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This is why I kill people.


Well-known member
Tredegar, South Wales
So yesterday I thought it would be fun to play a game of Russian roulette with some guns I had(6 guns on the floor. all empty except one. One person chooses a gun another points it at them and pulls the trigger.), All I needed was some people to play. Normally I would just go to the unmc checkpoint and offer them a game but unfortunately no-one was there.

 So instead I drive my ass all the way down to Kavala to find some lucky contestants for my game. Well after 20 minutes of driving there I pull up in the town. First of all I go to the police station and maybe try and find an officer who wants to play there. Not a one. So instead I just decide to leave Kavala. On my way out how ever I'm driving behind a truck full of people when suddenly someone in the middle of the road tells us to stop or he'll shoot. We kindly ignore him and he opens fire on us and misses. Some guys they have in the back take out their rifles and start shooting back. No lives lost there however. 

   Now normal people would think "Oh no these guys all have rifles, I should run away!" But no, Not me.
I instead follow them and honk my horn none stop to get their attention. Eventually they pull over to my delight. Though not to my delight they then get out point their guns at me and tell me to drop everything I own within 5 seconds or they'll shoot me. I tried to offer them a counter deal "you play my game I'll give you 100k". That didn't stop him from counting down though. After I realized I was talking to the reincarnation of Hitler I got in my car to drive away. I got about 400M down the road before they took out all my tires.(these guys weren't the best of shots considering it took 5 of them 2 mags each to take out 4 tires..) 

   After which they just came up to me and put a pistol round in my head, It was then that I learned to never try and make friends with trigger happy people who like to count down from 5.

Just out of interest, who were they? 

The "Five seconds to drop everything" is considered bullshit RP - I'm guessing they are new to the server. 

Just out of interest, who were they? 

The "Five seconds to drop everything" is considered bullshit RP - I'm guessing they are new to the server. 
Hmm I think I may have a video of the the whole thing if you want, There was a couple of people so idk If I got all their names.

To be fair following them after they shot you was kinda a garunteed way to get itself killed

To be fair following them after they shot you was kinda a garunteed way to get itself killed
They didn't shoot at me, They shot at the guy who was in the road and tried to stop us.

Radioactivshark, in your video regarding the Agios service station robbery, I see you meta-gaming (how do you know there is a robbery going on), wearing an ARAC license to hold people up and fail RP (who in real life goes into an on-going robbery where the robber has a lethal weapon and demands they stop what they're doing), is that the video you're talking about?

Too be fair, I agree that only 5 seconds to drop all your stuff isn't good rp. But it's still not rule breaking, plus you expect to get shot when you do a runner when being held up

Giving someone 5 seconds to do anything is shitty in a game with controls as clunky as ARMA. However it's also pretty borderline RP to follow a bunch of heavily armed rebels while honking your horn, then be surprised when they don't greet you with hugs and cuddles.

Too be fair, I agree that only 5 seconds to drop all your stuff isn't good rp. But it's still not rule breaking, plus you expect to get shot when you do a runner when being held up
I know it's not breaking rules an such but still I go looking to make some friends and have some fun and offer this to them and I get ignored and they continue the count down. It's just crappy rp To me. But it's allowed so I'll hold my tongue about it  :p  plus I expected to be shot when I tried to run away. I'm not complaining about that. I'm just here to have a giggle about it and such, Nothing serious.

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Giving someone 5 seconds to do anything is shitty in a game with controls as clunky as ARMA. However it's also pretty borderline RP to follow a bunch of heavily armed rebels while honking your horn, then be surprised when they don't greet you with hugs and cuddles.
I was looking for armed guys to do this with, People who live close to danger. Normal people would of course say no to russian roulette so I would of course have to find people who like to live dangerously.

Just out of interest, who were they? 

The "Five seconds to drop everything" is considered bullshit RP - I'm guessing they are new to the server. 
here's the video. 4 guys. Not 5 as I said before my bad  :p  

Giving someone 5 seconds to do anything is shitty in a game with controls as clunky as ARMA. However it's also pretty borderline RP to follow a bunch of heavily armed rebels while honking your horn, then be surprised when they don't greet you with hugs and cuddles.
I gotta disagree. You can easily lay down on the ground or put your hands on your head within 5 seconds. Arma may be clunky but those actions are fine.

Your right it is shit rp. If I rob someone I give them 5 seconds to put their hands up or I shoot. Sometimes they ask me how so I pause and tell them. Never 5 seconds to drop all their gear lol. Take that long to get 1 item out lol

here's the video. 4 guys. Not 5 as I said before my bad  :p  
That's not just 5 seconds, they gave you lots of time. And only started slowly counting down when you disregarded what they said. Nothing wrong with that play.

I gotta disagree. You can easily lay down on the ground or put your hands on your head within 5 seconds. Arma may be clunky but those actions are fine.

Your right it is shit rp. If I rob someone I give them 5 seconds to put their hands up or I shoot. Sometimes they ask me how so I pause and tell them. Never 5 seconds to drop all their gear lol. Take that long to get 1 item out lol
what he said its just entry level tier 1 roleplay 5 seconds is better then 3

That's not just 5 seconds, they gave you lots of time. And only started slowly counting down when you disregarded what they said. Nothing wrong with that play.
They told me to drop my stuff, I then gave them a counter agreement to which they responded with counting down from 5. Again though this isn't a report thread. This is just one having a laugh about something that happened. the only problem I had was the fact they just ignored what could have been a pretty good rp situation

I dunno man. Offering people money to play Russian roulette isn't exactly roleplay because if it were real life they wouldn't get any money and that just simply wouldn't happen.

And technicalities such as new life rule where they aren't supposed to remember the events surrounding their death such as money offered

Fun of the game though so I get your doing it for the kicks lol
