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Streamers yet again...

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Avdanced Member
Okay, so tonight me and a couple of others cops were accused of streamsniping. After having watched the stream it was so ridicoulus. They said we were streamsniping because "We gave them bounties for selling drugs with no proof". We dont freaking give people bounties. Second of all its ridicoulus how many rules they break. One guy texted them WHILE HE WAS TAZED, then one of the streamers just open fire on me without saying anything at all. And when SGT mrjelly tazes him, he goes "THEY KNEW EXACTLY WHERE WE WERE". Yes he did, cause you were shooting for gods sake. Then I see even other cops saying we are a "disgrace" (Yeah mclovin I saw that.) We just went by the dealer to ask him who had been selling, had their friend not started shooting that would have been the end of it.

It just feels like we are completely on our own out there. No backup from Wilco or anyone whatsoever. All the comments I read are about how bad the cops are and how the rules needs to be changed. I realize its "publicity" but it just sucks when they have no idea how anything works or the rules and we are the ones getting shit for it.

Well Im done ranting, but jesus something needs to be done. 


There is NOTHING you can do, trust me, iv'e been trough it a couple of times... and it was fucking annoying as fuck and i never want to go trough that bullshit again, so i just did what a wise man told me to do, suck it up and ignore it...

The streamers are a... burden we must carry....  and there is only thing i find as a counter against them.

Just ignore them. No matter how much you fight it doesn't matter, they are streamers and they give the server publicity, and no matter if you leave or kicked beacuse you know.. streamers.. you will just be replaced by a another guy within minutes in the police force....

Also saw the video clip, the first thing he says: 4 cops lets take em out, he opens fire FIRST and gets tazed and instantly screams: THEY KNEW WHERE WE ARE. 

Are you kidding me. 

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I know. I would actually prefer to reverse streamsnipe, to avoid streamers. I have alot of money, I dont need the money from their petty bounties. It just sucks. so. much.

Memorise the name of the streamers, the moment you see them just turn the other way around ;P 

Works for me! 

No backup from Wilco ?

Why should I.... this is 2 players on a community of 6000 + why should you care if they are accusing you of stream sniping... if i was streaming (ignoring the 0 to 1 person id have watching) would you care if i accused you of stream sniping ?... just stay in roleplay and process them as normal.

The fact is we have a very proactive police force here... the fact people are accusing you of stream sniping you should infact take credit from knowing your not and you out smarted them.

I cannot name 1 Altis life server online where the police are this organised.

In terms of the streamers in question they have however shown some good points tonight... 1 being an issue i wanted sorted months ago and that is the vicar giving out peoples names.

Secondly i have invited them on a honorary cops for one night so they can as well as providing entertainment to there stream see how the cops here work and roll with some of you... I know that will show a different story

But its completely up-to them to choose or accept.

The only backup i would have expected from you is maybe that you could have told them how the server works. That we are not the ones giving out bounties for example. And maybe tell them that RDM is not acceptable. Like I said, I realise you dont want to ban them or anything because they do give alot of publicity, but at least tell them that its not acceptable and see if they start roleplaying better.

Anyways, its not really fun being called stream snipers by 300+ people. And then see other people who should know how the game works call us "disgraceful".

But like I said, Im done ranting. I know streamers are a necessary evil.

I would love to take them on a patrol in Kavala at peak time.

Yes please, put them  in Kavala, let's see how far they will go, i give them 15 min and their out. 

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How do you expect me to do that ? In public all over there stream ?

No... instead i have been messaging them on twitter as well as they have messaged me over the past 2 weeks I am one step of everyone when it comes to this server so just because you don't see things don't think its going on.

Its not about publicity... i doubt a huge number of there streaming base will play here... Why? because they don't advertise our server on stream to stop stream sniping which is a streamers nightmare, So its not about that a tall, they are another player in my eyes and treated equally to all and that's how it should be (You wont find that in 95% of any gaming community's when it comes ot a big streamer/youtuber)... this is also a fact why we haven't paid money to youtubers etc just to come here.

Those 300 people watching are not in-game.... in fact id say 99% of them will never visit this server... step back enjoy your game and make sure your quality of gameplay is A... enjoyable for you.... B... quality 

Thats all we ask, I wish the police wouldnt get worked up on things at the end of the day are considered little things in this big amazing community.

I get worked up when 300 people call me dumb ( Here are the raw words: The cops are fucking cunts) because i'm doing my so called "job" as a police officer.

True, only words over internet, but they do still sting a little ;)

Anyways, no need to argue, understand your point and i respect it, off to farm peaches. 

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As I said to Wilco via message over TS I would gladly take them on patrol with me, their moderators are giving them misinformation and comparing it to other Altis Life streams where bounties can be added by the cop themselves to cover any further activities they have done wrong. 

Ignore their calls for stream sniping, it's annoying but christ we have to be doing something right if we are catching them so well without actually watching their stream.

If they do not accept then well tough luck they aren't being very fair and they are just moaning.

I watched the VOD, and about the rule-breaking I can add some things.

I was watching Neo stream the other day when he got taken hostage, and according to him you have to physicly remove the radio + GPS for it to actually take effect, or are you saying he broke the rules as well?

And Oshi shot at police advancing on him right next to the church while he was selling drugs, not against the rules..

And about the stream sniping, you were moving tactically towards the grassy mound where you what? "suspected" they were? 

By all means claim the drone excuse, but camping the drug dealer is against the police rules if I'm not mistaken so either way it doesn't look good does it?

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I watched the VOD, and about the rule-breaking I can add some things.

I was watching Neo stream the other day when he got taken hostage, and according to him you have to physicly remove the radio + GPS for it to actually take effect, or are you saying he broke the rules as well?

And Oshi shot at police advancing on him right next to the church while he was selling drugs, not against the rules..

And about the stream sniping, you were moving tactically towards the grassy mound where you what? "suspected" they were? 

By all means claim the drone excuse, but camping the drug dealer is against the police rules if I'm not mistaken so either way it doesn't look good does it?
I know nothing about Neos stream. And no, I was not advancing on him, I WAS ADVANCING ON THE ARMED REBEL I SAW ON THE HILL, with my own two eyes. He/she ran right in front of me while I was talking to a civ. As it turns out, it was the other streamer. If I was advancing on him, wouldnt I maybe, I don't know... HAVE BEEN FACING HIM?

And how in the heck were we "camping the dealer"? We literally just pulled up, jumped out and took shots from their friend. I am so freaking sick and tired of you commenting on things you know absolutely NOTHING about. What is your major malfunction? 

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