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Stealing Vehicles Change/Long Term Police RP Enhancement


On A Spiritual Pilgrimage
Elite Donator
Los Santos Police
Florida, USA
TLDR: Make it so an advanced lockpick is required to hotwire cars.

Hello, Moe Sokol back with another bad suggestion. This may be seen as unpopular, but I urge you to hear me out, as it might benefit everyone, just maybe. You want to go out robbing with the boys? Hell yeah! You grab a local sultan or two and head out on the rob. You find someone and start aggressively patting them down for some smoothies. Oh no, the police have seen you! You start to escape in those local sultans, you're getting chased by the police for a while and they seem relentless. They start tactical contact, and your local sultan gets battered by an overcaffeinated interceptor driver. You lose the stolen goods, and it puts a damper on your night immediately.

So, how did we get here? I think it's a few things. A loss from a total loss. Imagine chasing license plate BIGCR1M after they've just robbed a shop and they're whipping around the city. You lose sight of them, but hey that's ok! You know the plate of the vehicle, type up a warrant and get them another time. That's a loss for the police, but whatever. Now if they're in a local and in the back of your mind is if they get away, how likely are you to call off that pursuit early? That's a total loss for police. I don't like bringing up winning or losing as it's not why people are inherently here, but if you break it down to the basics most things in life are about some sort of "Winning" or "Losing" type formula. I know this statement may be unpopular, but that is my personal belief. It is up to individuals what is their acceptable level of loss.

Now you're probably like, what the hell is the suggestion? Removing the ability to use local vehicles? Absolutely not! Locals will always hold a place to be used for a variety of reasons that need it. But I think a variety of roleplay aspects would be improved if not everyone could just jump into a local and drive away with it in a few seconds flat. So, I'd just like to see an extra step to that process, and it came to me in the idea of an advanced lockpick. Just make it to where you have to carry one to hotwire vehicles. I will go the extra mile and say both Locals and Player-owned. Is my idea perfect? Absolutely not and I ask you all to pick it apart, make it better or just pummel it into the dirt if it's terrible.
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+1 - It would be more entertaining to steal vehicles, and would popularise the use and purchase of advanced lockpicks
+1 Moe, we could even angle grind the doors open 😂😂 I think using advanced lock picks would make it quite bizarre and more complicated for other scenarios
Not sure about advanced lockpicks, but personally I did have an idea a while back where people could attempt to 'break windows' and open locked cars that way, risking injury in the process and leaving blood traces or some sort of evidence visible with a flashlight on scene. It would require a bit of work, but I reckon it could add a couple more avenues of RP for both sides
+1 Moe, we could even angle grind the doors open 😂😂 I think using advanced lock picks would make it quite bizarre and more complicated for other scenarios
This would make sense for @Larry Bones 's suggestion. Police would need MOE to unlock someone's car, which I fully support. Fun aspect of roleplay for us.
Not sure about advanced lockpicks, but personally I did have an idea a while back where people could attempt to 'break windows' and open locked cars that way, risking injury in the process and leaving blood traces or some sort of evidence visible with a flashlight on scene. It would require a bit of work, but I reckon it could add a couple more avenues of RP for both sides
I think it could make sense to have both the drill the lock (no chance of being injured) or smashing the window and risk injury. +1 from me.
Honestly, it would be fine for regular players, but it’d make things a lot more difficult for new players. Especially considering how expensive advanced lockpicks are, paired with how difficult starting can already be.
Think of being a new player, you load in get your tornado and it breaks down. You aren’t sure where to get repair kits yet, and you can’t steal a car. Realistically how many new players are going to walk into the city, get a repair kit and go back? They aren’t going to be familiar with how to get a mechanic, so they are going to think it’s difficult and a considerable portion (not all) will just leave.

I think a better suggestion would be that a lockpick, or advanced lockpick, is needed to steal other players cars, but not locals. Maybe even make it an optional upgrade at AE or tirenutz? Gives them more use, gives stealing player owned cars more of a challenge, and doesn’t severally limit new players trying to find their way.
Honestly, it would be fine for regular players, but it’d make things a lot more difficult for new players. Especially considering how expensive advanced lockpicks are, paired with how difficult starting can already be.
Think of being a new player, you load in get your tornado and it breaks down. You aren’t sure where to get repair kits yet, and you can’t steal a car. Realistically how many new players are going to walk into the city, get a repair kit and go back? They aren’t going to be familiar with how to get a mechanic, so they are going to think it’s difficult and a considerable portion (not all) will just leave.

I think a better suggestion would be that a lockpick, or advanced lockpick, is needed to steal other players cars, but not locals. Maybe even make it an optional upgrade at AE or tirenutz? Gives them more use, gives stealing player owned cars more of a challenge, and doesn’t severally limit new players trying to find their way.
I don’t disagree that there’s the negative effect of the impact this would have on newer players. However, making it player vehicle only wouldn’t meet the intended effect I suggested. It would have no impact on people using locals, if anything it might push more people into locals. I’m about to go to bed, and I don’t have a potential solution for this at the moment. But you did give me something to think on.
On the flip side, new players do get given the tornado - we might see more looked after tornados players begin with which would be great - also would save the freeway from being the tornado graveyard once they realise they are important to keep hold of
While I see the aspect and benefit from the police side, I think it's also fair we critique it from a civilian side.
When I first joined the FiveM server, I had no idea how to even hotwire a local vehicle. I feel like adjusting taking local vehicles could overwhelm new players in our city. With how many things are already under wraps and not so obvious, if they also had this experience on their first few times of playing and had no decent means of transport (lets say, their car was impounded or stole) then it makes it seriously hard for them to navigate.

Not to mention, mechanics pay would probably take somewhat of a hit too. On my police character, I always try impound cars for the mechanic lads to have something to doo. With the lack of so many people taking locals, it might feel a little void for them and deduct their RP.

I also want to state that it takes an awful lot amount of hard work to be able to make advanced lockpicks. Without giving too much detail away (sorry metagamers), I don't think enough people would be willing to make them vs the demand they would be in. Great finding them in bins, but the crafting aspect might be slightly harder.

I love this suggestion though, I would like to see more thought put into stealing cars. Whether it is Jacks's suggestion, having a ghost immobiliser fitted at AE or TN and for player-owned cars you need a lockpick/advanced.
Like the idea but i think the recipe would have to change simular to the old one for that to work as 1 popular matiral that is hard to get to make a advance lockpick (Not going to leek the recipe)

idk about advanced lockpicks, maybe introduce some kind of hotwiring kit, or need to have something on you like scissors and a screwdriver to be able to do it
You guys dont understand how easy it is to steal a car
Being a car dismantlers i have to "hotwire/blackcap/snap steering alot its super easy"
And tbh most of the time we are yanking locals out of cars now i aint no rocket scientist but say if i was to yank you out your car like you would in the server u aint grabbing your key
Yet again a suggestion from a police officer whos got tired or fed up from loosing police chases
To add to this instead of using an advanced lockpick maby add a new item called a barring tool something you need to snap the lock off the ignition barrel and instead of the stupid number mini game being used for everything maby use a left and right buttonnu need to spam to snap the lock and use a wireing mini game each car is random from a selection of colorfull wires(which make sense) that u have to join together to start a car
Some expensive cars needing a new item (hacking chip or electrical blocker)
You guys dont understand how easy it is to steal a car
Being a car dismantlers i have to "hotwire/blackcap/snap steering alot its super easy"
And tbh most of the time we are yanking locals out of cars now i aint no rocket scientist but say if i was to yank you out your car like you would in the server u aint grabbing your key
Yet again a suggestion from a police officer whos got tired or fed up from loosing police chases
I suggested advanced lock-picks as I know they’re already in the game and wanted to suggest something in-game and that makes relative sense. I’m glad people chimed in and told me they’re hard to make, I didn’t know. Maybe an idea like Pest suggested with a hot wiring kit or screwdriver and scissors. However, I’m not fed up with losing police chases. We have long term role play mechanics in the police, I’d like to see them used more and unfortunately I don’t think we can mentality shift our way out locals being used so heavily.