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VDM Report - DIMAS and Petter

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Birmingham, UK
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): DIMAS and Petter. ***I am pretty sure there was a 3rd but was unable to get his name***
Time & Date this happened: Approx. 0:20am UTC
Which Server did this happen on: AltisLife UK Server #1
Description of what happened: We were driving a hatchback sport through Agios roaming backwards and forwards, changing direction every couple of miles or so when we noticed we were being followed. Upon noticing we were being followed we then tried to escape but then the following car made chase. As we approached a junction, we attempted to turn right onto a bridge when they smashed into the side of us, clearly making no attempt to avoid us and it was intentional. As everyone got out of the vehicles there was no sign of remorse from DIMAS and friends for VDM'ing us as they immediately try to hold us up, confirming our initial thoughts that they rammed us off the road intentionally so they could do this to us. 
What Rule Was Broken ?:  VDM - Vehicle Death Match

Using your vehicle for running people over, using it to ram into other vehicles in and outside combat, using a vehicle with the purpose of making it explode are all considered a form of VDM here (Punishment is a ban)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No, due to recent incidents resulting in nothing being resolved. 
Please post video evidence/screenshots here: https://youtu.be/t1b5LQRTzDo

Its a simple road acident... Not to mention u "faked" a turn towards the bridge and then went again on the mainroad. How am i supposed to know what you are gonna do? But thanks to come and try to sort it out on TS

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It's a simple car crash and also why am i being report i'm not driving the car?

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Didnt even bother with teamspeak due to what has happened in the past. Nothing gets resolved so its better to put it up here and let higher authority cast their eyes over it and see what they think. G'day. 

Oh you mean that time when we had 2 mentors in our channel discussing what happened over and over again and that both of them agreed that the report wouldn't go anywhere? Not to mention I wasnt even involved in that previous situation.

Dimas I think you'll find the higher mentor agreed that it was a mess but the other one who joined a couple of minutes after was debating whether it was infact RDM but forget that, this is a different situation. 

I didn't 'Fake' the corner at all, I slowed down and moved out to the right of the road because i wanted to turn around and go back the other way. Either way you used plowing into the back of us to your advantage so you could kill us, But about the TeamSpeak thing, your other gang members can agree that nothing got sorted in TS the other day when we both got called in.

well billy the guy that is reporting said ''we attempted to turn right onto a bridge when they smashed into the side of us'' so how is it?

I was the one driving and that was the intention to turn around, but either way the end result was going to be our death and you resulted that by I believe VDM'ing us

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I'm posting as I was a witness, on as a civilian not a rebel. You can clearly see you going to turn right, and then immediately turn left.

You were speeding just as fast as those guys, so how is that any chance of them to stop or turn if you literally pull right and then immediately pull left?

When you pulled right, you gave the indication you was crossing the bridge, Why the hell are you trying to do a U-Turn? before the bridge? you look like you turned into them.

Re-consider your driving skills.

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Considering that you're a TKC member I'm really not fussed about what you have to say about the situation as you're automatically on their side )))

Considering that you're a TKC member I'm really not fussed about what you have to say about the situation as you're automatically on their side )))
Its my side to the situation, I couldn't careless who you are either.

When you make a silly report without thinking to myself 'Wait I just made a stupid U turn before the bridge, while a oncoming car is coming, maybe I'm at fault here too?'

Mr.Casper, do you actually even abide the speed limit in hatchback sports? if you do in the future you will avoid crashes like this in the future.

Might want to define 'oncoming' but yeah, as I said until someone looks at this I cant be arsed to argue with you lot. 
Oncoming~ approaching from the front; moving towards one.

When you did a turn in the middle of the road thats when it becomes oncoming.

well you can clearly see on the video that the drive is running out the second so there you have your answer please have me removed from this report bc im clearly not driving the car

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