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Streamers yet again...

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I get worked up when 300 people call me dumb ( Here are the raw words: The cops are fucking cunts) because i'm doing my so called "job" as a police officer.

True, only words over internet, but they do still sting a little ;)

Anyways, no need to argue, understand your point and i respect it, off to farm peaches. 
300 people watching and they all call you dumb ? Incorrect id say about 5-10 people maybe have jumped on the bang wagon of one or two.

Its the internet its full of negative uninteresting people, there the ones that are dumb for making a judgement about you being dumb without talking to you themselves and getting to know you... its throwaway insults at the end of the day they are equal to 0

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Guys don't worry about it, do your job properly and you are fine, them crying stream snipe is them being but hurt that they are totally useless at being rebels, if you meet them in game just do the normal and process them like anybody else, we can all tell who they are as soon as they speak, I have had dealings with them aswell, don't go to there stream straight after arresting them as they will see your name and call out stream snipe they have a lot of viewers and the viewers will alway be on their side and against you as they are there for them not you.

Keep doing what you are doing give them no special treatment, and if your in game do not go to there stream and your fine.

I have just watched the part this thread is referring too hahaha, OMG so funny, they got so mad, I would just like to say they can not shoot for poop.

You did a good job guys keep up the good work,

I have friends that are big streamers as well and they are used to being stream sniped so every time you get legitimately caught they still call stream snipe.

they don't know the game mechanics well enough that is why they think you added there bounty,

you did nothing wrong so keep up the good work.

They did this the other night also. I'm quickly learning that "stream sniper" is what Twitchers say every time they lose / get butthurt / are a bit shit.

If they hung out with the cops they would see what a decent bunch the cops are and how much you have to know / learn and RP as a cop. These people are not children so screaming "stream sniper" is bullshit. They are just in a rage and their fans have no right to make a call on an officers rep.

BUT in all fairness it does sometimes feel like some of the popular streamers are untouchable. I know they help bring new people to the server but bear in mind that if the new folks have spent hours watching rules being broken and bent then they won't be any better themselves.

I'm not attacking the streamers by the way... both big channels who use the server have great streams but they need to realise that they can't use the privilege of being a popular channel to get them out of doing time for crimes or breaking any rules.

By the owner of "least popular twitch stream 2014" - TheReverendBJ

At the end of the day people will always complain about you. Because you fuck up what there trying to do. We have a amazing cop force. Dont let someone with 300 people 99% of witch don't even play this game or know the concept of it get to you. If you fuck up then its your fault you fucked up. If you know your right and you did nothing wrong.. then just go with it. It will fade just like all the others...

Just treat them as normal if they bitch let them. If you caught  my doing a coke run and i lost 2 hours of my time and i started to bitch you'd just say "shut the fuck up and grow up" i know you would:p . So just dont let the fact that there a streamer affect your in game play stile. No need for all this attention on them just because people watch them play video games. And the rest is up to them and how they react to situations. As long as you have done nothing wrong its not your problem.

I would rather not know im being broadcasted over the net, let me carry on as normal. I've made it a point to avoid looking at the streams

I'm going to have to agree with Wilco, and I know I skip it a bit in a rush sometimes, but you HAVE to roleplay with the vicar until there is an alternative to get them on the wanted list for drug trafficking.

 - Demand names,

 - Take the accused to see him before questioning him.

 - Demand names from the accused for a lesser sentence (Would be cool if we could adjust time for those with good behaviour)


I know it's an NPC, I know it doesn't talk back, but its still a character, and you cant restrain people for just being in the building, they have to make a real trade first.... 

Take they vile comments as a compliment, as Wilco said, you out-smarted them...

We are on the ball with these things, and to be fair, they'd have to prove you were watching their stream to snipe it.

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After having to process these two and their friend once, I've decided to avoid these two at all costs... Now they seem to RP when they're doing well, but as soon as it turned against them they seemed to get annoyed and had no interest in RPing, to the point where they are offensive in game... Oh well, added them to my list to avoid.

After having to process these two and their friend once, I've decided to avoid these two at all costs... Now they seem to RP when they're doing well, but as soon as it turned against them they seemed to get annoyed and had no interest in RPing, to the point where they are offensive in game... Oh well, added them to my list to avoid.
Exactly, they only decide to RP when they're winning.

After having to process these two and their friend once, I've decided to avoid these two at all costs... Now they seem to RP when they're doing well, but as soon as it turned against them they seemed to get annoyed and had no interest in RPing, to the point where they are offensive in game... Oh well, added them to my list to avoid.
In the past the people on the "best avoided" list don't stick around in the community anyway.
Their stream is great though, I have watched it and it is good to have this sort of advertising: I just wish that people would remember it's an RP server and cops are just people playing a game too. It's a case of outsmarting with good RP. Sadly players often default to screaming and breaking RP because they have broken the law and got caught.

it can be VERY hard at times to not take things personally and get wound up though. It's VERY insulting and pretty hurtful to get accused of metagaming / stream sniping / cheating when you're simply doing what you're supposed to do in game. Cops are not trying to fuck up someone's stream or knacker their two hours of in game work.

As a civ / rebel for six months+ I can tell you I RP'ed out of every crime I committed: I've yet to serve one second of jail time. I was pleasant, tried to make things fun and offered excuses: Once I was caught processing cocaine in a stolen chopper and got busted: I ended up getting a lift back to Kavala and the arresting officers gave me £300K to buy a Hemmit and do legit work... I'd been on the server for just a couple of weeks. :D

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At the end of the day people will always complain about you. Because you fuck up what there trying to do. We have a amazing cop force. Dont let someone with 300 people 99% of witch don't even play this game or know the concept of it get to you. If you fuck up then its your fault you fucked up. If you know your right and you did nothing wrong.. then just go with it. It will fade just like all the others...

Just treat them as normal if they bitch let them. If you caught  my doing a coke run and i lost 2 hours of my time and i started to bitch you'd just say "shut the fuck up and grow up" i know you would:p . So just dont let the fact that there a streamer affect your in game play stile. No need for all this attention on them just because people watch them play video games. And the rest is up to them and how they react to situations. As long as you have done nothing wrong its not your problem.
I love you, man. 

I love you, man. 

This topic,

As mentioned in the rules stream sniping is against server policy and will result in your removement from the police force.

That being said I generally have most streams live when I am tabbed out of game and I do not for a second believe anyone in this community that I know sets out with the intention of doing so.

I love to watch you people in action when you think I am not around its a handy way to make sure each of you is doing the job I expect and 99% of the time you are, yes there are sometimes ways things could be handled better and more interaction would always be nice but generally you guys are going about your day to day when you run into these people. After all if they were doing legal things would you even bother with them? You wouldn't they broke the law you deal with criminals

I do enjoy watching roleplay I do like listening and watching the police interact with people not just to check but because there are so many unique characters in this force it amazes me how each of you deal with different things.

Keep doing what you are doing and don't worry to much what people say we are all pixels on a screen with whatever identity we make ourselves

CSI Maratek

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