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The new economy

From some of the people here it seems like... 

Watch out guys; they have introduced a better progression system and more realistic values than altis, whilst trying to cut down on the violence such was destroying rp. Unfortunately you will have to actually do some work to get better gear and not just rob everyone from the get go for that 50k cash which one person would carry on thier pocket. Everyone bail out, #antihype! All back to altis wahh wahh!  -_-

How short sighted of some people, of course it will be different! I for one am more excited than ever to get home to play it from what I have heard so far! 

How about you don't have fun on tanoa and come to altis to ban the ppl who rdm admins?
How very insightful of you!

I think you of all people should be quite familiar with the fact the staff do ban people  when necessary... 

From some of the people here it seems like... 

Watch out guys; they have introduced a better progression system and more realistic values than altis, whilst trying to cut down on the violence such was destroying rp. Unfortunately you will have to actually do some work to get better gear and not just rob everyone from the get go for that 50k cash which one person would carry on thier pocket. Everyone bail out, #antihype! All back to altis wahh wahh!  -_-

How short sighted of some people, of course it will be different! I for one am more excited than ever to get home to play it from what I have heard so far! 

How very insightful of you!

I think you of all people should be quite familiar with the fact the staff do ban people  when necessary... 
I feel like tanoa will be much more realistic and fun with the new currency thing and everything! :) Tanoa is much better than altis even at this stage :)

Thank-you for the words on the economy, both sides have some arguments that can be valid.

Levels are introduced to make people WORK for a living, we don't have fantasy prices, and you dont all have drugs in your attics... it's life online...

Yes, its slow, and somethings are a bit harshly priced or weighed, but we'll be working on these things based on GENUINE feedback... "fk that i'm staying on altis" sounds more like "i'd rather make a million off a weedrun and shoot some cops"...

on this, if you do drugs, you need to be sneaky about it.... you're not John Rambo with access to a million guns...

As time progresses and people get money, gangs will start to cause some havoc on the islands like a natural progression... they may win a fight, and lose the next, and the loss will be a massive hit to them.... a £207,000 hmmt box getting scrapped is going to hurt! and the fact that they need to have unlocked it in the first place...

Police will be able to set up a checkpoint without a rain of bullets after 5 minutes.... Roleplay increased ALOT, Gunplay still exists but on a more realistic style... 

Police's fines and tickets were nerfed, and then divided by 10 after me and drew spoke to the CSI's prior to release, if you play along with the police, you get rewarded, if you sit there oinking, its going to hurt....

So yeah, maybe you feel like you want a gun fight, work for it.... role play.... and earn it like a real man (or woman)

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Thank-you for the words on the economy, both sides have some arguments that can be valid.

Levels are introduced to make people WORK for a living, we don't have fantasy prices, and you dont all have drugs in your attics... it's life online...

Yes, its slow, and somethings are a bit harshly priced or weighed, but we'll be working on these things based on GENUINE feedback... "fk that i'm staying on altis" sounds more like "i'd rather make a million off a weedrun and shoot some cops"...

on this, if you do drugs, you need to be sneaky about it.... you're not John Rambo with access to a million guns...

As time progresses and people get money, gangs will start to cause some havoc on the islands like a natural progression... they may win a fight, and lose the next, and the loss will be a massive hit to them.... a £207,000 hmmt box getting scrapped is going to hurt! and the fact that they need to have unlocked it in the first place...

Police will be able to set up a checkpoint without a rain of bullets after 5 minutes.... Roleplay increased ALOT, Gunplay still exists but on a more realistic style... 

Police's fines and tickets were nerfed, and then divided by 10 after me and drew spoke to the CSI's prior to release, if you play along with the police, you get rewarded, if you sit there oinking, its going to hurt....

So yeah, maybe you feel like you want a gun fight, work for it.... role play.... and earn it like a real man (or woman)
never mind a hemtt box hurting i got a 75 pound ticket for speeding and made me curl up in a ball at the side of the road and  sob inconsolably lol , but i think the econmy is brilliant people will really value the things they work so hard to get and every action will have to be thought about long and hard to see if its really worth it before committing to it

The way I see it is this new system is better it makes people play properly (ie roleplay / work to earn money)  instead of altis where you can make quick buck and get a gun and start going on a spree.   Only ones that will start to complain down the line is those that can't put a lot of time in it or earn as the rest of us and just want it now.  

Just take it easy and enjoy it.

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The system is great, however it should be possible to purchase quads from level one, because at this point many people have used 2-3k on renting quadbikes at spawn due to not being level 5.

Prices are not final and might be tweeked in the following days :) Quadbikes should be cheaper to rent now/soon for example.

Thank-you for the words on the economy, both sides have some arguments that can be valid.

Levels are introduced to make people WORK for a living, we don't have fantasy prices, and you dont all have drugs in your attics... it's life online...

Yes, its slow, and somethings are a bit harshly priced or weighed, but we'll be working on these things based on GENUINE feedback... "fk that i'm staying on altis" sounds more like "i'd rather make a million off a weedrun and shoot some cops"...

on this, if you do drugs, you need to be sneaky about it.... you're not John Rambo with access to a million guns...

As time progresses and people get money, gangs will start to cause some havoc on the islands like a natural progression... they may win a fight, and lose the next, and the loss will be a massive hit to them.... a £207,000 hmmt box getting scrapped is going to hurt! and the fact that they need to have unlocked it in the first place...

Police will be able to set up a checkpoint without a rain of bullets after 5 minutes.... Roleplay increased ALOT, Gunplay still exists but on a more realistic style... 

Police's fines and tickets were nerfed, and then divided by 10 after me and drew spoke to the CSI's prior to release, if you play along with the police, you get rewarded, if you sit there oinking, its going to hurt....

So yeah, maybe you feel like you want a gun fight, work for it.... role play.... and earn it like a real man (or woman)
Scratch the HEMMT, I done sugar in my quad made it to sugar exports, realised i got on the wrong quad and i was locked on it and while looking at the map my steering locked and flew into the water and died

Prices are not final and might be tweeked in the following days :) Quadbikes should be cheaper to rent now/soon for example.
This is good news as they are slightly broken at the moment, let me explain what I mean.

I do one run of sugar and get paid £80, the run took me about 30 minutes to do, this means to earn the £500 rental for the quad I need to work a little over 3 hours.  

So if I log in half way through the server session I cannot earn the amount needed to repay the rental fee and so my cash flow will go in reverse.

I love the new system I just think you need to work out the prices a little more :)

money wise, there are a lot more valuable things than Sugar, you just need to take the risk ;)

money wise, there are a lot more valuable things than Sugar, you just need to take the risk ;)
Doing illegal stuff is too expensive, it's not worth it, processing license is horribly hard to get economically

money wise, there are a lot more valuable things than Sugar, you just need to take the risk ;)
I cant be a naughty boy and do drugs ? Diamonds looks like the most valueable legal job at the moment but trying to get there is hard work. If there was delivery missions I would be doing that constantly.

not all drugs need a license!
Oh, that's nice to know, on a sidenote though: the economy compared to what you earn is realistic (on some of the processing a bit overpriced) but the vehicles are just way too overpriced imo makes it hard to do the gradual upgrade when the gap between a quad and a hatchback is this big

indeed, the gaps are huge! maybe we could look into some things like pay-day loans and stuff. We'll have to see, but as said, we're monitoring evaluating, watching graphs, and tweaking accordingly :)

I must say the police pay needs to rise more than £10. Purely because it's worth the same monetry value to get 'job seekers allowance' (pay cheques).

On top of earning job seekers civs can do runs which mean they can earn more than £20 every 30min, whereas cops are stuck @ £20, therefore playing as a cop (essential to the server) means that you will be lagging behind everyone else when you want to play civilian.

Otherwise the new economy is great! Absolutely love it. A few tweaks here and there but otherwise it is outstanding.

I found this letter in one of the mailsacks I was delivering on the PostBus run yesterday. The envelope wasn't sealed properly, but there was no money in it anyway, honest. It's a letter from a hobo to his pals back home in Kavala. It makes an interesting read, I think:

I done beed on holidayz once and went to Fiji. We fink we gonna live dere now. Da wevver is nice and suny.

First day I got offa da plane and haz not much munny. Only da £5k wot my granny gave me as a going away prezzie. 

I got my back passij search at de airport by some bitch who work for state, but I had no drugz ne way. Harhar. Give it time baybee. 

I din't want to wait for da bus, so I rented a bike at the airport and drove like a mofo into town. It's a hard life in there but I met some great people. No-one robbed me which was like da win, cos life in Kavala wuz a bitch. I might even fink about goin straight here - it's a nice life and the people are friendly.

I dunt get paid much, but I gets a state benefit of a tenner on a reglar basis plus I gets a bonus for being a gud boy. I bin picking fruit and selling it but its a long walk and fuel is currently expensive - but I gets by. I been bending bananas lately and that's gooder dosh. There is plenty work for hobo like me.

The money here is real tight, and things seems to change prices a lot - maybe their eckononomy is been fucked by da Brexit or summat. I was a bit bummed that I cuddn't buy an AK on the first day and go brat-brat down the high street on day one, but fuck it... maybe I do that annuver day when I forget to take my lithium pills.

Likewise they are tight here about letting me drive a car, even if I had the dosh - I mean like, WTF? I know dat I know how to drive, but they don' believe me and want me to wait a bit before I go zoom zoom round in a big truck. Bastards. I will show dem, when I am rich. Maybe I drive bus. Maybe I be ferry man and make big buck getting tourists to the islands. Maybe I go fishing and find lucky treasure one day. Maybe I just wait around till I find a gun on the street and go copkilling again. We see.

For now though, I feel I am changin'. I be talking to people. I be going to cafe and getting drink. Maybe I get laid? Maybe I make friends? Maybe we plan a big bank job together? Maybe we go to the prison and take piss out of stupid people who got banged up for stealing. Maybe it nice not to have to skulk around in shadows allatime anymore, like I did in Kavala. Maybe I like not being frightened all the time. Just some of the time. We'll see..

You and da boys should fink about coming here. It's a laugh. You will have to work hard at first but we wus always good at finding a way round that in the past, no? If we want to get on and be misters bigs here, we gonna have to pull together and like hard. This ain't no pop-pop town, and guns is hard to find - but we could rool here, if we was smarts. Mayb not in one night, but we cud do it, and kick ass. Bring the boys over to Tanoa. All except Jonny the Boy and his bitches - they dunno how to tawk proper and sound like they have a mouthful of sox half the time anyways. Fuck dem - leave dem in Kavala to die. Bring the smart fellas. Bring the brave and the strong. This ain't no place for weaklings and whiners - dere's a real jungle out here. I herd people got lost and died. But we won't. We could be kings here.


Your old pal,



money wise, there are a lot more valuable things than Sugar, you just need to take the risk ;)
I understand that but I won't be able to do anything with a £500 deficit over my head every time I rent the basic vehicle, the players need to feel like they can accomplish something in a hour, they won't be able to do that.

If the rental price was something like £50, then that would fix a lot of these issues, in fact if you removed the last digit off of every vehicles rental rate it would be a quick fix which would have positive results.  

At the moment a few sessions and you will be broke, unless you play for four hours straight and spend that time earning money.  This isn't a moan as I think the system is a great one, you just need to tweak those rental costs so they are less of a burden.
