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The Rules - FYI

Change NLR, so it's not only considered 1000 meters away from where you died, but so you aren't allowed to take part in a situation where you died in.

currently it would be like: gang vs police at the bank, if someone dies, they will sit standby and wait for their 15 minutes to pass

my suggestion would be like: gang vs police at the bank, if someone dies, they cant take part in the bank robbery at all, and cant take part in selling the gold either. have to wait for the situation to end entirely.

Simply wording it this way would fix the issue.

"You are not allowed to be within 1KM of your death, and you are not able to re-enter the situation in which you died, allowing 3 minutes for the firefight/roleplay to expire." Something like that, just throwing ideas around.

I feel most of the rules are spot on, but one or two may be poorly written and can cause a lot of confusion.

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Well isn't this similar to a shootout with gangs on gangs, or gangs and cops?

Let's say I was killed in Kavala and 15 minutes later the shootout is ongoing, my gang could always call for reinforcements and being a 'new' person I would be able to respond to that call?
Indeed, but the issue is a lot of the time the police win these fire fights and from there the gang is gone, for 5 minutes. They are then to return and think it is ok to fire upon officers without roleplay. A good example of this was yesterday the police setup a checkpoint and a member of a new gang, not going to be named here. But they were wanted and made of in a sports hatchback, so being the only unit on scene with a sports hatchback I went after them. The chase went on for a good 10 minutes to where I de-synced into the back of the car and crashed, he made off and got away. Then to return when I was repairing my vehicle to shoot me, fair play he got me 1v1 wasn't expecting him to come back for my head but what ever. So from there the roleplay session was over, a good 20 minutes later back at the checkpoint, my colleges were attacked WITHOUT roleplay from the same gang. Ofc this gang thought that it would be fine due to me trying to pull one of the gang over. This IS NOT acceptable in my eyes and needs addressed as soon as possible. But must say don't think the gang will try it again any time soon, as at the checkpoint we kicked their ass in a fair firefight. 

Allow shooting within the green zone if a person runs in there for safety in the middle of a firefight, the same with cops running detainees into the blue zone while under fire.

Allow shooting within the green zone if a person runs in there for safety in the middle of a firefight, the same with cops running detainees into the blue zone while under fire.
We usually take people into bluezone / into buildings under fire to keep the detainee safe. 

Change NLR, so it's not only considered 1000 meters away from where you died, but so you aren't allowed to take part in a situation where you died in.

currently it would be like: gang vs police at the bank, if someone dies, they will sit standby and wait for their 15 minutes to pass

my suggestion would be like: gang vs police at the bank, if someone dies, they cant take part in the bank robbery at all, and cant take part in selling the gold either. have to wait for the situation to end entirely.
i also feel like a rule should be implemented that once you have died in a combat situation you are not allowed to re enter the fray as this is a common occurence at our checkpoint where once a gang has got inside we kill and get killed but as people keep re entering the battle from both sides after there 15 minute nlr the battle can go on for the entire 4 hours which is no fun for anyone who want to use our lands.

also i agree with the police re bank jobs however this needs to work both ways to make it fair for rebels as well, by this i mean if a cop dies at the bank he cant just re spawn at kavala and go set up at the gold buyer which happens quite often, if a rebels is dead hes dead for the whole bank job and same should go for the police

Allow shooting within the green zone if a person runs in there for safety in the middle of a firefight, the same with cops running detainees into the blue zone while under fire.
We usually take people into bluezone / into buildings under fire to keep the detainee safe. 

I could be way wrong here, but once RP is initiated with somebody, if they run into the greenzone in the middle of a firefight does this not render the green zone null for that person? Hell, if anytime I was being chased by someone and just ran into the greenzone to save myself I'd never die.

...Maybe I'm just venting my own frustrations with this one, but I'd also like to see permanent bans with little to no chance of appeal for people using exploits/hacking (duping items, looting dead bodies, money hacks). Due to the difficulty in spotting some of these, and the sheer number of people I hear about using them, I would like to see a hard line stance taken to deter people from even thinking about this sort of abuse. People can RDM, VDM, or combat log all they like, in my eyes that will never be as harmful to the game dynamic as exploiters. 

Sorry to ruin the fun for everyone.. (Not expecting this to make it through, but worth a shot)

I haven't been able to read through all of these so excuse me if I say anything that has already been mentioned!

Following on from what booker brought up about jets, I too would like to see the rules relaxed. I would suggest allowing them to fly anywhere as it will give the PRNA a break from their ears bleeding and allow the pilot to have more freedom. In order to make sure that this doesn't disturb roleplay, jets must avoid cities and / or fly over them at no lower than 500 meters. 

That being said, I disagree that jets should be limited to 400 meters. Allow them to fly at any height however they must respect the location they are flying over and of course follow the rule over cities. Anyone who owns a jet is probably familiar with common sense and would rather their jet not be removed.

If you are RDM'ed, you should still have to follow the NLR, it sucks but if you were to take it from a role-play perspective you were murdered by someone who might be on a frenzy.

* Not a change to RDM rules, but to NLR rule.

If you are RDM'ed, you should still have to follow the NLR, it sucks but if you were to take it from a role-play perspective you were murdered by someone who might be on a frenzy.

* Not a change to RDM rules, but to NLR rule.

I understand where you are coming from but it can be extremely infuriating to a player who was just minding their own business in the middle of Athira when suddenly they are shot dead by an RDM and now they are forced to follow a rule, and not enter the area for 15 minutes  because of a guy who can't follow rules himself.

...Maybe I'm just venting my own frustrations with this one, but I'd also like to see permanent bans with little to no chance of appeal for people using exploits/hacking (duping items, looting dead bodies, money hacks). Due to the difficulty in spotting some of these, and the sheer number of people I hear about using them, I would like to see a hard line stance taken to deter people from even thinking about this sort of abuse. People can RDM, VDM, or combat log all they like, in my eyes that will never be as harmful to the game dynamic as exploiters. 

Sorry to ruin the fun for everyone.. (Not expecting this to make it through, but worth a shot)
@DainMK i never thought i would hear you suggest this but me and Vladic just discussed and 100% agree with this one.

Thankyou for informing us. If i have any suggestions on my mind, i will be sure to post them. Can you please inform us, when the rules will be implemented in the official rule page, so everybody will be notified and take a deep look, thankyou Wilco. :)

- Make a rule against fake 999 calls that leads to a trap for other gangs to take you hostage/rob you. I.E: "I'm being robbed at the Oil Trader!" - as an unit shows up they find themself surrounded by 8 people that robs them and takes them hostage. It is OP.

- Let people be allowed to play music in direct chat at following locations: In vehicles (rp for a radio), at the katy perry club, at the open stage at kavala and at private property (your house)

- Let jets fly over the whole map, but must stay at least 5km away from each city and over 400 m at all times. Honestly, I have always wanted to go and fly between the mountains on the west of Altis..
You cant know for certain that when you get ambushed out on a call if it was a fake or not. Gangs could follow you around until you stop and then assault you.

Playing music in set clubs I do like but playing music at the open stage doesnt feel like a good idea as its too close to where most ppl are RPing on a daily basis. I ran one of the biggest legit Rust servers (legacy) and know what a nuisance music can be when ppl are trolling. We tried to allow it but had to make a rule against it in the end. Could make a club in one of the more desolate areas and allow music to be played there. Give ppl a reason to venture out into Altis more.

My five cents ...

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i never thought i would hear you suggest this but me and Vladic just discussed and 100% agree with this one.
As we all know I'm one of the most tolerant and forgiving individuals going, but when it comes to this sort of behaviour I just feel cheated. Its such an unfair advantage against the Rule Abiding Players (don't get me wrong, I'd love to take that corpses beret, but so long as it's against the rules I have to respect that) that my patience runs low. The blasé attitude towards it irritates me too. If it takes a couple months for a player to get noticed doing this, the likelihood of them doing it again is too high to risk. So zero tolerance from me on this one rule. It might make me unpopular, but if that's the price for standing up for what I think is right, I'll gladly pay it.


*Having said that, if it occurs it should be viewed on a case by case basis (I'm still somewhat forgiving after all)

People seem to think that if they are killed, the wait out the 15 mins. They can return to the combat. Which in my opinion is wrong due to it being a NEW life. This new life would have no involvement in the incident.

The police however if are killed at a bank operation, would be killed. They would leave the hostage channel and return to normal patrol until that NEW officer was called to the scene of the operation, which is after the 15 minutes. 
It is not even this as the worst I will give a quick example. HM Treasury robbed. Police killed at HM, respawn at athira due to it being +1KM away. Instantly get back involved when the truck is heading that way. (This is not just cops, rebels do it too.) 

A general tidy up of the NLR rule whereby you cannot get involved in the same situation once you die would be nice <3

And can we please rework the blue zones so that cops cannot run you in there during a combat situation <3

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Love the new Ifrit vs Hunter rule :D

@DSGT Robert and I could have an amazing vehicle deathmatch again :)

Not really a rule but perhaps something that kick the trolling hobo's to make space. I do agree with @DainMK but if they could show that they have earned another change, why not give them? But if they are banned for breaking more then 1 rule, it's a permanent ban.

We should do something with bounty hutners,

because when im playing as a bounty hunter I feel so restricted and current rules makes me act police-ish. Then they said to me im not the police.Also this bounty hunter weapon only works on ppl who has bounty? and there are so many rebels without bounty who robb you because you cant defend yoruself with that gun and they know that. maybe im just bad in it but i think we should add something to BH-s to be more effective, like whitelisting what i read about on forums to get better gun, or somehow make wanted ppl recognition more easier. Bh could be an opportunity for so much fun in this game, but idont know feels like its broken right now.

This is probably an unpopular opinion but honestly I'd like it if the bounty hunter license was not removed when you are arrested.. It's 2 million for the license after all, maybe make it cheaper if you want to keep that in place.
