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Streamers yet again...

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I had people hounding me the other day while on the server after the whole "Drive a truck full of drugs into the whole of TFU who was busy doing something else and then claim stream snipe" situation. 

It does ruin half the fun when you do something and 10 to 20 mins later its just constant messages from people claiming it.

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Here we go, raw uncut version that contains loads of trash-talk and yeah everything we do in the middle of the night. 


Hey, I don't want to pull rank here but at one point I had 8 viewers on my stream the other day.

So I'm clear to VDM and break server rules and the law, right? 

Here we go, raw uncut version that contains loads of trash-talk and yeah everything we do in the middle of the night. 
Some boss tazing and restraining there, Mr Jelly! I'm impressed. 

thank you , even tho that was after a bottle of rom im impressed myself that I actully still could land a shoot.

In the past the people on the "best avoided" list don't stick around in the community anyway.

Their stream is great though, I have watched it and it is good to have this sort of advertising: I just wish that people would remember it's an RP server and cops are just people playing a game too. It's a case of outsmarting with good RP. Sadly players often default to screaming and breaking RP because they have broken the law and got caught.

it can be VERY hard at times to not take things personally and get wound up though. It's VERY insulting and pretty hurtful to get accused of metagaming / stream sniping / cheating when you're simply doing what you're supposed to do in game. Cops are not trying to fuck up someone's stream or knacker their two hours of in game work.

As a civ / rebel for six months+ I can tell you I RP'ed out of every crime I committed: I've yet to serve one second of jail time. I was pleasant, tried to make things fun and offered excuses: Once I was caught processing cocaine in a stolen chopper and got busted: I ended up getting a lift back to Kavala and the arresting officers gave me £300K to buy a Hemmit and do legit work... I'd been on the server for just a couple of weeks. :D
We've had 3 instances with cops that have pretty much left a bad taste in our mouths. First instance was an obvious stream-watch by cops who set up a "sting" on our truck they hadn't search (was clear of drugs, another person already stream sniped us on that one) and we magically had a bounty put on our heads for selling drugs as they spoke to us (before we knew the cops could just meta-game on the priest). Was pretty boring and pretty obvious.

http://i.imgur.com/0i7ovFL.png <- Even your admins agreed.

Second instance was when a helicopter "randomly" tracked us in UNMC territory (I say random because a few UNMC in our chat claimed they were stream sniping). Their characters magically knew about the drug dealer and the cops meta gamed and followed us to arrest us because, of course, there is nothing else out there other than drug dealer and we're obviously doing something illegal but wwhat'sthe point of even having drugs or drug dealers if the cops use thermal and camp the processing zones/dealers? If it was kept to strict RP, the cops would have ZERO reason to land a heli, drop people off, and come in with guns loaded. The video they showed for proof even had talk of them recognizing us as "Those streamers", loading up our stream and confirming we had weapons and that they were allowed to use lethal force before even seeing us.

If you want to keep it realistic, cops should be patrolling the border and watching people going into UNMC territory. But, fuck it, that's hard and boring.

Third time was when we were running drugs and tried to sell them in town. Bare in mind, we knew we probably wouldn't get away with it, but we thought it would be a bit more interesting than it was. We ran the drugs, the meta-game of questioning the drug dealer to get names gave us an instant bounty (which is completely retarded tbh) and 2 cops just happened to approach our location with their weapons drawn. 

Not sure why cops are wondering around town with their rifles drawn. Great RP, btw.

So, whilst processing the cocain we had cops fly above us and check us out, cops with weapons drawn getting lucky and finding us instantly, our truck got robbed by an obvious stream sniper (we hid our vehicles and they get instantly lock-picked and stolen) and the truck that was full of coke but not being driven by me gets impounded and crushed! Quite surprised cops impound and crush stolen vehicles.

Bare in mind when this all went down there were only 5 cops online (I counted) and apparently all of them were focused on what I was doing.

But, you know what, I'm willing to believe the cops aren't stream sniping, but the meta-game is too fucking strong. Cops complain when we meta-game or don't RP but do the EXACT same thing.

I did ask if drug dealers and processing plants could be randomized and hidden from cops, but I was told cops would just log in as Civs and tell their friends the locations and log back in as a cop. He said he knew this would happen and he couldn't stop that. Yet, cops are using my stream to report people of breaking the meta-game rule (texting whilst restrained) and complaining about us breaking rules too.

At least it seems the admins are working to balance this a bit more. The server here is great, the admins are awesome but sadly I'm just not too sure the cops are interested in anything other than their own fun. 

Just to clarify, no hard feelings and nothing personal to any of you. It's only a game. It's just frustrating and when you've been arrested twice by cops who were clearly watching the stream (first time admin agreed, second time admitted on their own video), the third time something a bit weird happens you assume things.

All Police involved in the incident have received caution based around the incident. I would like to remind everyone that stream sniping is as big of a offence as RDM'ing and Metagaming and will land you with a ban, unless you can prove your side of the story with evidence.

I just watched them get killed in the redzone and scream stream snipe and RDM.


We've had 3 instances with cops that have pretty much left a bad taste in our mouths. First instance was an obvious stream-watch by cops who set up a "sting" on our truck they hadn't search (was clear of drugs, another person already stream sniped us on that one) and we magically had a bounty put on our heads for selling drugs as they spoke to us (before we knew the cops could just meta-game on the priest). Was pretty boring and pretty obvious.

http://i.imgur.com/0i7ovFL.png <- Even your admins agreed.
The first time DI Fisher had an AR-2 Darter in the air watching an incident with an illegal firearm and he noticed two people running back and forth to the drug dealer, he follows you and sends DI Bob to the area where you were going to, he gets there and finds no one near your trucks and decides to ID them and search them, this is the reason why your drugs were gone; not only that but you had already sold some, this means that your bounty goes up as SOON as you sold ONE item of drugs. I can also mention with extreme confidence that the drone was there, it is actually seen in a VOD of yours lifting off and you even acknowledge it.

As I mentioned on your stream earlier, we cannot in ANYWAY place a bounty onto your head, it is physically not in our Altis Life game mode.

Second instance was when a helicopter "randomly" tracked us in UNMC territory (I say random because a few UNMC in our chat claimed they were stream sniping). Their characters magically knew about the drug dealer and the cops meta gamed and followed us to arrest us because, of course, there is nothing else out there other than drug dealer and we're obviously doing something illegal but wwhat'sthe point of even having drugs or drug dealers if the cops use thermal and camp the processing zones/dealers? If it was kept to strict RP, the cops would have ZERO reason to land a heli, drop people off, and come in with guns loaded. The video they showed for proof even had talk of them recognizing us as "Those streamers", loading up our stream and confirming we had weapons and that they were allowed to use lethal force before even seeing us.
I didnt get through to you on the stream, so i guess here is the better place to show you evidence and show how you turned up and the wrong time while we was there for a different reason. 

So here is where it starts, TFU are on the ground with a hellcat above after 3 box hemmits, we are running after them just as they drive away. 

Here is the start of the event, there is 7 mins previous that shows how we got there if you want to watch that.


Key points:

  • at 9:20 is when i suggest we leave to potentially chase the 3 box hemits. The Hellcat is calling targets the whole time. We stay on the ground due to the UNMC being in the area and it being unsafe to extract. 
  • Heavy strider contact at 10:30 and second vehicle spotted (You guys).
  • 11:30 you enter the drug compound. - I would like to point out we are waiting for the UNMC.
  • 12:30 We move in.
  • 13:00 We noticed its you guys, and someone instantly mentions your chat claiming stream snipe as a joke. (Turns out even you two claimed it)
  • 14:30 i explain on the ground about quickly patting you down as we are in a hostile area and we then procced to rush you to the heli, and no point have we used your names against you. Everything we done was due to UNMC in the area and everyone would have been treated the same.
  • 16:00 I explain that "the bald headed one" had drugs, we talk to the drug dealer and get names and we secure the area, at no point did i use your names in play.
Hope that explains that section of it, as from then we are there for our primary targets and defending ourself against UNMC while you are processed by the pilot as quickly as possible so that we could get our evac heli back. 

I would like to point out until we noticed it was you guys, we hadnt mentioned you, or wasnt looking for your truck, until you came to us while we was busy with something else. After joking about the stream snipe (Seeing there is alot of accusations made by streamers these days) we did not treat you any differently, i personally wanted you gone as soon as i could because of the fact UNMC could have come at any point. I rushed through everything, im pretty sure i didnt even ask your names, i just wanted you gone and a quick pat down before hand. 

If you need anymore more information let me know.

- CSI Mitch (I.e Greagsby or as you put it, "the kid on your stream" who tried to explain himself to no prevail) <Slightly butt hurt about wasting my time i agree.

P.S i joined your stream around 20 - 30 mins later after being killed and leaving the server, and once i had heard about this stream snipe call. I was hoping i could explain it to you guys there. The worst decision of my life. 

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Okay, first of all questioning the dealer is NOT metagaming, its part of the game. Second of all, cops CANNOT put bounties on people, that just happens. Third of all, if you are going to do drugs, be smart about it= Dont park at the most obvious place (behind the hospital or behind the hill). And the whole reason you all got busted was because your friend zaF decided to immidiately shoot at us. Had he not done that, we would have been out of there and you could have sold your drugs. 

I would like to say I feel hurt that admins believe I stream sniped and honestly feel I should have been approached and asked for my side of events if they felt this way. I have been a member of this community for a long time and have not broken a single rule in the time I have been here. This event frankly doesn't bother me because I know I caught you legit via my drone which can be proved as you can see/hear, on your stream and when It is landed in the cop base when you guys were arrested. It was also pointed out by the other officer that arrested you. I also accidentally pointed a gun at you guys while flying my drone to move it out of the area so we could talk in peace without the worry of it falling on our heads. I apologise for this because of arma and the way it works there is no other stance I could be in. I had never heard of you guys before this and don't care about how you play but when my play is compromised because of this I should hope that you would feel a sense of injustice on my part. This is an out of proportion topic that needs to be settled and left. I would request that you review your footage and look out for my drone.

On another note accusations before proof only make it harder for people to act normal around you. I personal couldn't give a crap if you think I stream snipe (I don't and simply can't dew to Yorkshires crap Internet speeds) and I will arrest you if I see wrong doing but I'd say from all of these reports and accusations you have now made a good portion of the police not want to interact with you and have fun. On this occasion you where caught out doing drugs and you paid the price. I know the drug dealer giving people's names making your names go immediately on the wanted list makes it difficult but as it was explained to me imagine that he is a mole on the inside for the cops and gets paid by being aloud to sell the drugs he buys. I apologise for the stir this has created and I'm sorry being arrested isn't the most enjoyable thing but sometimes even us cops lose.

Your drone pilot officer

DI fisher

This is the first so called "stream snipe" event.

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OK, first of all I'm really glad Oshi & Serenity are on the forum... It shows that they care and that they are reasonable. I've seen you guys stream it is it great quality... You seem like genuinely decent people. It's also great that a popular stream is on the server. 

I don't want there to be any 'Us vs Them' - I can't comment on the specific situations as I don't know much about them but I will say in defense of the cops that you guys should hop along with cops for a night and see how tough it is. Trust me, half the people you pull over get defensive and rude simply because you pull them over: Regardless of the fact there is a wanted list and we have ANPR for registrations. Dealers happily give the names of all visitors... Which is sort of irrelevant as you'll be wanted anyway! 

As for stream sniping, trust me: It won't be stream sniping; We're not DayZ. It will be arseholes who RDM (Kill on sight) and they won't be around for long (Wilco wields a mighty ban hammer!). Cops get a lot of training and a lot of tools to make arrests but we also get trolled constantly, shot on sight a lot and abused simply for being cops. But any cops who truly cheat don't make it far up the chain. It is insulting to say they are stream sniping: They don't have to. Have a drive along and you will see what I mean. 

I say all this with the greatest or respect: You are a lovely couple with a brilliant stream and I get that what may be interesting for your followers may not be within the law etc.  ;) I'm not a great cop or a great streamer but I am a decent RP guy and I've been on the server on and off for longer than most. 

So how's about everyone being cool: It's great that you guys are here but not every death is a stream snipe... We get LOADS of arseholes who kill us every day and cops get lots of tools to help deal with people who break the law. But stream snipers and meta gamers they are not and I don't want to see anyone demoted of banned. 

Big love and hope to see you guys around,

Rev. x

If you like this post then you are probably Starsky. 


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Reading through ALL of these posts I am confused about one fact. If no one was watching the stream how did the cops know about what people are saying in the actual stream?

As for all the hate you were getting, welcome my world. At least my world 10 years ago. As my Sgt. would tell me, just smile and write them the ticket.

Reading through ALL of these posts I am confused about one fact. If no one was watching the stream how did the cops know about what people are saying in the actual stream?

As for all the hate you were getting, welcome my world. At least my world 10 years ago. As my Sgt. would tell me, just smile and write them the ticket.
Just because some of us are out of game, doesnt mean we have to quit TS. I can assure you none of the cops if out of game and watching a stream shares evidence with what is going on, and most of the reports of stream sniping come from the admins. Words gets around very quickly.

i,e seperate rooms, On duty off duty.

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/Topic - Topic was derailed from the original post. Please be aware that police must not use stream or anyone for that fact. It is as bad if you are doing it over teamspeak. Thats just bending around the rule. 

We will be observing the activity of Oshi's and AnAtomicPenguin's stream on the server and will ensure that there is no sniping taking place.

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