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Why i dont enjoy gangs

I understand your plight but if you wanna be passive or not be involved with gangs you should probably do legal jobs. If you want more money doing drug runs then there is potential risk that you just gotta get used to.

Its not a risks, its just a know thing now. I know im going to run into them somewhere. Not that i could run into them, i know i will.Im ok if its like a group of 2 or 3 guys that are not always there that kill me. Its just this is the same thing everytime. They sneak up, or show up in a huge group. then give us chopper or die. One time he acted nice"lets just do the run, we will leave you alone" i tell my friend i dont trust him, think he is going to do something. As i say this my friend gets knocked out and the guy trys to knock me out.

can this post get locked already? i feel its just going to keep over lapping its self.

and U.R.G.N 50% tax is a joke rofl
Coltas, maybe you should check your intel before you comment.  I wasn't asking 50%, TLS was.. "We have standards" lol.  I was there as support because we had a cease fire for coke runs.

Lets just say if you see T.L.S around the processing you wont get KOS because we have standards. you will only get taxed to use the Processing. if you don't have cash we will then tax you 20% of your coke.

and U.R.G.N 50% tax is a joke rofl

LAKZ IS TLS AND HE ASKED ME FOR IT 3 TIMES for 50% of drop. And your right HD. I asked before i started if we were going to have trouble. "can we just do run, and not fight?" he responds"cant promise you anything" i say "of course you cant" And i was right on the money(well did not make any lol) I see his chopper coming, i hurry into mine, start to take off and he is shooting. I get away and say "straight dick man". I then fly to other drug field and watch a chopper freak the fuck out in the air, it was some other drug runners, i message them i would help and that i did not have guns. They said they had guns but they seemed nice enough. I fix there chopper they go off. I get to drug field and see 2 choppers (i think one was a left over cause it was landed weird) i just hover for a few then in side lakz asks me to pay 50%.Then the whole bully question thing. i then fly all the way to the right of the drug field up north(like 2km away) wait a few mins go back, fill up. Head to processing (i cant remember if i landed and did 1 batch or not.) they where there. telling me to land and blah blah blah. I got a message from another player saying dont trust them. I told him ya lakz just hates me. He said oh that sucks. and then blah blah blah rest of story. And its everyday you guys are there lol, not just some times. You show up every day, sometimes people get in when you are not there but you where there on that day(being all days)

Seems legit...

I understand this on all parts. However, as a rebel theses days you can't have as much good RP with police as all they do is complain when you kill them, due to them 1, not roleplaying or 2, getting into a fight fight they can't even support. This leaves rebels turning and looking for fun & fights within the rebel land. 

These days as soon as you get into a situation with the police, they just cry RDM. I have countless videos of this.

Rebels want to control areas of the map, by taxing and defending land areas. Nowadays RP interaction with police isn't as much fun as it is with other rebel groups.

Firefights with rebel groups are much more fun, as most have a half decent shot, so you get better adrenaline. A number of cops don't even know the default zeroings, weapon drops, when they are spraying the hell out of you, so you just end up killing them quick, then its over.

 Action within rebel groups is much better fun. 

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Another shitting on police post, Nice. If you don't want to deal with us stay in the red zone we promise not to bother you.

Why do you always judge the police by the lowest common demoninator? We have good police and bad, Like bad rebels and good. It would be the same as judging you Kryptic by the actions of other less reputable rebels.

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Another shitting on police post, Nice. If you don't want to deal with us stay in the red zone we promise not to bother you.

Why do you always judge the police by the lowest common demoninator? We have good police and bad, Like bad rebels and good. It would be the same as judging you Kryptic by the actions of other less reputable rebels.
I didnt promise anything about the redzone. 

Gillburg I think Mitch was talking about police in the redzone,mostly because they go there to fight. We've engaged multiple groups of police inserted via helicopter mostly around Pyrgos. We even caught some of them coming to our roadblocks alone. I think police come to us when they get bored.

Have only seen cops at processing once, and they did not say they were cops lol. Thought i was being followed by some guys the whole time back
