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Stratis Life - On Hold

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Would you require more people to apply to the police? I'd rather not be a cop on Altis because of RP immersion, but I don't see why not on Stratis, which is another world altogether!

Would you require more people to apply to the police? I'd rather not be a cop on Altis because of RP immersion, but I don't see why not on Stratis, which is another world altogether!
You get whitelisted on Altis+Stratis, but mainly altis as more than one constabulary there.

I see(maybe just me) a problem with the fact that the "cash" transfers over from Altis to Stratis & back. Some people are going to make an easy/safe earning on Stratis just to invest those funds on Altis. It might happen so.

Will stats (E.g. Money, Cars) save over to Stratis Life from Altis?

Edit: Never mind, always read the comments.

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I agree we should make ALUK #1 the main of course , but when ALUK #1 is full then insteas of ALUK #2 going online it should be Stratis. 

Statis will always feel like a battlezone... how can I ask my children to farm peaches in such a battletorn land? WON'T ANYONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?

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