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Stratis Life - On Hold

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The King
Legendary Donator
I have taken the decision to take Stratis Life offline to ease pressure on the police.

Currently they are struggling to stretch them-self over 2 servers (ALUK S1 & ALUK S2) meaning Stratis life has no police.

This was not a easy decision to make as Stratis life has proven quite popular however I believe those reasons are the wrong ones (not roleplay reasons), It has taken me most of the day to come to this decision.

We will have some discussions with the police and admins to see if we can get to the point where we do have enough police to bring the server back online or find a different direction we can move it in without police however for now its on hold.

Altis Life is our main priority and will continue to be and the last thing I want is server 1 & 2 to suffer.

Do not forget we have a Epoch server which doesn't need police and so far its proven very popular with bases popping up across the map

Sorry if this news disappoints you in the short term.

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I will admit this is quite a disappointment, it was a great addition to the Altis Life UK community but I understand where the decision has come from. Hopefully with the police recruiting currently there will be an update regarding this soon :).

Quality over quantity ... unfortunately having the police so stretched and having police for the most part not online in stratis means quality has suffered.

Why don't you have the UNMC patrol it while the police get sorted?

Why don't you have the UNMC patrol it while the police get sorted?
Because there are less of us and we have our territory on two servers as well?

Additionally in RP that would mean we own Stratis and if anyone recalls the reference we would literally be Stratis Army. It would kind of break the system and mentality.

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Because there are less of us and we have our territory on two servers as well?

Additionally in RP that would mean we own Stratis and if anyone recalls the reference we would literally be Stratis Army. It would kind of break the system and mentality.
That has a ring to it.. "Stratis Army". 

"The UNMC take advantage of the stretched government and take over the island of stratis."

That has a ring to it.. "Stratis Army". 

"The UNMC take advantage of the stretched government and take over the island of stratis."
I can see the outward perspective with all three servers as it would appear that we literally invaded from the other map,however drugs are legal with us so people would still make loads of money on Stratis unless we are fucked with,which is not very often.

It won't really work unless we have robbery equivalent taxes on people on Stratis which would always end in gunfights and carry over politically to Altis and make no sense.

I must say there were more rival gangs working hand in hand there than I have ever seen before.  If the intent is for Stratis to be for roleplay then what if its a dry island?  As in no drugs, only legal ways to earn income.

I can see the outward perspective with all three servers as it would appear that we literally invaded from the other map,however drugs are legal with us so people would still make loads of money on Stratis unless we are fucked with,which is not very often.

It won't really work unless we have robbery equivalent taxes on people on Stratis which would always end in gunfights and carry over politically to Altis and make no sense.
Yeah thats true, but also if you did take over as drugs are legal the drug dealer would purchase them at a lower price like in UNMC territory. Which would slow down the drug trade there as everything is so close together its easy to do a whole trip in 30 minutes. 

I see where you're coming from though, as a RP front it makes little sense.

Tis a shame, but the police situation couldn't be ignored. I myself loved the idea of stratis because I've played since the Alpha when stratis life was all we had.

Make stratis a new start for everyone, with a new police force, would be some more work. I would love being able to go on to stratis to start all over as a civilian or rebel and have some fun.

I believe this is the right decision. There are, in my opinion, a large amount of things that could be done to Stratis to improve the quality of it (CI Grumpy and I, as the police officers in charge of Stratis, have been making a list).

The police population has dropped a lot recently, most likely due to the proximity to Christmas. The epoch server really hasn't helped the situation, however, as there are an awful lot of police officers spending most of their time on it rather than patrolling the servers.

Hopefully it will return to normal in the new year. Until then, this is a good thing. Don't forget about it, though: Stratis is still awesome!

This was a good decision until you get situated.

Not only was there no police, there was people mass farming products to get large influxes on cash without any risk. Being able to then use that money on AltisLife would of caused a massive overflow of money and thus ruined it.

Until we can get either more police recruited or a work around, please keep it on hold.

I believe this is the right decision. There are, in my opinion, a large amount of things that could be done to Stratis to improve the quality of it (CI Grumpy and I, as the police officers in charge of Stratis, have been making a list).

The police population has dropped a lot recently, most likely due to the proximity to Christmas. The epoch server really hasn't helped the situation, however, as there are an awful lot of police officers spending most of their time on it rather than patrolling the servers.

Hopefully it will return to normal in the new year. Until then, this is a good thing. Don't forget about it, though: Stratis is still awesome!
Same story with the medics I'm afraid to say. Emergency services right now are like a ghost town.


Why not try bringing stratus up when server 1 is full rather than sever 2?

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I havent been on TS due to work commitments this week to voice my opinion direct to you Wilco but I was think that we make Stratis our second server. It would firstly give the police a break from the norm and I have heardsome good things about the island and secondly like you said it is very popular.

I was watching the numbers on game tracker and between the 2 Altis servers, Stratis and epoch it peaked at around 300 players! Someone smarter than me can probably get the figures exactly but that is an awesome achievment.

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