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No but if you go round shooting people because you dislike them then that's a problem for everyone 
What are you taking about? Youre going off on a tangent about something else! Wilco said leave this thread. I aint arguing with you all your doing is throwing fuel in the fire and making things worse for yourself! 

"CrAzYKILLER", when I spoke to you in Teamspeak you sounded like a reasonable guy - having read your response in this thread, I'm now starting to doubt my initial thoughts.

There is a fine line between "banter" and being a dick, however people have different thresholds of what they can take so it's impossible to interpret how the other will take it. This is a common problem with RP communities. Just take EVERYTHING with a pinch of salt, grow thicker skin and enjoy it for what it is.

"Matt Hardy", you really do need to calm down though, I know it's only your first day but just knock it down a few pegs and you'll be fine.

How what you going to do? Come up to me ingame and shoot me?
What Belynz's as just said to you I would take onboard literally. Your responses on here prove your age! Posting immature links of an hillbilly and some american crying? What relevance does that have?

Put it this way you havent given me any fuel to retaliate, like you said in teamspeak "make my day" Well you certainly made my day with these responces!

Hi WIlco

I am just wondering what you require for me to play on the server again? I can only assume that I have been a little cooling off period judging by this thread?

Be good to get back in the server and continue my venture :)

Wilco check your PM also, have a little idea

Lets give it another go, Please remain mature on the server, if you get banned again then it will stand perm.

Please do not prove people right, Please PM me your guid.

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