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Why i dont enjoy gangs


Neptune Beach,FL,USA
They always push the little guys out. They have 6-7 choppers and a truck in the field i think(idk if that was theirs since they put a light on it a few times.) after they finally leave(was not going to land cause instant death probably, or constant knock out while they pick lock chopper) I and my friend park in a field to see if it was clear, cause we saw one more chopper and truck left behind. It looked cleared so we do are drugs. Get back to a chopper and see a guy, he kills us both.(probably guy in the truck that was in field.) Just feel that gangs like this are to powerful, i counted 8 choppers in the field when i was there(took off quick) YA YA YA OK BITCHING IS OVER GOSH!!!!!

Dont like most of them, they always intend to kill. Just want to run drugs, leave people alone. Only bring guns cause of people like this.

Dont like most of them, they always intend to kill. Just want to run drugs, leave people alone. Only bring guns cause of people like this.
Roleplaying a pseudo pacifist in a hotzone such as drug run routes might not go down so well. The fact you need a weapon to be secure in this area creates a much more realistic environment that induces fear in the player.

ya vendetta, but i met 3 of my friends doing runs without guns(they also did not have guns) and i might check it out pan

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Yet to meet a person doing a drug run, without a weapon, but either way its nice to see there are passive rebels out there...

Gangs can be a little to much sometimes, feel like im fighting a war rather then protecting and serving half the time..

Yet to meet a person doing a drug run, without a weapon, but either way its nice to see there are passive rebels out there...

Gangs can be a little to much sometimes, feel like im fighting a war rather then protecting and serving half the time..
I've actually met people without guns during coke runs. Only two of them were not passive as they tried to vdm,but bullets solved that problem. 

I used to always bump into civs at the coke fields. After that I would join their convoy and offer them security and share some tactics. A couple of times I have even invested money towards them buying a Hemmt.

ya. I met my first 2 friends on this server in jail. One took us on are first drug run.Ever since i been trying not to engage anyone but it does not work out really. No matter what happens (if they have guns) they are going to knock you out, take your chopper, and kill you if you dont give them the keys.Probably kill you right away anyways if you give them the keys (never tried that option out of the 5 times) Normally now just leave as soon as i see someone else land hard. Means they are up to no good. They call it RP, but its the same thing everyday lol.Its getting old really. And  the fact that some gangs have trillions to throw away and have a shit tone of members does not help either. I know what your say "dont do drug runs then" well....its not just drug runs, they mug also when they get bored. I know what else your saying "Get off this server then", probably will happen in a few days.

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Well, this morning there were 9 people on the server.  8 of them, from different gangs were doing drug runs together all arriving at the processing at different times.  You were asked to leave the processing or give 50% of your coke to be able to carry on your business.  You decided to stay and have been warned for 10 min that you would be shot down if you stayed in the area.  You decided to hover there for 10/15 min and tell us the story of your ancestors.  You were clearly looking for trouble as the time you spent arguing about not letting you do drugs could have been spent doing whatever (diamond, copper, salt).  You sealed your own fate.


Story of my ancestors? when did that happen(dont know anything about ancestors)? i think you guys were talking about tea and telling me to land because of service or something. Then tried to cut me a deal a few more times, then i told you guys i dont record stuff, asked lakz why he got false ban, and it seems i was the only one getting fucked with if i recall right? with lakz saying "Ever since your friend VDM me i just dont like you" even though i have done nothing really, you even saw i did not have a gun when you opened fire at the field. And then at the other field i asked why bully me and the response is "because i can"  I know i cant win because more of you vs me in this argument and i dont record stuff. You also been in the community longer then me. I think i already said this before, its like in school. 5 kids will pick on 1 kid. you take 3 way and all the 2 will do is snicker you take 1 more away and nothing happens the 2 kids might become friends. ALSO about that shot, yes was very good lol, but i was not spinning on my own, you guys hurt my chopper after a lil while so it started on its own, i tried to stop it a few times but gave up. Someone was messaging me so i was texting him a few times so could not keep chopper straight away from you guys. It took you more shots then you showed.And why was it a problem for me to land while the other gangs could???????You guys would not leave, and i think other gang landed there when you where there no problem.It was just me. You prove this by saying to another play that just joined "ill give you 25% of what i make." lakz says"i like you so you dont have to pay" . So it is just me.Maybe im the only one that thinks this is a little ridicules , maybe im to blame for everything, idk. But as toxic pointed out to me, "i dont personally have a problem with you, its just you got to back your friends up right?"

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Lets just say if you see T.L.S around the processing you wont get KOS because we have standards. you will only get taxed to use the Processing. if you don't have cash we will then tax you 20% of your coke. and if you don't comply or decide to shoot our guy who comes to tax you then the joke is on you rofl as we will always have the place fully surrounded and you will be murdered / chopper picked. so you decide :)

the thing is you are always there,causing you guys to have millions.Other people did not have to pay the tax, only i did and it was 50% not 20%. So what is going to happen is only TLS will have coke runs, other people will have to do other stuff. TLS will reach 500mil and pretty much do what ever they want. And why does it say your a cop? OOOHHHH cause TLS is full of ex cops right? You guys have a monopoly. I watched you guys scare the guys who were trying to take my chopper from me, they ran to there chopper after seeing or a friend telling them something(they just stopped talking to me and ran) i saw like 4 trucks roll over the hill and then a chopper land which was lakz(i thought he was going to help me since he messaged me all nice) but he said,  give me the keys to the chopper or die.TLS members also like to mug people, so its not just the processing you guys run. IT was not URGN taxing the 50% , it was TLS. I have talked to other members of your gang before, some seem nice(could be show since i broke him out of jail.)

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Right first of all who cares if wer ex cops. and also wer not camping there 24/7 we only do it every now and then. wer only asking for 20% or you get killed thats not even that much lol. idk who asked you for 50% but that was not us. also next time you have to tell us its you landon because it was you i believe who broke me out of jail. of course we can see a tag on your head but wer not gona metagame it so next time say its you and what youv helped us with and youd be spared.

Why would you take from the rebels when you should be working with them? We are against cops not each other.

LAKZ IS TLS AND HE ASKED ME FOR IT 3 TIMES for 50% of drop. And your right HD. I asked before i started if we were going to have trouble. "can we just do run, and not fight?" he responds"cant promise you anything" i say "of course you cant" And i was right on the money(well did not make any lol) I see his chopper coming, i hurry into mine, start to take off and he is shooting. I get away and say "straight dick man". I then fly to other drug field and watch a chopper freak the fuck out in the air, it was some other drug runners, i message them i would help and that i did not have guns. They said they had guns but they seemed nice enough. I fix there chopper they go off. I get to drug field and see 2 choppers (i think one was a left over cause it was landed weird) i just hover for a few then in side lakz asks me to pay 50%.Then the whole bully question thing. i then fly all the way to the right of the drug field up north(like 2km away) wait a few mins go back, fill up. Head to processing (i cant remember if i landed and did 1 batch or not.) they where there. telling me to land and blah blah blah. I got a message from another player saying dont trust them. I told him ya lakz just hates me. He said oh that sucks. and then blah blah blah rest of story. And its everyday you guys are there lol, not just some times. You show up every day, sometimes people get in when you are not there but you where there on that day(being all days)

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