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The War Against TKC

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All I'm going to say is...someone here tried to sell the house that is a detachment from my house. And I don't like that

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Play nice, now ladies and genitals. Keep comments clean etc. War if you want but let's not drag it over onto the forum and be poptarts about it. 

*Huh. Say it again....*



So... When can the police come in and take you all out in one swipe?

Apart from that this has turned into a forum war. I propose that we all stop being massive twats and go back to being a community. Not a place where we see and have to take the piss.

All I am going to say is... I'm fine with the war, however so far I have only seen UGN rp well with me (sexy cops), and I have had some good firefights with TKC (remember to check the back seat, or I will have to kill another 3 or you). will be interesting to see who wins.

If you have a firefight and I am around and you shoot at me, the last thing you will see is me. And then around 5 seconds later I'm surrounded and being told to put my hands up. RIP.

So... When can the police come in and take you all out in one swipe?

Apart from that this has turned into a forum war. I propose that we all stop being massive twats and go back to being a community. Not a place where we see and have to take the piss.

All I am going to say is... I'm fine with the war, however so far I have only seen UGN rp well with me (sexy cops), and I have had some good firefights with TKC (remember to check the back seat, or I will have to kill another 3 or you). will be interesting to see who wins.

If you have a firefight and I am around and you shoot at me, the last thing you will see is me. And then around 5 seconds later I'm surrounded and being told to put my hands up. RIP.
Loved the Rp session with you a the other cops! Send me a Dm of their names and ill recommend you :)

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY THREAD!!!!!! No more war! We shall ignore! We will bring peace, to even police! This is the way, that we should play! So feel the love, from up above! It's showering down, but it is brown.!? OH NO U TIT! IT'S ACTUALLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

Im actually embarrassed to read this thread, some of this coments look like they came from kindergarten. Get your act up or get out of the forums, this spam is ridiculous.

Why does every ingame war have to turn into a hate-thread?

Im actually embarrassed to read this thread, some of this coments look like they came from kindergarten. Get your act up or get out of the forums, this spam is ridiculous.

Why does every ingame war have to turn into a hate-thread?
Who are you?

Im actually embarrassed to read this thread, some of this coments look like they came from kindergarten. Get your act up or get out of the forums, this spam is ridiculous.

Why does every ingame war have to turn into a hate-thread?
If you look, TKC Turned it into a hate thread. 

@UGN-Jordan stop blameing it on other people you are all as bad as each other. if you wanna fight then fight in game, not over forums.

[TI] DaveMiller

If you look, anything involving even the slightest hint of TKC turns into a rage thread and I'm not going to start pointing fingers and naming names but you know who you are, and you need to sort out your shit.


He did this, she did that, we're all a bunch of babies. I knew from the start this would turn sour at some point, I was made aware of this last night and I thought: Let's give it one more day.

I don't even care who turns it into a cry thread, you're all part of it by replying here. Keep your wars off the forums completely next time, thank you.

Khandamir, ALUK Forum moderator

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