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Why Police should be able to play Rebel

Do officers already above the rank of PC have an option to switch to the other type of officer. If this is the case then if what others and even you are saying is true. Most officers would and the police force would dwindle.
that would be for the police to decide, but most people wouldnt switch as they like their free toys, plus you would have more officers than ever but they are PC's only

that would be for the police to decide, but most people wouldnt switch as they like their free toys, plus you would have more officers than ever but they are PC's only
Would making them pay to gear up at a reduced rate work? 

Playing rebel they would earn big bucks but the to have the privalege of being a cop after doin a bank job and not getting free gear? Or is that too much? 

Would making them pay to gear up at a reduced rate work? 

Playing rebel they would earn big bucks but the to have the privalege of being a cop after doin a bank job and not getting free gear? Or is that too much? 
we tried making police pay for their gear that didnt work either.

I mean those that are part time, to balance the money out.

as you'd have a cop who gets paid a cop wage when patrolling, who can rob banks and get essentially a 'double wage'? 

Honestly, I was in the police for well over a year without leaving for playing rebel, even tho i wanted a few times. Holidays are there so officers can take a needed break if they need or deserve it. Making it back to the fact that police can go around and switch from rebel/police all the time will cause misabuse of powers / access, ie the free weapons for police. When you join the police, you are (hopefully still being) told that you can no longer play as a rebel, and from there you must take your choice. 

Police activity wont do other than drop hardly, and when the rule dissapears most police officers will leave for playing as a rebel because they find it better. People must learn to make choices, and not having two pieces of cake, but one.

As bright and needed this suggestion this might be, there is a semisolution for this already for those who have been x amount of time in the police force on request.

Honestly, I was in the police for well over a year without leaving for playing rebel, even tho i wanted a few times. Holidays are there so officers can take a needed break if they need or deserve it. Making it back to the fact that police can go around and switch from rebel/police all the time will cause misabuse of powers / access, ie the free weapons for police. When you join the police, you are (hopefully still being) told that you can no longer play as a rebel, and from there you must take your choice. 

Police activity wont do other than drop hardly, and when the rule dissapears most police officers will leave for playing as a rebel because they find it better. People must learn to make choices, and not having two pieces of cake, but one.

As bright and needed this suggestion this might be, there is a semisolution for this already for those who have been x amount of time in the police force on request.
Agree with most of your statement except for this. Is this not a video game and are we all not here to have fun?

Hello sorry for hopping in on this so late, was aware of it but just didn't have the time to provide a response. Although we all greatly appreciate the time and energy you have spent coming up with this idea, and the ways in which it may work, we do not have any plans to include this into our Police model. 

The rule for not allowing Police to play as Rebels is not outdated, and it does serve a purpose. Every new Command reviews current rules in place, to see if they want to modify it, remove it etc. This rule is in place because we are a Serious Roleplaying Community, and within this Community we are a whitelisted faction. With that comes the responsibilities and expectations of high quality roleplay and gaming standards. 

It was never in place to increase activity in Police force. It was there to keep the Police force realistic. Yes you have corruptness, but never have I ever heard about a Police Officer who one day fights crime, and then on his day off arms himself with a rifle and goes out to rob those very people he swore to protect. 

As for the 3 servers. Yes, we are struggling to cover them, but the Police has a large number of Officers and we are choosing to focus on Quality over Quantity, something that will remain for a long time to come. We are already looking into other potential avenues to take with regards to safeguarding civilians on 3 servers, and will have something coming shortly which we believe we help benefit Police and legal civilians. 

Regarding your comment about Roleplay becoming to repetitive. I disagree, yes it may be the same old "log on, go on patrol and deal with stuff" but the stuff you deal with can be as different as the person being pursued decides to make it. I've been in the Police for over a year now and only left once after "forcing" a legal civilian to kill himself after witnessing my acts. Other than that, loved it. I personally see Rebels are as very repetitive in an RP sense, you rob someone, you rob a gas station, you maybe kidnap someone, and you rob a bank, and when gang members are not on to complete these operations, you bait in sports hatchbacks because there isn't much to do. But I don't put that down to rebel player(s) inability, I put it down to game limitations.  

We already consider the Police standard of roleplay to be high, we have some fantastic people here and the PCC is nothing like it was, going weeks until an incident pops up. Yes, there are issues in the Police force, but we are getting better and getting some awesome people in here to make us great. 

I wasn't counting but I don't know how providing use of vermin to off-duty Police would directly increase numbers. They'd be aware they couldn't commit illegal / rebel acts, and so unless you wanted to play Police and have a bit better security when completing legal activities, there really wasn't much of a benefit over playing rebel. 

Sorry to hear you are blacklisted. If it's your first blacklisting you can appeal it, but know your second blacklist is permanent.

How does playing rebel make you not dedicated. Right. If you are in the Police, you are here for as long as you wish to be, you have your friends here and your loyalty is here. You worked hard to get in the Police, and now you can enjoy yourself, patrol with friends, conduct operations, save civilians, drug busts, the list goes on. Do you honestly feel allowing people to "half ass" it in some cop rebel hybrid is going to increase the quality, and do you honestly hand on heart feel that those who are in this hybrid are going to be 100% serious to the team they are currently with?. If Jimmy was part of KFC and sees KFC robbing someone, do you honestly feel he will 100% call it in, because I don't. They're his boys, why would he screw them over, they'd probably get upset and remove him if they found out it was him. So yes, I do feel that gangs will put that expectation of loyalty upon the hybrids, and I do think that there will be a downgrade in the efficiency and effectiveness of the Police force.

So you are aware. Police were never given this ability before. It was Police only, then people wanted to play Rebel, so they were given the opportunity, and most people went to play rebel as it was something new. As a result of this it was then removed. We then came up with the idea of Police holidays as a nice meet in the middle. It allows you to focus on your Policing and then gives you the option of that break should you wish to take it.


- It will not increase activity in the Force. We will get people who want to play Police for a day or two, and lose Officers who want to go play rebel since that door has now been opened.

- It will not increase roleplay standards. This hybrid requires no effort, it's just a Hannah Montanah best of both worlds setup and I truly believe people will remain loyal to their gangs, if they don't, fair play, but I think some will.

- Fair play, can't argue against that.

- Police holiday does this, and rebels have the opportunity to apply whenever they wish.

To end this I will say this. This is a serious roleplaying community. We take the roles here seriously, that is why so many man hours are spent training Police, taking interviews, reviewing applications and all the rest of it. This never used to be an issue until people came along who couldn't make their own mind up, and so attempted to make this into a larger issue. You have a choice, make it. We are not going to allow some hybrid to get the best of both worlds, yes it's a game, but it's a roleplaying community so respect that. Unless of course Admins see this and think it's somehow a wonderful idea and force our hand.

Also, you mention current police inactivity. I personally feel this is down to an unstable server and a lack of any sort of update within the past 4 - 6 months. People are eagerly awaiting the Framework, and when that releases, I think we will see a major increase in the Police, probably the server as a whole...because we get new Police sirens, what could be better?. 


CSI Walt.

Also, you mention current police inactivity. I personally feel this is down to an unstable server and a lack of any sort of update within the past 4 - 6 months. People are eagerly awaiting the Framework, and when that releases, I think we will see a major increase in the Police
+1 on this.

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 I've been in the Police for over a year now and only left once after "forcing" a legal civilian to kill himself after witnessing my acts. Other than that, loved it. 
Lies, dont forget "The Riddler" you left then aswell

 If Jimmy was part of KFC and sees KFC robbing someone, do you honestly feel he will 100% call it in, because I don't. They're his boys, why would he screw them over, they'd probably get upset and remove him if they found out it was him.
+1 At the start of this post I Was all for cops able to play as rebels. This is a prime example of something that has changed my mind. I have seen it happen on all to many other servers that allow this
