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I recommend **** Advertising removed *** that a massive deathmatch with no roleplay and minimum rules

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I admit I left the server because I had someone at the door - At the end of your VHS recording you can clearly see you taking me on a safari tour! I told you several times I had to go but you didn't listen. 

Coming and spamming my thread with your irrelevant input. Because it only seems your the only one who thinks its ok to hurl abusive at me over a forum and link me to pictures and videos to make me out to be someone - Crazykiller your 18, sure you aren't lying to yourself?

You can't justify that excuse I have been arrested before, and had to go answer the door and let the officer carry on doing what he is doing while I have been AFK

Look Joe...im going to ask you nicely, please will you leave this thread. It appears to be getting spammed with inappropriate posts

CrAzYKILLER, good job on arresting them for conspiracy to rob the bank.. however I thought police had to give you a fine 3 times, and tell you that if you didn't accept it after the third time, you were going to jail.. 

Also, don't argue with these people in here, do the adult thing and ignore them, let Wilco deal with them as i'm sure he will. 

CrAzYKILLER, good job on arresting them for conspiracy to rob the bank.. however I thought police had to give you a fine 3 times, and tell you that if you didn't accept it after the third time, you were going to jail.. 

Also, don't argue with these people in here, do the adult thing and ignore them, let Wilco deal with them as i'm sure he will. 
If you listen in to that video where did you hear my voice say I was going to rob the bank? Talking of giving me a fine I accepted it! So he had no right to take me to jail (Making the rules up as you go along Joe?)

As I mentioned I gave that dude a lift I went to leave and he jumped on it again as I forgot to lock the vehicle....Myles it appears Crazy as just turned 18 and is yet to become an adult, so asking him to do that will be like working out the circumference of his brain

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There is no point in offering trolls 3 fines, and he never accepted it as you can see in the video so

Either way where did it show you making the ticket out again - Anyway, Joe you aint an admin you aint doing yourself any justice by continually posting on here. Its now in the hands of **** Name removed **** I assume?

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Wilco is not the only admin on the game, and you see me issue the ticket a few seconds before, sounds to me like your trying to make as many excuses as possible

Right where do I start in this what appears to  be a unban request turned into 2 people arguing.

Crazykiller please leave this to the admins now :)

Matt, We perm ban here to protect serious roleplay in our servers, we are alot different to many altis servers out there, I do however believe in 2nd chances and want you to read the rules here - http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/2548-server-rules/

If you agree to them and agree to maintain high levels of roleplay going forward then of course we will let you in, We do not like combat loggers or people logging off to avoid jail which is the reason you was banned here by a server admin.

I will await your response but please be advised there is no appeal after the first ban if you were to break the rules again.


Thanks for the reply and understanding but genuinely I had to leave for a a valid reason. I dont appreciate being called a bullshitter by an 18 year old.

Yes I have read the rules again rest assured it wont happen again! Were playing online if people cant take banter then they shouldnt have to play dude

Sorry you had to waste your time on this

To say you have been given a second chance, your making a lot of enemies very quickly not good when everyone on this server are friends with eachother

To say you have been given a second chance, your making a lot of enemies very quickly not good when everyone on this server are friends with eachother
My point exactly....You cant take banter Joe...Like Wilco said its nothing to do with you. Did I say I wanted to come on the server and make friends?

No but if you go round shooting people because you dislike them then that's a problem for everyone 

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