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Stratis Life - On Hold

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I havent been on TS due to work commitments this week to voice my opinion direct to you Wilco but I was think that we make Stratis our second server. It would firstly give the police a break from the norm and I have heardsome good things about the island and secondly like you said it is very popular.

I was watching the numbers on game tracker and between the 2 Altis servers, Stratis and epoch it peaked at around 300 players! Someone smarter than me can probably get the figures exactly but that is an awesome achievment.
Please note the following is a personal opinion and not to be taken heavily.

Server 1 and 2 of Altis life are always full/near max. #1 is genuinely at 100 players and #2 is a 100 players also (during peak times).

Removing Altis Life #2 would cause those 100 extra players to be forced to play Stratis Life or Epoch, even if they didn't want to. I also know this is not the type of community that would suggest playing in another Altis Life server until #1 becomes available.

Also increasing the server population on #1 to 200 would make it fairly unplayable, you'll not get anything done, you'll have double the crime to deal with at one given time, still be in need of officers on another server so you're stuck fighting a loosing battle.

Police recruitment should play a factor before removing servers thus hindering the ability to play for 100 people.

I'm just saying try not to make such bold statements about removing servers without getting the majority of the players feedback; like I said, you'd lose 100 people at most times by removing the #2 server and only having one.

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Server 2 is not on all day because of the numbers and peaks between 5-9 sitting at around 100 for a couple of hours.

We still have a problem getting police into server 2 and thats what I am trying to solve with mixing it up for them.

Server 2 is not on all day because of the numbers and peaks between 5-9 sitting at around 100 for a couple of hours.

We still have a problem getting police into server 2 and thats what I am trying to solve with mixing it up for them.
For the duration I've been playing on these servers, I've never had a issue with server 2 being offline; it's pretty much the server I'm always in.

I've always seen 50+ players every time I've attempted to play, which is why I'm confused as to why you'd want to remove it. Of course I can't view the statistics you can, this is just from what I've seen.

I know you guys would make a good judgement call either way, I just think removing the 2 main servers would be a choice you've end up reverting back.

There is a clear answer to that... this is AltisLife.co.uk so the majority head here to play Altis Life, if we made server 2 into stratis life im pretty sure our growth will suffer, I am 100% certain there is still some awesome roleplayers out there that have not discovered us yet so new players is still a priority.

I'm currently working on a few things to burst the amount of police officers...

To manage 3 servers effectively we need about 40 cops consistently on-line.

This means we have to decide on our recruiting policies and ideas. One of the ideas I hope to put in effect by the weekend, allowing many new applicants, but more on this later in the week.

I'm also lowering the entering requirements with hope the new training guide will be able to work even some newer players into being fantastic officers and roleplayers.

But, you, the civilians of Atlantis, need to remember the officers in blue are always training, try to role-play them, give us feedback, and allow us to grow them into fantastic officers. There's a fantastic role-player inside everyone, It's finding the key to unlock it. If they mess up, and you get sent to jail and its obvious BS, try to get it on a video, send it to me, and I'll get their training focused, and compensate you out of my own salary.

Also keep in mind, not everyone is cut to be an officer, and we do let them go.

All PCSO and CSO feedback can be directed to either myself or @SI Fuel

Hopefully, with a lot of work from my PTO's and DPTO, we'll get a fantastic police force, enable all servers to be online for more time, and bring back stratis life.

Altis life continues to grow day in and day out, It's a fantastic place to be, and I love it here (despite my wife huffing at me explaining why speeding is a bad thing 20 times a day). I feel it's a shame that the police are so stretched it's letting down our ability to grow further.

The future is in our hands, If you're interested in joining the police, APPLY TODAY!

And with that, also recruiting are the UNMC and the NHS.

You can be a medic and in the UNMC or Police!

Good look people of Altis!

We'll do our best to bring you the best.


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This was a good choice to make imo, 

if we cant fill the server with police we will soon get other problems like ppl dont even care about there money and skipp the RP becuse they can just buy new gear even if they die for example, 

when stratis coming back online i want the admin team to look at if we should have it sync to our database on altis server , it would be more fun for everyone to start on brand new with 100k start up money and progress from there, 

just my opinion 

stay safe out there // DI ziN :)

I havent been on TS due to work commitments this week to voice my opinion direct to you Wilco but I was think that we make Stratis our second server. It would firstly give the police a break from the norm and I have heardsome good things about the island and secondly like you said it is very popular.

I was watching the numbers on game tracker and between the 2 Altis servers, Stratis and epoch it peaked at around 300 players! Someone smarter than me can probably get the figures exactly but that is an awesome achievment.
But that means i have to socialise with the idiots that play server one! Mother of god. Server two is a much happier talkative place. 


[SIZE=14.4444446563721px]However it is a rather good idea.[/SIZE]

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Not sure how I feel about allowing my beloved Server 2 becoming #StratisLife ... though certainly it would be different. It might be a bit too much work making tweaks/edits to two maps constantly. One map (Altis) lowers the load on the coder(s). 

On peak times (3pm+) Server 2 is definitely needed (please open it earlier) and could stand to have greater police presence (had to kill two roadblocks with just me and Mitch the other day, TWO!! SEVEN PEOPLE!). 

If Server 2 is changed to Stratis... I'm not sure how I feel about that. I know Conner would be delighted but clearly the ease of making money will be a draw and may pull players away from Altis. 

How about giving the police access to a hummingbird for patrols? That would make it a little easier for a smaller police force.

It is a shame that there will be no more christmas singing with G.C around a smoldering quad bike, followed by christmas carols whilst parachuting....GC have some xfactor talent hiding in there ranks!

How about giving the police access to a hummingbird for patrols? That would make it a little easier for a smaller police force.
Robyn makes a great point: Added perks* like the hummingbird for cops playing on Server 2 / Stratis would be a great addition to entice police over - I know as an ex cop, it is a pain in the arse being separated from friends when you all want to play together... But dish out some perks and  - Wahey! Who needs friends... I've got a chopper, bitch! 

* All free of charge, naturally. 

A shame to see this, I can understand totally. After some time away it was Stratis that got me back playing here again. A shortage of police could not necessarily mean the temp closure of the server. Roleplaying it, there could be an event where police that have been recruited for Stratis could launch a liberation type event where they fight their way onto the island from Altis? Hummingbirds and gunboats land into Agia Marina then liberate the island from the drug cartels establishing laws again. I think this is an awesome opportunity to actually get a quality event from a problem which is seen as bad enough to temp shut down the server. But I of course respect your decision as it is sensible.

In my opinion the map is made for military style environment. In my eyes it would be a fresh new way to RP if there was white-listed or public slots for "police" called Military and then there would be "terrorists" as rebels and civilians. Basically the same things as Altis, except Military would have actual military equipment. This would in my eyes actually lower the amount of firefights, because there would be more room for negotiations due to the fact that if fights happen, they would be even in firepower, which then again rebels don't really want.

I understand if it sounds like wasteland to you, but in my eyes the the rule of RDM should definitely make it different. This could be a good training ground for the now disbanded TFU as well - as it will contain a lot of operations.

And an addition of a terrorist base where you could actually attack as a Military force by first getting contact with the terrorist base owners and informing them that if they do not give up you'll be forced to attack. (obviously some kind of rule of how many terrorists have to be online would be made.)

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How about giving the police access to a hummingbird for patrols? That would make it a little easier for a smaller police force.
We have actually been using the Darter UAV to great effect. Sure, it doesn't solve everything, but the simple fact that I can send it up nice and high to keep an eye on all you lovely rebels without you ever knowing it was there ... well, it's a lot of fun. That's right guys, I can see you even if you can't see me!


Recently the RP on Stratis has improved, however. There's still HEMT Box after Box, but I've had some great RP: better than on Altis, some of the time! 

I feel that stratis is a good server and it was a good idea to put it up, however i think the server is used as a "drug server", all u see is HEMT boxes everywhere, sometimes convoys of up to 15 HEMT's and when we find the rebels doing drugs its extremely hard to RP as u just get killed as all they want is the money from their drugs without interruption from the police. i think the server needs to be improved in where places are on the map and there needs to be a constant amount of cops on their. Also , as for the medics there is nothing to do as most of the people they need to help would be combat so there isn't much to do for them.

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