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Why Police should be able to play Rebel


Escaped Convict
Why Police should be able to play Rebel


I strongly believe that police should have the option to play rebel and rebels should have the option to play police. The rule preventing this is outdated and serves no purpose, let me explain why.


The Rule

The rule that disallows police from playing rebel came into action way back. It was originally implemented to increase activity in the force as too many officers chose rebel over police. At the time, this was effective however with 3 servers and a constantly growing community there is not enough police to govern it.


The majority of players choose to play rebel over police. This is likely because playing a rebel gives you less limitations and your roleplay opportunities extends to the server rules whereas your roleplay as a police officer can only extend to the police rules. Of course this is fine but it means that there will be an immense ratio of rebels to police on the servers (as proven by playing). The rule also prevents experienced roleplayers from joining the police. There are many individuals in the community who would add a great deal to the police but unfortunately cannot as they have more freedom playing rebel. This doesn't stop them from joining the police at all though, rather they join and leave after a month or two as they the roleplay gets too repetitive. In no way am I commending myself for good roleplay, but this was the case with me as I wanted to play police and rebel. As a result I had joined too many times and became blacklisted. Removing this rule will not just increase the activity in police (as many many rebels will apply to join) it will also increase the standard of roleplay. A few months back the police command decided to allow non-police players to use the vermin SMG on their civ account. This resulted in many more players joining the police (even though they left soon after as their life as a civ was still heavily limited). If this rule was removed, the same would happen just in greater amounts and less people leaving.

Civ life is boring. Some people enjoy it, of course they do, but for most carrying a pistol and running copper doesn't satisfy their need for action. When you limit someone to the civ life it should be expected that they want to do everything they can to get around it. Some will leave the police and others will try and break the rules without getting caught. Either way this limits the police population to people who enjoy playing police only, which unfortunately isn't many.

To counter a common argument that is "we only want people who are dedicated to the police in the force" I would ask "how does playing rebel make you not dedicated"? I was a GP in the NHS for a long time and I sure as hell was dedicated but that didn't stop me from playing rebel and police. When playing rebel under a different alias there is nothing stopping you from coming online as a police officer and giving it your best. That being said, I would agree that higher ups in the police should be restricted to police only but i'll address that later. To conclude, I don't see how playing rebel would hurt someones dedicated to the police. It would perhaps reduce their activity but what's better: 5x the current amount of cops who are slightly less active or the current level of activity? 

The Police Holiday

Something that I think deserves it's own section is 'The Police Holiday'. The police holiday allows officers to take a one week break from the force every two months and allows them to participate in rebel activity. I believe they have to do it under a different alias. The concept is great for officers who want the occasional break to go on a rampage and for this reason I have nothing against it. However, it isn't enough for a rebel to want to join the police. Most people I know on their holidays tend to run drugs and enjoy the big guns. You cannot enjoy all the opportunities of being a rebel in a year, there is no way you can cram it all into one week. As well as that, by playing under a different alias (basically a different character to your police one) you are doing exactly what rebels have been suggesting for ages now. By playing as a different character you are not in the police and therefore it doesn't effect roleplay in the slightest.

My Suggestions

Of course it wouldn't be as simple as removing this rule, if you were to even consider it of course. I have a few suggestions that would make this more considerable:

- Cop character MUST have a different name to the rebel character. These characters are completely different people and cannot refer to their cop / rebel life.

- If you choose to play rebel, your rebel name must be declared to academy. As well as this if you choose to play rebel you cannot reach a rank higher than DSGT.

- All returning officers must be put through the training system as I know this is very good. (maybe minus the 10 hour CSO)


I have clearly written enough for now so i'll rush to my final point. Whenever someone is asked the question "should cops be allowed to play rebel?" they instantly say no as it has become the norm. But after thinking about it more carefully I believe this needs to be reconsidered. Cops should have the ability to play rebel for the following reasons:

- It will increase activity in the force

- It will increase roleplay standards in the force

- It will allow long time members (and new) to experience all that the server has to offer as well as offer their own abilities to the server

- It will allow both police and rebels to experience each side of the server and maybe reduce the cop / rebel arguments

Thank you for reading, I may add more to the post when i'm less tired and i'll respond to any posts that are written bellow. Bare in mind this is my own opinion and i'm not targeting anyone for anything. My one request is that you read through my post before commenting, thanks :)

We also need a Rebel Island filled with a Cantina so the clans can get to know each other without shooting, like a non red zone, rebel zone kinda thing, you can still kill, you just need to roleplay normal rules.

We also need a Rebel Island filled with a Cantina so the clans can get to know each other without shooting, like a non red zone, rebel zone kinda thing, you can still kill, you just need to roleplay normal rules.
That's kavala center to be honest :p 
Also not entirely relevant to the thread

That's kavala center to be honest :p 
Also not entirely relevant to the thread
Kavala is Hobo central they run like flies towards you when you bring in anything of any worth and if not them, the police, or some meta-gaming salty queen who you stole a van off. 

Why would it not?

I may be wrong but surely increasing the number of players in the police by such a large amount with increase activity
This has been tried and failed, the number of active cops dramatically dropped because people would rather do a weed run than a police patrol, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the has been proven that it doesn't work

This has been tried and failed, the number of active cops dramatically dropped because people would rather do a weed run than a police patrol, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the has been proven that it doesn't work
Out of curiosity, when was this last tried?

God knows, be4 my time on Altis, but I know it has been as this is mentioned a few times and it all ways gets denied because , as I said, people would rather play as rebel, it's all good and well people saying this wouldn't happen and fair enough some cops will still be active, but every slow rank cop that gets rdm'ed or does a 2 hour patrol and the only action he see's is Peter the peach picker and his dangerous driving, they get bored and think f**k it I'll go on as a rebel where I can make more money and use bigger guns, don't get me wrong I'd love to be able to play as rebel and cop, but it just wouldn't work

God knows, be4 my time on Altis, but I know it has been as this is mentioned a few times and it all ways gets denied because , as I said, people would rather play as rebel, it's all good and well people saying this wouldn't happen and fair enough some cops will still be active, but every slow rank cop that gets rdm'ed or does a 2 hour patrol and the only action he see's is Peter the peach picker and his dangerous driving, they get bored and think f**k it I'll go on as a rebel where I can make more money and use bigger guns, don't get me wrong I'd love to be able to play as rebel and cop, but it just wouldn't work.
Firstly +1 to cops being able to play rebel

Secondly saying we tried it ages ago and it did not work seems kinda vague. I can say one of the main reasons I prefer to stay a rebel and have not put much effort into trying to become an officer is the limitation it puts on civ. Other successful servers have taken this exact concept and ran with it. There is no need to limit a persons rp experiences on an rp server just because they fill out an application. In the beginning you will see a drop in the cop force because they are all elated there not stuck in a squad car. Give the change a month or two and the cop force will be growing in leaps in bounds.

Rebels being able to be cops just ends up with people exploiting like filling their houses with free stuff (spike strips, guns etc...) and also using their abilities as a cop to find houses to rob... Trust me its better this way, this is the reason the whole police holiday system was brought in (not sure what the current state of police holidays is now tho)

Rebels being able to be cops just ends up with people exploiting like filling their houses with free stuff (spike strips, guns etc...) and also using their abilities as a cop to find houses to rob... Trust me its better this way, this is the reason the whole police holiday system was brought in (not sure what the current state of police holidays is now tho)
Using this logic what stops an officer approaching holiday to do some scouting and storing. There are rules in place to stop this and if 10 mk20 [tans] show up in a officers civ house when hes on holiday in the matter of 2 days you can put 2-2 together.

The fact police cannot play rebel possibly isn't only the decision of the command. It has more than likely been decided by senior admins as well.

I love the lengthy essay Hatch, however being an INS I am informing you that if all officers were given the option to play rebel, more often than not a large fraction would sit in the police lounge and say 'someone come do a weed run with me'. The answer from half the people in there would be 'yeah sounds fun, patrols boring anyway' and there you go, 5 players that could otherwise act as Kilo 1 and Kilo 2 aren't playing as cops.

I do not mean to indicate that the force is boring, far from it! It's just that as an immature officer (lower rank) you are more likely to leave after being SPC for a few weeks. ( no an official statement, however I see most people that leave are PC's eligible for SPC, or people that have been SPC for a short time).

What if people played as rebel more than they did police officer? This would probably happen so much, what punishment could be put in place? 

Mad @Tidus it would be much easier to exploit the force than it would be currently if this was to be implemented.

+ police holiday is still in place; after 3 months you can take 1 week off as a rebel, then every 2 months you can take a week off. Additionally, as a prize for hard working officers you can be rewarded 2/3 days rebel holiday as a bonus, depending on which constabulary you are in.

We also need a Rebel Island filled with a Cantina so the clans can get to know each other without shooting, like a non red zone, rebel zone kinda thing, you can still kill, you just need to roleplay normal rules.
So the whole island

So the whole island
The whole island is the playground, I'm just saying with the added boats from Tanoa making a section of the map a rebel home would be cool, again with a Cantina bar man who sells narcotics.

I think, if we look at it from a role play point of view, then the police don't leave to be rebels for 1 week or whatever they do, the police may leave for retirement or soemthing like that, and yes, they would abuse these privallages that they get. They would spend more time on rebels than cops, get spike strips and mk200's out or lethals. Also, if they are taking someone hostage like a police officer hostage, then they would know the police tactis like 3 officers go round the back and 4 saty at the front with a negotiator. If they already know the tactics of what the RTU would do in a police chase when the rebels are being chased, for example, the cops would move their car sideways to shield some shooting. If you know all these rules and tactics for what the police do then it is cheating and not fair on others.

Also, if they are taking someone hostage like a police officer hostage, then they would know the police tactis like 3 officers go round the back and 4 saty at the front with a negotiator.
Well, now everyone knows their tactics :D

But to be fair, it isn't hard to figure these tactics out if you do it a couple of times.

I quite like the idea of this suggestion. I am not yet a rebel/in the police but may be considering it in the future. I want to get my knowledge of the game up a bit higher still and still want to improve my rp still. 

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I have been in the police for the majority of my time in this community, what you are suggesting does not and did not work, it was tried, it resulted in the police force all going of to play rebel creating the own gang and hardly ever going on as police, it has been tried it doesnt work.

1 thing I have been pondering for the last couple of days is a way to make this kind of a reality, where it would not break the popo too much, and possibly increase its numbers,

my suggestion would be 2 types of officer, not hard to control it would just be a tab/colour on the PNC, officers that can play rebel whenever you want, ie those that want to just join for a week here and their for RP, they would never be promoted above the rank of PC, as the only reason they join would be to have some RP.

The other type of officer would be committed officers who are their for mainly police RP, they follow the same structure as it is now.

This should dramatically increase the number of PC's you see driving around and should not affect the overall level of police.

I have been in the police for the majority of my time in this community, what you are suggesting does not and did not work, it was tried, it resulted in the police force all going of to play rebel creating the own gang and hardly ever going on as police, it has been tried it doesnt work.

1 thing I have been pondering for the last couple of days is a way to make this kind of a reality, where it would not break the popo too much, and possibly increase its numbers,

my suggestion would be 2 types of officer, not hard to control it would just be a tab/colour on the PNC, officers that can play rebel whenever you want, ie those that want to just join for a week here and their for RP, they would never be promoted above the rank of PC, as the only reason they join would be to have some RP.

The other type of officer would be committed officers who are their for mainly police RP, they follow the same structure as it is now.

This should dramatically increase the number of PC's you see driving around and should not affect the overall level of police.
Do officers already above the rank of PC have an option to switch to the other type of officer. If this is the case then if what others and even you are saying is true. Most officers would and the police force would dwindle.
