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weed prossesing


Active member

 I have a question about drug traficking, about a hour or 2 ago I was doing a weed run with my HEMTT and when I was almost at weed processing to process the weed, I saw a helicopter. And that helicopter had police prints on the side, so I assumed that these were cops. So the following what I did was; I hided my HEMTT in some bamboo and waited 10 minutes after the cops left with their chopper. However when I was almost done with processing and about to go to Kavala then cops  come and arrest me, and scrapped my truck but they were comming back in 10min so it is not fair and almost inpossible to do weed becaus the cops are comming the hole time back

. To be honest, I think that this is a down side of the server. Cops will just be camping and waiting for you till you pull up or go to a drug processing plant. I think that cops only should patrol at drug dealer or only every 30 min at the drugs fields/prossesings because, it's not really fair and almost not possible to do weed

Regards, JohnBrick

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To be fair, this happens very often... It also ruins fun for other peopple, I know that you're the police and all but if you want rebels to be more 'nicer in general' than some cops also have to take a look to them selves(We can't remember EVERY cops name, same as you can't remember all the people you arrest). Just my 2 cents regarding police and rebels...

Things need to change, also, I think some police rules may have been broken here? Can't we have a server rule saying that the police can only show up at processing plants only two times a restart... This aint happening either, right? But the rest explains itself

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To be fair, this happens very often... It also ruins fun for other peopple, I know that you're the police and all but if you want rebels to be more 'nicer in general' than some cops also have to take a look to them selves(We can't remember EVERY cops name, same as you can't remember all the people you arrest). Just my 2 cents regarding police and rebels...

Things need to change, also, I think some police rules may have been broken here? Can't we have a server rule saying that the police can only show up at processing plants only two times a restart... This aint happening either, right? But the rest explains itself
We can show up wherever we want as often as we want as long as we don't have the intention to CAMP. 

We can sit in a bush and CAMP for 10 minutes every 30 minutes, that's the only rule in place for that.

All I can say is the helicopter spotted you, more than likely called it in and then the officers waited to give you time to start processing and let your guard down so that we can move in and make an arrest, it's tactics at the end of the day.

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 I have a question about drug traficking, about a hour or 2 ago I was doing a weed run with my HEMTT and when I was almost at weed processing to process the weed, I saw a helicopter. And that helicopter had police prints on the side, so I assumed that these were cops. So the following what I did was; I hided my HEMTT in some bamboo and waited 10 minutes after the cops left with their chopper. However when I was almost done with processing and about to go to Kavala then cops  come and arrest me, and scrapped my truck but they were comming back in 10min so it is not fair and almost inpossible to do weed becaus the cops are comming the hole time back

. To be honest, I think that this is a down side of the server. Cops will just be camping and waiting for you till you pull up or go to a drug processing plant. I think that cops only should patrol at drug dealer or only every 30 min at the drugs fields/prossesings because, it's not really fair and almost not possible to do weed

Regards, JohnBrick
I agree, I can see from a standing point as a cop when you die it sucks. But if you think about it as a rebel you need to buy a truck and guns. But as a cop you get your vehicles free, even guns are free as a cop! I do think that cops still can patrol around but not that much. Like what @puppy1004 said. Cops still can come to these illegal processing plants, but not every 10 minutes.

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Drugs are supposed to be big risk, big reward. So there is nothing wrong with police patrolling at drug places.

As one of the officers that turned up to you at the processor today I will again explain what happened. We had no idea a helicopter had been before and we never arrived intent to camp, therefore the 30min rule does not apply as we where just passing through. I must also say that we could have explained that in detail before if you weren't mouthing off and breaking RP. 


SPC Tomm

there need to come a real or a timer or somthing that the cops canot come there in 30min becaus it is almost inpossible if the cops show up so much times

But this is a RP server, if the cops are not busy why shouldn't they be able to just drive past the drug related areas as long as they don't constantly camp it. Drugs arn't easy they are meant to be hard! if you think there to hard then do some legal activities.

@SPC Tomm but it is also not rp if the cops arrest you at the weed prossesing and send you to prisson without asking your name and also it is not rp to come every 10/15min to the weed field

Ee asked your name many times but you just decided to not RP and instead have a moan out of RP.

Dont let it get 2 u dude, happens. when 1 officers 10 mins ends another can begin so if they wonted to. they could just rotate every 10 mins. 

People always talk about gear. 'Oh a cop gets theres for free we got to pay' and ' oh rebel guns op we need the same'. At the end of the day RP should be the focus, not weed. A cop turnin up is an RP oppurtunity. If you meet a cop at a drug proccesser then trying talking with him ... Keep your options open by all means, take cover, arm yourself, but don't say 'piss off or ill shoot!' Negotiate, talk of your altian family and why you do this. Lie. And if the cop catches on then maybe ya'll can have fun. Sometimes it's okay to lose, just not fun to do so at the end of a barrel.

i was there aswell this gentleman had no intention of roleplaying as he was too busy complaining how unfair that he got caught. maybe next time try to RP. 

My opinion on this is kind of not biased due to me coming from the police and then being a rebel. When i was a cop because the weed processing is so close to the highway it was always a stop off point when driving to and from kavala, a little check to see if anyones near there or around and if there was you would stop them and "Routine search" alot of cops do this now and only few actually give you the opportunity to roleplay. If it was put further away from a main highway and less accessible it would lessen the amount of cops going there all the time. As a former NIU member the biggest busts always came from weed and nothing else because its quicker to do and you make more money. 

From a rebel point you always have to go to the drug fields or processor with a small army in case of being robbed or stopped by the police. And having the drug dealer in kavala doesn't necessarily stop people selling it just brings alot more gang violence to the city. Especially late at night when police pull out the station and you have 3 hemmts and 8 armed guys on your doorstep.

Maybe in the new framework it may get moved around and i would welcome this change. Because right now the only people who are stopped from selling in kavala is hobo's who generally are on the brink of bankruptcy and are trying to make some quick cash with a rented zamak. 

What bugs me the most is that this is a roleplaying server, and you would not be wrong to expect RP in every situation, however, when you are caught at the processing by the police, your only way out is to carve a path with your rifle ... and this is what bugs me the most.

Back when I was in the police force, I wouldn't have scrapped the vehicle, if the guy was roleplaying well and wouldn't necessarily send him to prison if his RP was outstanding, but I don't really see it from cops these days, so the only solution is to shoot ...

What bugs me the most is that this is a roleplaying server, and you would not be wrong to expect RP in every situation, however, when you are caught at the processing by the police, your only way out is to carve a path with your rifle ... and this is what bugs me the most.

Back when I was in the police force, I wouldn't have scrapped the vehicle, if the guy was roleplaying well and wouldn't necessarily send him to prison if his RP was outstanding, but I don't really see it from cops these days, so the only solution is to shoot ...
tbf it really is down to the cop doing the work because when i joined through to when i applied for the police i only got away without jail once due to a magic bean story. Over the course of near 5 months i did a fair amount of weed runs and still got jailed and i think its unfair to many of the current cops to say they aren't being fair. However i agree that good rp should be rewarded and i am sure that many officers including myself have much to learn.

What bugs me the most is that this is a roleplaying server, and you would not be wrong to expect RP in every situation, however, when you are caught at the processing by the police, your only way out is to carve a path with your rifle ... and this is what bugs me the most.

Back when I was in the police force, I wouldn't have scrapped the vehicle, if the guy was roleplaying well and wouldn't necessarily send him to prison if his RP was outstanding, but I don't really see it from cops these days, so the only solution is to shoot ...
Well I've gotta say when I was a civvy I used to process weed with nothing but a hobo clothes, a rook and a couple of mags. If police came up I would always try to RP as best I could. I'd say on average I was allowed let go (with all my weed) 1/4 of the time, my truck was scrapped and I was taken to prison or dropped at kavala 1/4 of the time and my truck was impounded with me left there or brought to kavala 1/2 the time.  Like most rebels, most cops will RP if you try to with them and will often reward you for good RP. 

I was always more scared to see other civs then I was to see a cop. 

Similarly, if someone provides me with some really good RP that I haven't heard a dozen time they are likely to be allowed go, maybe even with the truck. warning: Bibles and medical marijuana are not good RP stories. 

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one simple solution: let the unit who patrolled it make a time note and mark it on the map... easy..

Drugs are supposed to be big risk, big reward. So there is nothing wrong with police patrolling at drug places.
so there is also nothing wrong with having 6 bank OP's an hour? They are high risk, high reward to... Honestly, if cops ARE going to 'bitch' about rebels doing to many bank OP's than perhaps you should think of what is causing rebels to turn to bank OPs instead of constantly complaining on the forums aswell.

I lnow that cops will try to RP it, but somehow they always feel the need to restrain you? This makes us: Not capable to communicate with our gang members, be fully under control of the officer and have no way of defending our self. Mostly this will end in a: "Well, youre going straight to prison because you were here" no names asked, no rights read, no intention of roleplaying.... Just sitting in the cop car for 10 minites before getting send to prison... If we(rebels) try to speak, we'll just get ignored.

Besides, if I were to just walk up to a cop, say: "Put your hands up!" ziptie him, and execute him, this won't be fun for both sides... Cuz then ill get a TS message from a cop that just happened the same to as rebels experience EVERY SINGLE DAY. So why the f*ck do cops just walk up to processing plants, to armed men, rubber bullet them and restrain them?? I would say that rubber bulleting without RP is also counted as RDM, just because it makes you unable to do anything for 30 seconds... Yet, when we ask it's: "Oh, but they are non-lethal". Does this justify the knocking down of a cop without RP to? Don't think so...

This is why I love being a pretend hobo, they have absplutely nothing to lose...

I am not blaming anyone in my post, it's just a downwards spiral, one side does something the other doesn't like, then they get 'revenge' and this keeps going untill there is no more decent quality RP left.

P.S. for all rebels, being a hobo is way cheaper :p
