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The Rules - FYI

Keep it at 2mil and remove if arrested. You are there as a civil LAW Enforcer and a BAIL enforcer. To much abuse would come in if people didn't respect that they would have it taken away. OR Remove it but give the police rights to remove any licence from a player. Gun licence removed for misuse of firearm etc etc

This is probably an unpopular opinion but honestly I'd like it if the bounty hunter license was not removed when you are arrested.. It's 2 million for the license after all, maybe make it cheaper if you want to keep that in place.
Its a RP life choice... you either pick the good side of the law or the bad... bounty hunters should be crime fighting only.

I assume you've made these changes..

Does the 'Once you've planted the charge, negotiations are over' rule need to be in there for the bank robbery section?

  • VDM allowed between Hunter vs Strider vs Ifrit (Armed Vehicles) to immobilize vehicles only.
Armored or armed?

Would this include the 50cal offroad in vdm allowance. E.g. Going up against a hunter would the hunter be allowed to ram them.
Armored or armed?

Would this include the 50cal offroad in vdm allowance. E.g. Going up against a hunter would the hunter be allowed to ram them.
only armoured on armoured, this question was answered a few posts back.
I'd also like some changes in the rules for bounty hunters. Right now we have no power at all, if a player doesn't give us their name we pretty much can't do anything and if we catch someone doing something illigal we have to wait for them to get a bounty before we can intervene. People are just trolling you because they know we don't have the power to do anything if we don't have a name or gained rp proof that we know who they are.  

only armoured on armoured, this question was answered a few posts back.
Wasn't my question, as armed is in the description, technically that could include the 50 cal offroad. Presumably just a typo, but if not you would be pissed off if you suddenly got rammed by a hunter believing that they are not allowed to. Just felt it needed clarifying

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bout Bounty Hunters

Why cant we handcuff someone if we tazed him? i guy just ran away from a bank robbery cuz i couldnt handcuff him then he logged....

and yes i agree with Bless here. at least give us the tazing->handcuffing thing. Its okay right side of the law but, the other side is so much powerfull and for 2m licence which is okay but it should offer more than be a target of trolling.

Police can go around with un-holstered weapons but bounty hunters cant and if they are on the right side of the law then they have to let them be prepared... police have to trust bounty hutners that they wont shoot anyone jsut for fun as it is bannable and its against the law, i mean if the BH use his weapon in an inappropriate ways he will lose his licence anyway in prison. For instance the police said to me to holster my weapon he drove away into the sunset and Hobo01 come to me and he told me to put my hands up and drop my weapon....

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I am new to the server and am enjoying it very much and as soon as I saw that bounty hunting was legal and easy to obtain I save all my drug money for it :) . However then to have been told all the restrictions we have i was a bit put down :( . I know you don't want to whitelist people for bounty hunter as then it would feel just like a free roaming police officer but I think it would be a nice idea.Secondly 3 occasions today I have been in the position where I have got a suspect has given his name Etc....etc, he runs Taze him then can't restrain him (Which is a common bug) so the guy stays in Rp and does not get up then his friend comes along and start shooting me, so i fire few shots at him...nothing, So I realize he is probably not on the wanted list so I have to run away from my bounty as I cannot* incapacitate his friend.

The Overall idea is with some modifications to bounty hunters they could be a really exciting role and would be able to help Officers NHS etc, instead of staying in Kavala waiting for someone with a bounty to stroll by and hoping he tells you his name as right now its not worth travelling 17km on a 'Slight' chance of finding someone who then tells you their name.

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I am new to the server and am enjoying it very much and as soon as I saw that bounty hunting was legal and easy to obtain I save all my drug money for it :) . However then to have been told all the restrictions we have i was a bit put down :( . I know you don't want to whitelist people for bounty hunter as then it would feel just like a free roaming police officer but I think it would be a nice idea.Secondly 3 occasions today I have been in the position where I have got a suspect has given his name Etc....etc, he runs Taze him then can't restrain him (Which is a common bug) so the guy stays in Rp and does not get up then his friend comes along and start shooting me, so i fire few shots at him...nothing, So I realize he is probably not on the wanted list so I have to run away from my bounty as I cannot* incapacitate his friend.

The Overall idea is with some modifications to bounty hunters they could be a really exciting role and would be able to help Officers NHS etc, instead of staying in Kavala waiting for someone with a bounty to stroll by and hoping he tells you his name as right now its not worth travelling 17km on a 'Slight' chance of finding someone who then tells you their name.
Yes, I completly agree with you in this. I was the same. i saw "bounty hutners? oh man how cool" but then its not with the current circumstences . I asked some other BH-s and some of them went for rebell, due to the problems we have right now.
