in the HQ (their equipment was still left all over the floor).

I asked the guy restrained at the HQ what was going on... just stood there silent.
also in regard to me standing there saying nothing, I have a recording of the whole thing and the only time it shows your voice being activated is when you said "Do you speak English?" to which I answered yes I do (I had also been saying bits and pieces before this). You didn't say anything else. That's when the bounty hunter began to speak then I was banned. Now I don't know if this was a mistake on your end or what. Maybe you didn't have push to talk heald down for the first part?
wow.... yeah, I think I know how PTT works....

Regardless, you opened fire onto officers dealing with "a troll" in a HQ....

No more replies from me.

At the end of the day, the Administrators will review and unban/keep ban. I trust them and their decisions.

Good Day.

wow.... yeah, I think I know how PTT works....

Regardless, you opened fire onto officers dealing with "a troll" in a HQ....

No more replies from me.

At the end of the day, the Administrators will review and unban/keep ban. I trust them and their decisions.

Good Day.
I am sure you do know how PTT works and I didn't mean it as an insult or cut. Just saying it happens. I have voice activation in mumble but PTT in arma. Sometimes I forget. Also, how you phrased that I opened fire on cops dealing with a troll is pretty misleading. I fired once I was fired upon. Anyway, I appreciate the feed back and now I wait for an admins response.

This is your 3rd ban here. The second one was for mistaken identity but you only get one strike.


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