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Server Wipe - Keep existing factions/GANGS/Major Businesses

Custard Cream

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Brief Summary:

Reset the server do how it was Day 1. Everyone resets, Cars, Bank everything.

Detailed Suggestion:

Oh boy i can already smell how many downvotes this is going to get but here goes. 

I think the server should have a complete wipe. Everyones bank account reset to new character levels. Everyones cars gone, houses, guns, all of it.

With the imports being forced to be removed this seems like a pretty fair option to everyone involved, yes everyone grinded and will be surely pissed off at losing there stuff but it will actually give people a motivation to roleplay and grind for again. In addition to this there wont be anywere as much gun crime as there was and the guns should also be made harder to make and have a stronger focus on melee combat, how it was pre gang update. 

The police/Gruppe6,

To add to this suggestion I would propose for all police other than firearms and MOCU, to lose their firearms and just be restricted to tasers and other less than lethal equipment. Avante Guarde and the rearming of police can be a contigency measure for when everything gets really bad again, but then at least we can get back to the core roots of a british themed server.

The Pros:

  • Everyones reset Fair to everyone
  • Focus more on grinding again
  • More roleplay as not everyone is in a all gunfights 24/7
  • Less worry about the import issue

The Cons:

  • People will get salty and leave the server
  • People will get annoyed about losing their stuff they worked hard for.

Yes the population will decline for a while but it just allows for more focused areas of RP and not the cluster it can be when the server is constantly full. People will trickle back in, and should help RPUK become what it used to be again. IMO Yearly wipes should be a thing.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


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You'd need to change a lot more than just setting everyone back to square one for people to want to play again. If a wipe happened without changing a lot of the core mechanics you'll lose a lot more than just a few people. 

I agree fundamentally though that the server could do with some kind of eco reset, in some capacity .The roleplay is stale, not good and hasn't been for a while. People should be having jobs, interacting with each other, conducting business deals, doing heists, mining, selling, having conflict roleplay etc. That all doesn't and can't happen because everyone has everything. 

Been a lot of discussion among the community about this, a lot for a wipe, and many that are very against.

I am all for it to be honest. Been working on my main character for soon to be 3 years, a lot of time and effort put into it. But, at the moment there is little for me to gain (asset wise) on that character. I got everything I need, and I am probably not the only one. With this the economy would also be easier to regulate, keep it more realistic and could probably be kept more stable in the long run. 

Know a few that have said they would leave the server if there is a wipe, but I can imagine a lot of new people and old could get some new motivation to play, and grind for. Maybe even more motivation of this was released with a big update/rework of the server.

With legacy guns about to all break within the coming days, I think you will see gun crime reduce massively anyway. 

However, for such a big change the only main point I see you have put forward is for gun crime to go down. Maybe this could be addressed in a different suggestion.

With FiveM not at its high as it used to be IMO, I could see this backfiring on the RPUK server. Now I don't know how many new players the server gets and if they stay or just play for a day or two and leave. But, with many people saying they are "bored" or "burnt out" would putting everyone back to the basics help that? 

Server resets have been talked about by many players for some time but personally, I don't think it's the best time to do it. 

To add, I am someone who has 4 main characters which I have focused significant time on since the start of the server. So not just a gang member having a moan at your suggestion. 

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I agree with this to an extent.

Few things I want to add though:
> Starting with that everyone who has had money and been around for a good while will flood to the known locations for containers etc... and in no time it'll be back to how it was with personal belongings and then what? Another wipe?
> Like you mentioned, people will get mad and leave that they lost everything they spent time getting (which I understand completely)
> Would help Devs get import cars out of the server without stiffing someone with a super rare car as everyone is the same.

As others have said, would more then likely backfire immensely and it would make people leave. Guns are breaking in the next few days so see how it becomes after they break and maybe things will change naturally. As much as I hate them breaking as I aint someone to dob people in, but police are being robbed all the time by the same people over and over again due to it so they have something to use for 24 hours to save their guns.

Ride it out for the time being, things will change naturally.

Already lost half the server...  Wipe it you lose the other half.

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Wipes only work with really good content updates and also think that people should be able to retain their characters but i agree with the eco wipe so everyone starts fresh but still with everyone knowing their mates etc..

Wipes only work with really good content updates and also think that people should be able to retain their characters but i agree with the eco wipe so everyone starts fresh but still with everyone knowing their mates etc..
Full crim update release would be nice and was already thinking people keep there chars tbh

The people who leave would be the people who RP as themselves and take far too much value in pixel currency. 
Wipe the server, I wouldn't go anywhere. I remember old Arma 2RP servers resetting every 1-2 months and nobody had problems with it then.

+1 On the reset suggestion.  

While it may result in a loss of players, it certainly gives alot of room for improvement on alot of things that we lack or had in the past but were removed. As a relatively new player, I haven't had the chance to experience those elements from the past. Conversations with long-time players, spanning 2-3 years, highlight that the best years were in the past. It's sad when long-time players leave because they feel bored and like they've accomplished everything. Going online every day for similar experiences with the same people can be too much, making them want something more challenging and exciting for a dopamine boost.

However, just a reset is not enough. There needs to be much more improvements for it to be even worth a reset. People already don't want to play because it has become boring in terms of activities and roleplay becoming very bare.

Giving more CIV focused jobs that are fun to do, especially with your friends. Socialize while having a good time, roleplaying and making money at the same time. 
This is a roleplay server, not a grind to survive server. Alot of people log online to unwind from a stressful busy day or just to have fun. Shouldn't have to grind for many hours at a time with 0 roleplay.

The economy requires a substantial overhaul to enhance realism but still keeping in mind it's roleplay. Paying an average of 750 for a smoothie seems excessively inflated OR paying 10 million for a super car that only goes 130 with bumps on a good day is crazy to me. The only reason people are buying those overpriced cars is because of excessive amount of money accumulated over the years.

Diversifying our food and drink options - Currently, it feels like the entire community is almost exclusively vegan, with 99% of players relying on smoothies. This may clench your hunger and thirst but it's extremely basic and bare minimum for such large community as ours. Enriching the community by introducing a broader range of food and drink options, diversifying the shops to offer a larger variety of food items would enhance the overall immersion of the experience on this server. 

Stop having staff ran organisations that have CERTAIN THINGS locked behind them to ''control'' the community. Players should be able to learn skill on crafting SAID CERTAIN THINGS ect. Make it really difficult to craft or aquire to make it really WORTH it.  IYKYK.

Overall, what seems annoying is that whenever a new player joins, we all send them to ''go do taxi, it's the best one to do'' is just so bad... *screams in ADHD*
Roleplay aspect also needs improvement because right now.. it really is just bad and i'm sure alot of people can agree with this.


Been a lot of discussion among the community about this, a lot for a wipe, and many that are very against.

I am all for it to be honest. Been working on my main character for soon to be 3 years, a lot of time and effort put into it. But, at the moment there is little for me to gain (asset wise) on that character. I got everything I need, and I am probably not the only one. With this the economy would also be easier to regulate, keep it more realistic and could probably be kept more stable in the long run. 

Know a few that have said they would leave the server if there is a wipe, but I can imagine a lot of new people and old could get some new motivation to play, and grind for. Maybe even more motivation of this was released with a big update/rework of the server.
Appreciate this point of view from a gang lead perspective. 

Hmm, Not opposed to entertaining this idea, but this does seem very much like a decision that would piss of either 49% or 51% of the playerbase. The playerbase is quite fragile at the moment and as Louis said, I'm not sure if this is the right time to be making moves like this. I think it makes more sense to focus efforts on things that everyone (or at least a larger majority of the playerbase) believe is good for the community. Not hard stuck on that idea though, as I said, open to entertain it as a possibility and be convinced otherwise.

I think at a minimum it would have to be paired with a largish update which changes some critical mechanics and putting out something like that will ofc take time.

@Custard CreamJust to clarify the suggestion further:
You mentioned firearms etc being reset to taser trained. What about command structures across factions/groups/gangs in general and what about roleplay stories, does everything reset in that aspect as well?

Paying an average of 750 for a smoothie
Where the hell are you shopping haha, I know of 6 places off the top of my head that sell them under 350

Tho there is a food update on the way I agree with food tho Id much prefer someone come and eat other things, hell a couple of pizza slices is the same as eating 1 smoothie but eh smoothie meta I suppose haha

@Custard Cream

Out of curiosity I asume your also saying that like all buisness reset and all placement in jobs? So like what happens to say G6 command or police do everyone get set to probie again hah

I'm not against resetting some bits but some I would hate, I have wanted a buisness since I joined back in 2021 and I have only just finally managed to be successful and buy one from the CoC, loosening my cars I could live with but I would be really really put off coming back on if I had to spend another 2 years working towards that again, I know I shouldent care as it's digital such and such, but I don't use my shop to make money I make like £15 profit on a fruit smoothie so for me it's not about being ritch but to loose something I have wanted for so long it would hurt my feeling towards playing, I'm sure other people who have worked really hard on their own places would be quite knocked my it also

Unless you could reset it in a way so that say buisness owners can still keep them but the economy would work in a way they wouldent become multi millionaires over night again

This is why I like the idea of moving the decimal point over on money so ATM water is £100.00 move it 2 points to the left and not a bottle of water is £1.00 1mil becomes 10k all seems much more realistic to me then

not against the idea as long as, as Recon said, a rather largish update follows it

You mentioned firearms etc being reset to taser trained. What about command structures across factions/groups/gangs in general and what about roleplay stories, does everything reset in that aspect as well?
i think command should stay(or atleast temp stay) until factions get their footing again, alot of stuff is gonna need to be changed and adding new command ontop of that at the same time would be unbeneficial, but not opposed to the idea after a x amount of time
regarding roleplay stories, i think they should reset, would also be nice for the gangs to somewhat go back to the lores created back in the gang update again if this were to happen

Defiantly support this suggestion. 

Move the decimal point across one and perform a complete reset. 

Personally, I believe a full server/structure wipe would be too far and pointless as things would go back to how you describe things at the moment very quickly. However, I do agree with the idea of a full economy wipe, houses, bank accounts, planes, cars etc. But again, this would only be effective if the currency was to change to smaller and more realistic  denominations. Another point to make is, people are only able to make loads of money because outside of spending on cars, houses etc there's very little you need to spend money on, apart from the minimal council tax and speeding/recovery charges.

My opinion is, its too easy to hoard wealth which is part of the reason why people have mentioned above that things in their opinions are 'getting stale'. Add insurance for vehicles, increase council tax a little bit, decrease peoples earnings - make people actually have to work for wealth, make them interact with people more because their constantly going to be on the grind looking to make money, more opportunities, more RP.

Another point someone in this thread has previously touched on is guns, tbf I think guns in general make RP awful, someone said above me there that its a British themed server - I cant remember more than one single time iv seen or heard of an automatic pistol or AR brought out on UK streets. Guns should be almost impossible to get, limited to small calibre handguns and shotguns and people should be cautious of using them instead of rolling up on people in groups of 10 with an armoury the military would be itching at the sight of, and repeating the same drop your shit RP that's become too prevalent since my arrival here. Same with police - firearms and specialised units should be the only ones with guns - would be nice to get the city to a point where ordinary constables don't need to be equipped with a handgun in order to survive a simple traffic stop.

So to conclude my point, I think an economy wipe and restructure - as well as a weapons overhaul would probably suit the server better than a complete wipe. Just my 2 cents on the matter 🙂

Obviously I'm going to be biased. 
I've worked hard to get the businesses I've got, evolving them and development for them. 
If I lost that to a reset, I'm not sure I'd be motivated to stay. 
That's the truth. 


Obviously I'm going to be biased. 
I've worked hard to get the businesses I've got, evolving them and development for them. 
If I lost that to a reset, I'm not sure I'd be motivated to stay. 
That's the truth. 

Exactly - thats what i mean by a structure wipe/full wipe would be too far 
