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VDM Report - DIMAS and Petter

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well im guessing you got my name bc i was in the car for the longest time and was just sitting in the front seat doin nothing? in the passanger seat correct, i also got kicked and if you got my name then you would also have noticed that i was all gone from the car's passanger seat.

Are you alright? Nothing you're saying is making any sense... You killed me, Petter, but my mate cut his footage/evidence short for whatever reason. Thats why I have included you in the report. 

Yes i'm alright dude. Can we get to the point with the report also it was a car crash. You can also see in the video that the driver of your car is trying to drive on the bridge but changes in the last sec and we crash. You buddy is the video starts saying hands up and we wont surrender bc we dont see it was our fault and there for i guess i firefight starts.

''If the player is on teamspeak and you can reach them there first then please make every effort to do so before starting your report.''

There was not contact made to use about this report and you did not try to solve it. Refrencing from a diffrent case that was solved dose not justify the action of not trying to make contact with us in Teamspeak. We are always on so it could have been talked out. So this could have been avoided.

I'm now done posting lets wait for a Admin to come in

Have a good night boys!

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Oh my god I'm literally punching myself in the bollocks because you're missing the point. You can have your view on whether it was an RTA, car crash, VDM or whatever but the end result was you using whatever method you want to call it to stop us using your vehicle vs ours without initiating RP and then killing us WHICH IS VDM. You could have easily let us be or said something but instead it was straight down to business with the killing as usual so if it was a car crash like you claimed you would be arsed but frankly you werent. Sound anyway, Ive made my point :))))))))

just saw this before i going of when i saw you post anyway well your buddy is saying loud and clear hands up hands fucking up and so is my friend doin at the same time so both are starting it up at that point. It's a car crash simple as that.  at 0:06 sec you can also see that from out point of view it looks like you will follow the path on to the bridge and that 1 secound later you can see that you have changed direction and as you can see on our wheel on the car that we are trying to follow your old path in this case on to the bridge and we end up crashing.

'' You could have easily let us be or said something but instead it was straight down to business with the killing as usual so if it was a car crash like you claimed you would be arsed but frankly you werent.''

well a normal car crash dont envolve every1 running away to taking cover behind your car then starts going at it. anyway from our point of view it's a car crash and it's not a VDM

[SIZE=medium]Using your vehicle for running people over, using it to ram into other vehicles in and outside combat, using a vehicle with the purpose of making it explode are all considered a form of VDM here[/SIZE]

We did not run you over and killed you we did not crash in you in the purpose of making your car explode you are turning toward the bridge then you change direction and we all end up crashing and rp is start right after bc every one feel threatend by all the guns and both sides say hands up.

I have a feeling that this Thread will go on like our talk in TS did about the old case and that is just useless.


lol ^

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Right, that is not neccesary, this is a report a player topic, so keep it on topic and if you have nothing constructive to say you just shut up.

Next time I see a lame gif in a player report I'm issueing a warning point.

Also, it does not take two pages to give both sides of a story, you guys are just talking past eachtoher throwing around accusations. Time to call in the admins and have them make a decision or at least review all sides stories up to now. (Which will be a massive pain in the ass due to the amount of comments).

@Neo @Wilco @Vacatio

'' It is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak out loud and remove all doubt ''

Report a player topics should remain on topic and constructive. Posting a smiley only clods things up making it harder for admins to see what happened.

Ok understood. Just close the report, clearly this is going nowhere and like the issue the other day, another cluster fuck.

I'd rather not close it yet, but in fact wait for someone of a higher authority to look at it and have their view. Agreed that the amount of comments and shit talking to each other hasnt helped the situation which I appologise for but countless times people get away with VDM, RDM etc.. but it seems its pointless making a report about it as nobody, especially TKC, are going to admit they made a mistake and argue against it and take a slap on the wrists. 

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Didnt even bother with teamspeak due to what has happened in the past. Nothing gets resolved so its better to put it up here and let higher authority cast their eyes over it and see what they think. G'day. 
Denied - 10.09.14

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