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What big feature do you want next?

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I'm all for making people do more civilian and legal stuff. There's so many people just robbing and doing weed atm.

•Firing range

•Lawyer licence

•More jobs for civilians e.g. Lawyer, lifeguard, highway maintenance and more

•Job centre- people can put job notices up and you can get all job related licences from there.

•Security guard

•Bus service

•More borders

•See more from the armed response

•Bring in fuel trucks to fill people up once broken down

AI missions like money transports, might be cool. Also for those of us who like a bit of action now and then that is a bit less heavy on the RP.( for example like in wasteland)
NPC's will lag the server (as they did with wildlife) as well as desync a lot, meaning that it would be to easy to complete the mission.

I'm all for making people do more civilian and legal stuff. There's so many people just robbing and doing weed atm.
Might change with the market prices fluctuating, chances are if everyone is doing drugs, prices will go down, meaning legel jobs like salt and oil might go up, causing people to do more legal jobs for once (shocking).

NPC's will lag the server (as they did with wildlife) as well as desync a lot, meaning that it would be to easy to complete the mission.

Might change with the market prices fluctuating, chances are if everyone is doing drugs, prices will go down, meaning legel jobs like salt and oil might go up, causing people to do more legal jobs for once (shocking).
Yea.. Even though, right now legal stuff = get robbed.

Illegal stuff = get arrested

So many people have waaay to much moneh, give some to me please :(

As for a small feature, I would very much like for texting to be shown in the logs for those near the player.

For example, when Player A texts Player B this would pop up for players close to player A: " Player A is texting on his cellphone "

This would help hostage situations and robbery's a lot. The robbers would now know if the hostages are texting, instead of just saying they took away their communications, and then have to guess if they texted.

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• Y menu "make a gang" can only be accessed at computers (Internet cafés)

•Internet cafés

•move the HM bank just out from Athira


• Y menu "make a gang" can only be accessed at computers (Internet cafés)

•Internet cafés

•move the HM bank just out from Athira
 We had the bank outside Athira in the past (couple months back) but it was moved over between Agios and Kavala for a reason, not that I can remember one, but there was one. And frankly, I like it there, easier for the police to respond to and not in the middle of the desert that is Athira (shots fired).

UNMC border passports. UNMC will be able to check licences. To get into UNMC you must pay much more or get a highly prised passport that only lasts 3 months in real life.

We had the bank outside Athira in the past (couple months back) but it was moved over between Agios and Kavala for a reason, not that I can remember one, but there was one. And frankly, I like it there, easier for the police to respond to and not in the middle of the desert that is Athira (shots fired).

 We had the bank outside Athira in the past (couple months back) but it was moved over between Agios and Kavala for a reason, not that I can remember one, but there was one. And frankly, I like it there, easier for the police to respond to and not in the middle of the desert that is Athira (shots fired).
Actually, I hate the new treasury, Athira's treasury was good but was used in a terrible way.

I suggested that there should be one vault in each dome, so that the increased difficulty of getting a large amount of gold would be present but possible. Unfortunately this idea fell on deaf ears.

Simple yet big, when theres low cars, make more colors! Right now only thing that people use and can be full RGB colored are pickups. I would really want to do some black SUV kidnap RP or somethiing like that ... or different color of Tempest or HEMT so that they wont finally look like some army vehicles. As I said, this is simple yet it would be a great addition. Or more clothes, Black and Rebel market is full of identical clothes with different names ... (30 clothes for buy, yet only 10 that are actually different). thats my ideas.

Black SUV ftw! We want some class man

What ever you add, save FPS

You could also add heavy delivery job. So you can't use choppers or fast cars. The same stuff as smuggling but legal.

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