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weed prossesing

What bugs me the most is that this is a roleplaying server, and you would not be wrong to expect RP in every situation, however, when you are caught at the processing by the police, your only way out is to carve a path with your rifle ... and this is what bugs me the most.

Back when I was in the police force, I wouldn't have scrapped the vehicle, if the guy was roleplaying well and wouldn't necessarily send him to prison if his RP was outstanding, but I don't really see it from cops these days, so the only solution is to shoot ...
The issue with this is that you have a rifle to start with.

Here's the thing, RP is supposed to be believable and realistic. If you are at the weed processor then your RP would have to be something to do with herbs of some description, for example, Teabags, incense sticks, pizza toppings, bath melts, headache pillows etc etc etc... Any of these can be roleplayed and would be looked at it a positive light. Now here's the thing that always makes it so hard for the Police to go with your RP story....

You're still holding a big ass gun while wearing a carrier rig and shemagh!

How believable is it that you're making pizza toppings for Luigi in the Kavala Pizza Hut while you're dressed ready for war?

Sure there are improvements that can be made from the Police, i'm not going to defend poor RP from us at times and there is certainly things that can be improved upon but in reality there is only so much we can do when you insist on carrying weapons all the time.

Just my two cents in the matter.

so there is also nothing wrong with having 6 bank OP's an hour? They are high risk, high reward to... Honestly, if cops ARE going to 'bitch' about rebels doing to many bank OP's than perhaps you should think of what is causing rebels to turn to bank OPs instead of constantly complaining on the forums aswell.

I lnow that cops will try to RP it, but somehow they always feel the need to restrain you? This makes us: Not capable to communicate with our gang members, be fully under control of the officer and have no way of defending our self. Mostly this will end in a: "Well, youre going straight to prison because you were here" no names asked, no rights read, no intention of roleplaying.... Just sitting in the cop car for 10 minites before getting send to prison... If we(rebels) try to speak, we'll just get ignored.

Besides, if I were to just walk up to a cop, say: "Put your hands up!" ziptie him, and execute him, this won't be fun for both sides... Cuz then ill get a TS message from a cop that just happened the same to as rebels experience EVERY SINGLE DAY. So why the f*ck do cops just walk up to processing plants, to armed men, rubber bullet them and restrain them?? I would say that rubber bulleting without RP is also counted as RDM, just because it makes you unable to do anything for 30 seconds... Yet, when we ask it's: "Oh, but they are non-lethal". Does this justify the knocking down of a cop without RP to? Don't think so...

This is why I love being a pretend hobo, they have absplutely nothing to lose...

I am not blaming anyone in my post, it's just a downwards spiral, one side does something the other doesn't like, then they get 'revenge' and this keeps going untill there is no more decent quality RP left.

P.S. for all rebels, being a hobo is way cheaper :p
@puppy1004, it's the easiest thing in the world to moan about something and do nothing about it.

How about you report the Police Officers who are not RP'ing to an appropriate standard or not adhereing to protocol via the PCC so they can be re-trained? You as a mentor should be helping these people to improve not bitching about it on the forums.

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Mostly this will end in a: "Well, youre going straight to prison because you were here" no names asked, no rights read, no intention of roleplaying.... Just sitting in the cop car for 10 minites before getting send to prison... If we(rebels) try to speak, we'll just get ignored.
I hope you have a lot of evidence you back up those accusations puppy

so there is also nothing wrong with having 6 bank OP's an hour? They are high risk, high reward to... Honestly, if cops ARE going to 'bitch' about rebels doing to many bank OP's than perhaps you should think of what is causing rebels to turn to bank OPs instead of constantly complaining on the forums aswell.

I lnow that cops will try to RP it, but somehow they always feel the need to restrain you? This makes us: Not capable to communicate with our gang members, be fully under control of the officer and have no way of defending our self. Mostly this will end in a: "Well, youre going straight to prison because you were here" no names asked, no rights read, no intention of roleplaying.... Just sitting in the cop car for 10 minites before getting send to prison... If we(rebels) try to speak, we'll just get ignored.

Besides, if I were to just walk up to a cop, say: "Put your hands up!" ziptie him, and execute him, this won't be fun for both sides... Cuz then ill get a TS message from a cop that just happened the same to as rebels experience EVERY SINGLE DAY. So why the f*ck do cops just walk up to processing plants, to armed men, rubber bullet them and restrain them?? I would say that rubber bulleting without RP is also counted as RDM, just because it makes you unable to do anything for 30 seconds... Yet, when we ask it's: "Oh, but they are non-lethal". Does this justify the knocking down of a cop without RP to? Don't think so...

This is why I love being a pretend hobo, they have absplutely nothing to lose...

I am not blaming anyone in my post, it's just a downwards spiral, one side does something the other doesn't like, then they get 'revenge' and this keeps going untill there is no more decent quality RP left.

P.S. for all rebels, being a hobo is way cheaper :p
Btw the rebels that get away with 6 bank op´s a day don´t do bank op´s cause they cant do weed. Cause if you can pull off killing the whole police force at the bank you can do it at weed aswell. The reason they do it is cause its fun and alot of money for rebels, easy cash. And that wont change till there is more to do for endgame rebels.  
@puppy1004, it's the easiest thing in the world to moan about something and do nothing about it.

How about you report the Police Officers who are not RP'ing to an appropriate standard or not adhereing to protocol via the PCC so they can be re-trained? You as a mentor should be helping these people to improve not bitching about it on the forums.
I agree with the RP is supposed to be realistic part :p

I do speak to them, they say they will improve, no need to report them? Or have we come to a time where everything has to be reported even tho it hasn't been solved? 

I hope you have a lot of evidence you back up those accusations puppy
See my post above, it's not only me, there are plenty of other people that have complains to. They just solve it between the officers instead of going to the forums or they just 'leave it, cuz it's just a game.' I've had a lovely conversation with a police officer yesterday about why he falsly arrested me in my eyes, we worked it out and the evidence is deleted, why keep the space on my PC if I don't need the recording? 

Btw the rebels that get away with 6 bank op´s a day don´t do bank op´s cause they cant do weed. Cause if you can pull off killing the whole police force at the bank you can do it at weed aswell. The reason they do it is cause its fun and alot of money for rebels, easy cash. And that wont change till there is more to do for endgame rebels.  
You are already implying that we rebels only kill cops... Honestly, just don't come running in going full rambo, and sometimes even go with their RP story. Would do  much good for both sides... Everyone would prefer not to be disturbed, 

The issue with this is that you have a rifle to start with.

Here's the thing, RP is supposed to be believable and realistic. If you are at the weed processor then your RP would have to be something to do with herbs of some description, for example, Teabags, incense sticks, pizza toppings, bath melts, headache pillows etc etc etc... Any of these can be roleplayed and would be looked at it a positive light. Now here's the thing that always makes it so hard for the Police to go with your RP story....

You're still holding a big ass gun while wearing a carrier rig and shemagh!

How believable is it that you're making pizza toppings for Luigi in the Kavala Pizza Hut while you're dressed ready for war?

Sure there are improvements that can be made from the Police, i'm not going to defend poor RP from us at times and there is certainly things that can be improved upon but in reality there is only so much we can do when you insist on carrying weapons all the time.
You're still the police, yes, roleplay has to stay realistic, but when we are realistic some police officers are still: "Oww, but this is a weed processing, you're going to prison." I know that not every cops does it(most likely 99% doesn't do this) but how are we supposed to know when a cop has good RP? A big factor in shooting cops at any operation is that cops still come closer, implying that they are about to shoot etc. This is when rebels will defend themselves(like RL). It's a both sided issue and neither sides are willing to change anything... 

It's just a fucking game after all...

You can't say "things needs to change" and then say "oh no need to go further with it". If you only speak to the officer involved everytime nothing will change, only with that particular officer. Therefore if you don't like something the police are doing, and you see it happen "very often" at least bring it to a higher-up. 

You can't say "things needs to change" and then say "oh no need to go further with it". If you only speak to the officer involved everytime nothing will change, only with that particular officer. Therefore if you don't like something the police are doing, and you see it happen "very often" at least bring it to a higher-up. 
I brought it up to a SI, he told me to solve it with the officer in question firsts(I've mentioned that this isn't the first time I heard/saw things like this), I do agree with the SI to make me solve it with the officer firsts. As for taking it up to the PCC, am I just leaving this as an example. I am not trying to cause any trouble here, but I have to severely agree with @Adam (regarding his Police Complaint).

I am just willing to point out that, if gangs(I spend most of my TS time in gang channels, so I hear there complaints) already think about the ALUK PD, then how are newer players/hobo's think of it? They're most likely not enjoying this aswell.

But I want to leave it with this, you can continue(I'll still respond if I am asked something)

As stated above roleplay I'd meant to be realistic... if a rebel is caught at a place which is known to process weed then there is very little chance you will be able to get out of it roleplay or not; I'm not saying this is shit RP.. it's the way it works. 

In that case police officers what do you want us to do? Our truck is full of weed we are obviously at weed processor, we look like rebels and are with a gang of other rebels. O have tried to rp out of something like thay but it's unrealistic. 

On the other hand a while ago there was a NIU unit on patrol and they passed through negades. A rebel was there with a few cars and told the officers that there was a funeral going on (by theg graveyard ) First time i had seen something like that.. and his truck was searched even though he was RPing a funeral with the body and stuff being in the hemmit.

So at the end of the day.. I knew when I was a cop that if some one I ls at the weed processing theit obviously doing drugs. What's the way to get out of this situation? Baring in mind, that you are at a weed processor l.. obviously processing weed.

Someone actually mentions the HM treassure above and I have one thing to say to this. 

My gang and I have done HMS, Weed runs and legal runs, non of which make such good money ad a hm treasury. If we roleplay it it's fun, yes, and the cops enjoy it too. If we shoot, we take 35 to 40 mil.

My solution to less  Treasuries and more roleplay is to simply get rid of NIU as your just asking people to do the easiest mean for money making. For anyone who says, this is an RP server and your bothered about money, we need to make money to function.. 

Anyway, most of you probably think oh he's one who doesn't want to RP .. and thay isn't the case. I.. aswell as most enjoy to RP and take it seriously but at the end of the day I have 8 gang members with a lot of weed in our trucks. You taking us out means you take down our economies. Baring in mind we are a big scary gang.. and if we are at the all so obvious weed processing what do you want us to do..

I'm just saying and I have no beed with the popo fam

I like Dylan's post. It's a realistic view.
I love to RP and I've let many rebels go with amazing and ridiculous stories, but at the end of the day I'm a police officer and that means we try to stop illegal things from happening. That's simply our job.
Vice versa: rebels do illegal stuff and there's simply some things that you can't always RP out of. If you could it would be boring for both sides. And since both sides want to win (human nature), there's always gonna be people not agreeing with each other. We should just lighten up and realise that things just don't always go the way we want. 

While we are on the subject of weed, afraid it is too strong. It ook me and a gang member 40 minutes to do a weed run and make a million. 

Takes @zRemix 30 mins cause of processing. 

Afraid it's too strong.. let's await the new framework @Matt

Not sure if this is relevent but may I remind you there is a bug or glitch that for some reason civ's can pull out police helicopters from there gerage... Not sure if this was that glitch!

Not sure if this is relevent but may I remind you there is a bug or glitch that for some reason civ's can pull out police helicopters from there gerage... Not sure if this was that glitch!
Not a bug. People who have been here for time have got these vehicles in their garages as a while ago there was a way to so it.

I think one of the ppolice offiwrofficers even has a hunter in hihisciv garage 

Well in all honesty. Its the police role to catch people that are doing drugs... if you don't wanna get caught doing drugs, then don't do them. You chose to do drugs so you need to accept the police scrapping your vehicle if they catch you. If you don't accept it, do salt instead... Pretty safe and gives you a nice amount of money aswel.

@Droge Worst no becaus if you do salt with a hemit it takes 1 hour for max400k and if you do weed you make +800k there just  need to come somthing like a timer at the drug zones to make it more possible to do drugs

That's the whole point though. Salt is legal, thus safe: low risk, low reward. 
Drugs is high risk, high reward. 

@Droge Worst no becaus if you do salt with a hemit it takes 1 hour for max400k and if you do weed you make +800k there just  need to come somthing like a timer at the drug zones to make it more possible to do drugs
Takes an hour and a half for a whole safe salt run there and back there and back store it in your house easy 1mil

Chill lads, it's a fucking game right? Jesus...

Oh "this is a mature community" so many people saying this then going onto rant about another completely stupid thing, let's just all chill...

personally i like legal runs. Chill out with some music and the time goes quick. Not worth the risk of gettting your hemmt box scraped.
