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The Nexus update!

I moved my car forward and knocked down a sign post and it took 20 HP off me  :Cool:

It's like arma just turned on hardcore mode.

yeah it's more realistic. But it's a pain in the arse.

no point is buying a 7.62 when a 6.5 can do the same damage now, so atleaste you save money on your guns.

I am sure arma will be fixing it more. Surely a 9mm to the chest is gonna hurt like a dink but at the end of the day the update just came out and most likely will have some ups and downs. BIS is still testing it and trying to find more ways to make Arma 3 better and more realistic. For now we are just gonna have to sit it out and wait. Think of it as a walk in the right direction.  :Cool:

Take it as a man, drive properly, or face the consequences +1000 i like the update 
Take it as a man and drive properly? Most rebels drive better than the police. But hitting a road sign and losing such hp is not really realistic is it? Or getting one tapped by an 6.5 over 1 click. I know its realistic but it shouldnt be this realistic after all i am here to have fun not die every 10 minutes hitting a road cone or get smashed by hobo. If i wanted it this realistic i would go out and drive my own car. Please think about every aspect before making a non sense comment. And dont think so single minded. 

Take it as a man and drive properly? Most rebels drive better than the police. But hitting a road sign and losing such hp is not really realistic is it? Or getting one tapped by an 6.5 over 1 click. I know its realistic but it shouldnt be this realistic after all i am here to have fun not die every 10 minutes hitting a road cone or get smashed by hobo. If i wanted it this realistic i would go out and drive my own car. Please think about every aspect before making a non sense comment. And dont think so single minded. 
Well not to be aggresive about your not-singled minded opinion, but as i see it, it is just as it should be, when i play the game i enjoy every bit of it, but some parts are well to say it not really fun and entertaining i will agree that the gunfights were funnier when rebels could survive 8 shots, and officers 4, i do understand that after this update the rebels now have lost this advantage, and now have to aim at unprotected body parts, which can cause an issue here, i also understand that you no longer can drive your sports hb with 327 km/h and crash into a fence and still run, or try to outrun police officers since you are bored, this being said, i have though about every aspect, and as it looks to me, this actually helps the police force, getting better hand around the crime and speeders on the land of Altis, and yes i do know, rebels lose alot of money, but this would probably increase the RP they provide not to lose thier vehicles when they fuck themselves over, so before going hard on everyone else, you could ask for a more detailed explanation, instead of going rambo.


Step 1: Get in your brand new sports car.

Step 2: Drive at 20km an hour.

Step 3: crash into a bush.

Step 4: die.

11/10 IGN would crash again  :Cool:

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Well not to be aggresive about your not-singled minded opinion, but as i see it, it is just as it should be, when i play the game i enjoy every bit of it, but some parts are well to say it not really fun and entertaining i will agree that the gunfights were funnier when rebels could survive 8 shots, and officers 4, i do understand that after this update the rebels now have lost this advantage, and now have to aim at unprotected body parts, which can cause an issue here, i also understand that you no longer can drive your sports hb with 327 km/h and crash into a fence and still run, or try to outrun police officers since you are bored, this being said, i have though about every aspect, and as it looks to me, this actually helps the police force, getting better hand around the crime and speeders on the land of Altis, and yes i do know, rebels lose alot of money, but this would probably increase the RP they provide not to lose thier vehicles when they fuck themselves over, so before going hard on everyone else, you could ask for a more detailed explanation, instead of going rambo.
I agree with you for the most part, i have noticed that it is way easier to kill cops (unless they're using rubber bullets) than rebels, so i like that aspect of this update. I however find some stuff really unrealistic/annoying like getting one shotted in the leg from close range, as visible in this video by @Ociex

I see what you are trying to say, but to be fair i find it quite amazing that you can die by crashing with that speed, now it's maybe over that people are trolling around in thier Sports HB's, and actually focus on driving and aviod to crash into others :D
Vehicles exploding while driving into a bush at 35kph is just a joke, destroyed wheels are already unrealistic, but not everything is about realism, and it does help stopping people from screwing around with their cars, so I'd accept it. But explosions are just crazy, i get where you're coming from, people can fuck around in their car, crash and then jump out unharmed and shoot the police, which is stupid i know, but explosions are not really a solution, since in 90% of situations this will just be frustrating for everyone involved.

There was an update?

Come to think of it I rarely seem to get shot, don't/can't shoot people, and my driving is already impeccable...

Unlucky guys..

Maybe Ifrits legal? Only thing that won't kill us when crashing lol

Well not to be aggresive about your not-singled minded opinion, but as i see it, it is just as it should be, when i play the game i enjoy every bit of it, but some parts are well to say it not really fun and entertaining i will agree that the gunfights were funnier when rebels could survive 8 shots, and officers 4, i do understand that after this update the rebels now have lost this advantage, and now have to aim at unprotected body parts, which can cause an issue here, i also understand that you no longer can drive your sports hb with 327 km/h and crash into a fence and still run, or try to outrun police officers since you are bored, this being said, i have though about every aspect, and as it looks to me, this actually helps the police force, getting better hand around the crime and speeders on the land of Altis, and yes i do know, rebels lose alot of money, but this would probably increase the RP they provide not to lose thier vehicles when they fuck themselves over, so before going hard on everyone else, you could ask for a more detailed explanation, instead of going rambo.
I didnt went rambo but oh well. I dont care how much shots i take to get killed or anything and i still think youre thinking single mindedly and non sense and youre too salty about rebels. I am not going to speak further you shouldnt aswell before leaving that salty attitude behind you.

I didnt went rambo but oh well. I dont care how much shots i take to get killed or anything and i still think youre thinking single mindedly and non sense and youre too salty about rebels. I am not going to speak further you shouldnt aswell before leaving that salty attitude behind you.
Well i am sorry if you find me salty, i would just let you know that i aint, but i will agree that i am getting tired of the low RP quality standard, most of our dear rebels do provide us, and now they complain about thier lifes getting harder, your opinion about me being singled minded, is your opinion, i wont bother trying to change that, i know alot of people do not like me, so you are welcome to step in the line together with them.

I am stating my point of view, and well if you can't handle several opinions that is not the same as yours, then i do not think you should consider going into politics :)

Have a great day - I would like to respond to you as soon as you cool a bit off :)

Nah mate UK law says no armored vehicles! -1
The UK law also says no handguns, realism isn't everything right? And yes, this is a British themed server, but we're still in Greece. But Ifrits are too expensive to use as normal transportation anyway, so i agree with you :D     

I honestly believe the nexus update isn't bad, it stops accidental vdm and stops gunfights being boring for cops who can just get sniped by 7.62 easily the obvious concern at thinner is the issues with the servers code being broken due to the update things like the vdm script is bugged etc. and the server going down a lot but what you need to remember is ciaran is the only developer at the moment and I belive is going through mock GCSEs just as I am and they are stressful an time consuming enough when you are being pressured to fix the uk and Europea biggest serious role play community he was most likely expecting to have a break from development of the framework but right in the middle of constant examination he has dedicated time to help fix the server personally I think it is outstanding how he does it I doubt anyone else could is just like to say thankyou to @Ciaran for the amazing work he is doing an all of the staff team of ALUK for volunteering to help keep this community alive I think everyone needs to calm down about it we will get used to the changes soon again good luck to ciaran with his GCSEs -Rich

I honestly believe the nexus update isn't bad, it stops accidental vdm and stops gunfights being boring for cops who can just get sniped by 7.62 easily the obvious concern at thinner is the issues with the servers code being broken due to the update things like the vdm script is bugged etc. and the server going down a lot but what you need to remember is ciaran is the only developer at the moment and I belive is going through mock GCSEs just as I am and they are stressful an time consuming enough when you are being pressured to fix the uk and Europea biggest serious role play community he was most likely expecting to have a break from development of the framework but right in the middle of constant examination he has dedicated time to help fix the server personally I think it is outstanding how he does it I doubt anyone else could is just like to say thankyou to @Ciaran for the amazing work he is doing an all of the staff team of ALUK for volunteering to help keep this community alive I think everyone needs to calm down about it we will get used to the changes soon again good luck to ciaran with his GCSEs -Rich
One tapped by a TRG-21 from 800m, luv it

I do enjoy the fact that pistols are not hilariously underpowered anymore, people do seem to forget they are actual firearms. Furthermore the fact is that 6.5 would be assumed to have armor piercing capability, I think not that people should worry about the power of the weapon as much as the fact everyone carries one.

I do believe that 5.56 is no longer "useless", it will inspire more people to use such calibers, in a realistic manner. I personally am tired of being outgunned, since my only firearm is usually a 45. 1911 pistol, which usually is extremely useless against higher tiered weapons. We must remember that all firearms are equally dangerous, and in real life rifles such as the 5.56 and 6.5 are not any more deadly than a 45. caliber bullet, they only have further reach, which is shown in the new update.

Any man who is fired into will die from correct shot placement, no matter the caliber, those who disagree may show proof of it, of course since this is Arma, there is not much to do about the entire getting shot in the leg or arm ordeal, but trust me that 9mm, 45. colt, and 5.56 are VERY deadly projectiles.

Also thing with the extremely fragile cars is a joke, that should change.

Dr. H. Lecter
Independent Contractor

I see the bullet damage as an issue. Seeing as with this new update they said "we want to increase damage to unprotected body parts" which translates into shoot them in the legs. The driving is not so much an issue, maybe now not everyone will be robbing from a hatchback sport. Maybe switch to an offroad I mean come on have you seen the new turn-out feature.
