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I need a direct chat with Admins if possible.

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TheTitan (Chris)

Well-known member
Hello to anyone reading this and a big hello if you are an Admin! 

Let me apologies in advance for posting this here but my appeal thread was locked before I could respond.

So I made a ban appeal yesterday which was denied unfortunately due to it being my third strike. 

That's fair enough as they are the rules but my first two strikes against me were because of other people. My first strike was during the event. Some one was playing music down the mic which I got the blame for. This was sorted with Wilco and was all good. Then, the second strike against me was due to misidentification or an inability to identify the correct person. I used to go by the name Chris, which you all know is a really common name. Some guy named Chris was VDMing people and abusing people over mic and I was banned along with him and another guy. That was also sorted out and I was free to go away and play again. (I'm now Christophe Bugavich) 

Now my third strike was my fuck up 100% and I hold my hands up to that. If you want to see the full story, here's a link:

I mean, I wasn't being a dickhead or anything, it was just a shitty situation that I made the wrong calls in. I've never been hostile toward other people outside of RP or ever made anything personal and I've always been apologetic for my mistakes. 

If possible could I speak to an Admin on voip and just sort this out? Responses here are also greatly appreciated it's just voip is much more personal and I can actually speak to you one to one and effectively explain my predicament as I feel that I fail to get some points across when I'm typing them.

Anyway, if it could at all be possible could this count as my first strike or even second? and could I just get back on the server. I like to think I'm not an arse hole and I just want to get back playing. 

Thanks for your time,


Hello to anyone reading this and a big hello if you are an Admin!

Let me apologies in advance for posting this here but my appeal thread was locked before I could respond.

So I made a ban appeal yesterday which was denied unfortunately due to it being my third strike.

That's fair enough as they are the rules but my first two strikes against me were because of other people. My first strike was during the event. Some one was playing music down the mic which I got the blame for. This was sorted with Wilco and was all good. Then, the second strike against me was due to misidentification or an inability to identify the correct person. I used to go by the name Chris, which you all know is a really common name. Some guy named Chris was VDMing people and abusing people over mic and I was banned along with him and another guy. That was also sorted out and I was free to go away and play again. (I'm now Christophe Bugavich)

Now my third strike was my fuck up 100% and I hold my hands up to that. If you want to see the full story, here's a link:

I mean, I wasn't being a dickhead or anything, it was just a shitty situation that I made the wrong calls in. I've never been hostile toward other people outside of RP or ever made anything personal and I've always been apologetic for my mistakes.

If possible could I speak to an Admin on voip and just sort this out? Responses here are also greatly appreciated it's just voip is much more personal and I can actually speak to you one to one and effectively explain my predicament as I feel that I fail to get some points across when I'm typing them.

Anyway, if it could at all be possible could this count as my first strike or even second? and could I just get back on the server. I like to think I'm not an arse hole and I just want to get back playing.

Thanks for your time,

I do recall you mentioning the issue with playing sound was in fact someone else. I'll refer this onto the server admins for their attention, this is by no means me telling you it will be sorted, but trying to assist you in a fair way. Neither can I guarantee you'll be able to speed to an admin on TS, I will however say - over the days I've seen your name come up in game a few times, none of those for wrong doing besides the one offense you've been banned for.

Your forum picture is winding me up..............

We do not speak to anyone about bans on Teamspeak... how long have you been here ? you should of grasped that everything is dealt with on the forums by now.

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I do recall you mentioning the issue with playing sound was in fact someone else. I'll refer this onto the server admins for their attention, this is by no means me telling you it will be sorted, but trying to assist you in a fair way. Neither can I guarantee you'll be able to speed to an admin on TS, I will however say - over the days I've seen your name come up in game a few times, none of those for wrong doing besides the one offense you've been banned for.
Thank you so much. It really means alot and I appreciate this so much! Gent!
Your forum picture is winding me up..............

We do not speak to anyone about bans on Teamspeak... how long have you been here ? you should of grasped that everything is dealt with on the forums by now.
That's pretty rude considering that is me in the picture (About 4 years ago but me none the less). A friend just edited a photo of me in Photoshop. I'm sorry for spamming people on TS. I didn't mean to interrupt any ones play and I actually said that in the msg. Obviously I still shouldn't have done it as it is 100% against the rules and I apologized for it and I apologies again. I can assure you it will not happen again ever.

I just didn't know what to do once my ban appeal had been denied.

I don't really know where to go from here so I've said my piece and I'll leave the final decision down to you.

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Your first strike was not for playing music it was for disregarding 2 server messages for silence during a sombre event. We are consistent here and you will only get a 3rd chance in extreme circumstances.

Your first strike was not for playing music it was for disregarding 2 server messages for silence during a sombre event. We are consistent here and you will only get a 3rd chance in extreme circumstances.
I didn't disregard them. I just missed the first one because they both came in so fast. The first one said "No voip in square". Then the next one said "This will lag the server". This was referring to the first msg. I had only seen the the second one and thought it was referring to the Tanks that had just rolled into the square. But fair enough, that one was my mistake for missing the msg but then the second time was due to me having the same name as another guy. 

Am I the only one waiting for Channel 4 to make a documentary on this? Been following this guys appeals for a few days now ;-;

Not with a forum profile picture like that


Seeing as this is in general discussion I feel I can add my piece :) .

This kid obviously likes this server, he also seems apologetic, I by no means want to tell you how to run your server but it seems to me this poor kid is being trolled :p . Anyway don't know this kid or anyone else but just like to say this thread looks a little bullyish.

Have fun :)

Seeing as this is in general discussion I feel I can add my piece :) .

This kid obviously likes this server, he also seems apologetic, I by no means want to tell you how to run your server but it seems to me this poor kid is being trolled :p . Anyway don't know this kid or anyone else but just like to say this thread looks a little bullyish.

Have fun :)
Even though you seemed a little condescending (considering I am 20 years of age, how and ever this may be young to you), thank you and it does mean a lot having someone actually here fighting my corner :p
And yeah in relation to bully-ish, I honestly do see it that way. You even have the people who just type "lmao"... The amount this brings to the conversation is just immeasurable (sarcasm intended). But seriously, it's like something I'd have seen online when I was twelve.

I've only ever been kind to people on this server and forthcoming but it's just met with hostility for the most part. I have yet to experience this "friendly community, an adult community " or for that matter receive any degree of "respect"toward me. I can honestly say the only people I've had a positive experience with are Kris!, who is a straight up gent and all around professional in game and in the forums, PC Junior who I had a great RP experience with in game once and Steph, who was also very professional and easy to speak with.

Just about every other person has always been on the offensive when I've spoken to them and either directly insulted me or insinuated it otherwise. Also, on my ban appeals, people (not going to name anyone specifically) have made statements that are 100% not even remotely true. Obviously, in these cases I have just let it slide because we all know where arguing with an admin gets you... *HINT* *HINT* Ban Hammer Imbound!

I don't understand why you're so hostile and it's rather unprofessional and disheartening.



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Even though you seemed a little condescending (considering I am 20 years of age, how and ever this may be young to you), thank you and it does mean a lot having someone actually here fighting my corner :p

And yeah in relation to bully-ish, I honestly do see it that way. You even have the people who just type "lmao"... The amount this brings to the conversation is just immeasurable (sarcasm intended). But seriously, it's like something I'd have seen online when I was twelve.

I've only ever been kind to people on this server and forthcoming but it's just met with hostility for the most part. I have yet to experience this "friendly community, an adult community " or for that matter receive any degree of "respect"toward me. I can honestly say the only people I've had a positive experience with are Kris!, who is a straight up gent and all around professional in game and in the forums, PC Junior who I had a great RP experience with in game once and Steph, who was also very professional and easy to speak with.

Just about every other person has always been on the offensive when I've spoken to them and either directly insulted me or insinuated it otherwise. Also, on my ban appeals, people (not going to name anyone specifically) have made statements that are 100% not even remotely true. Obviously, in these cases I have just let it slide because we all know where arguing with an admin gets you... *HINT* *HINT* Ban Hammer Imbound!

I don't understand why you're so hostile and it's rather unprofessional and disheartening.


I appreciate your comments, it's comments like this such push me to do what I can to help people. My apologies that I cannot do more for you, however it's my understanding that the powers that be have some very concerning issues to focus on at present.

I appreciate your comments, it's comments like this such push me to do what I can to help people. My apologies that I cannot do more for you, however it's my understanding that the powers that be have some very concerning issues to focus on at present.
Thanks for doing all that you could, Kris. Means a lot.

I let this thread lie for a few days just to see if the powers that be would take any notice. Obviously they didn't (or they did and just don't like to be told the truth and how their actions make them look). I was hoping for another chance on the server or to be at least given a fair crack of the whip and dealt with like an adult. Well, that doesn't look likely at this stage anyway. 

At least I have a positive impression of a few members of staff but considering your leader is 28 and acts like a child doesn't sit well with me and I've had to stop my self at every turn from telling him what he actually was. so I'll bow out now rather than lower myself any further to try and get another shot at this "community".

Me and my friends have found a whitelisted server to play on anyway so we're all good but thanks again Kris for all the help.

Best of luck in the future, happy new year and Kind regards,


A sad result for me, I'll lock this and send it to depths. My apologies I could not take this further for you.

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