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State of everything [Police POV]


nah nothing mate
Los Santos Police
East Midlands
I have been a FiveM cop for too long, and over the past 6 months I have seen the state of policing the server deteriorate near beyond the point of no return.

Gangs in their current state are lawless and provide no benefit to the server other than their own gain to obtain money and buy cars. Outside of that, they are all the same. Some of the roleplay provided is god awful and if the police give the same back, we are held to a much higher standard than them. They conduct their criminal activities and receive no retribution, as police, we have to first arrest them, which is one problem when gangs are held at gunpoint, refuse to comply as they 'know' police won't shoot them just to run to their safe houses and hold suicide corridors, rendering any attempt to push.

If we do manage to arrest them, they are sentenced for a minuscule time period where they will either break out early or serve half a sentence by cleaning tables to just rinse and repeat the cycle. There is no actual comeuppance for their actions.

The police do as we are told - collect evidence and then arrest them later and raid their storage locations. Evidence is collated and either returns no realistic prospect of conviction or if on the off chance we do have enough evidence it will only put them away for a short period of time. Going on from that, the time we do get to search locations, they are not used, the only locations that are used are storage containers, which we cannot locate to save our lives as they are near impossible to track.

I have no issue if the direction of the server is towards gangs, that is fine, just remove some of the heavy workload from police. Have it so all we need to do is arrest and lock away, not write unnecessarily long reports and risk court sanctions if we make a mistake. A court system that is abused by gangs, the people who are meant to be a menace to the city and carrying out lawless acts of violence using the criminal justice system against those who are policing them, it doesn't make sense.

If not, then let the police do their jobs, let us use police powers to carry out investigations and enact arrests, searches etc. Rather than put us behind numerous hurdles and hoops that we must jump through.

If I were to get involved with a gang fight, use powers of common law - self defense to save another's life, I would be taken to court or even reported. I just have to sit there and watch.

I am not seeking any responses on this, I am merely posting my views into a public forum for review by staff/devs/management for further discussion. 

I'm unsure if possible, but can this either be locked or any posts hidden unless relevant from those above mentioned groups.

The police cannot effectively police the server.
It no longer feels we are the government backed entity that keeps the peace, but a militia in uniform that helplessly attempts to stop people committing genocide on a daily basis.

this is my opinion and not the one of police command or the staff team

The server has moved so far away from the initial vision and experience from 2 years ago. The standards have dropped so much as a result of complacency from above. Today the only people held to any sort of standards are police, which creates a very odd and unenjoyable experience.

Either we all agree this is now a gang and frag server, and that standard then applies to everyone, or we bring everyone back up to the standards we expected on day 1, February 2020. 

I think people forget this is a game where you're meant to have fun. The whole point of roleplay is for both sides to enjoy the situation and not be "win hungry" or salty because you "lost" a situation.

IMHO Police (from a gang and police perspective) don't wanna RP with gang members. I've seen it time and time again where police just try get people done for the absolute most time they can. They don't want to chase people, instantly authorise TC etc. There's barely anything for gangs to do on the server other than grind regardless, and when we do it's always from my perspective very poor. An example of this being a known OCG was doing life invader whilst they had 2 hostages, I was one of those hostages as fed and they just breached in regardless of the hostages. In the end, my police character died because there was no RP. Run and gun, if you will. 

Gangs can only do their best with what they're given. We're in the server to provide criminal roleplay. We're in the server to cause hell to police. When police constantly complain because they "lose" and get everything for free regardless is just mind blowing to me. Police have the ability to scrap vehicles, put you in for 50k sentences, raid houses, safes, containers and still want more. 

I think, personally, if police and gangs had a better mindset things would be better. Maybe it's to do with the Arma mentality? Where people wanna shoot with little to no RP but this is a serious RP server where myself and a lot of others regardless of others opinions want quality RP and give it as well to the best of our abilities.


On a serious note the Police can punish criminals: scrapping cars after a gunfight, raiding houses, gang safes, pulling out cars to search them and the whole debate of storage containers being to hard to track police can easily can get the locations of these they just need actually go and role-play as a cop and stakeout areas where you know there are storage containers yes it maybe long and it maybe 'boring' but how did you find addresses of houses before they was public?

I am not seeking any responses on this, I am merely posting my views into a public forum for review by staff/devs/management for further discussion. 
Literally said I didn't want any replies, I knew it would breed incendiary comments.

I think people forget this is a game where you're meant to have fun. The whole point of roleplay is for both sides to enjoy the situation and not be "win hungry" or salty because you "lost" a situation.

IMHO Police (from a gang and police perspective) don't wanna RP with gang members. I've seen it time and time again where police just try get people done for the absolute most time they can. They don't want to chase people, instantly authorise TC etc. There's barely anything for gangs to do on the server other than grind regardless, and when we do it's always from my perspective very poor. An example of this being a known OCG was doing life invader whilst they had 2 hostages, I was one of those hostages as fed and they just breached in regardless of the hostages. In the end, my police character died because there was no RP. Run and gun, if you will. 

Gangs can only do their best with what they're given. We're in the server to provide criminal roleplay. We're in the server to cause hell to police. When police constantly complain because they "lose" and get everything for free regardless is just mind blowing to me. Police have the ability to scrap vehicles, put you in for 50k sentences, raid houses, safes, containers and still want more. 

I think, personally, if police and gangs had a better mindset things would be better. Maybe it's to do with the Arma mentality? Where people wanna shoot with little to no RP but this is a serious RP server where myself and a lot of others regardless of others opinions want quality RP and give it as well to the best of our abilities.

Police don't win or lose anything.

We're policing the server, gangs are not scared of police. Gangs should be scared of the police, look at Tv shows, films, real life. Gangs are proper scared of the Police but on the server, gangs do not give a flying fuck. Oh, you're going to scrap my car that I purposely bought at a low price for a gunfight? Go ahead. Oh you're going to raid my house that has nothing in it? Go ahead. Oh, you're going to take my gun off me when I have 20 mil and 5 mil worth of guns? Go ahead.

Any sentences above 720 months need an INSANE amount of evidence, same with house raids, car raids, storage locker raids.

The server in the current state to me, feels like an ULTRA realistic police force against ultra unrealistic criminals. We get punished by CID for doing something wrong which in turn ruins our character. What does PJ get for shooting up 10 cops? 1440 Months that you can serve whilst asleep? House raided? Nothing in there, Car raided? Nothing in there.

PJ Adams shoots me, I get revived and he gets 720 months.

I shoot PJ Adams unlawfully as you would to me, I get investigated by CID for being corrupt, taken to court, sacked from the police and never to rejoin on that character.

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I think people forget this is a game where you're meant to have fun. The whole point of roleplay is for both sides to enjoy the situation and not be "win hungry" or salty because you "lost" a situation.

IMHO Police (from a gang and police perspective) don't wanna RP with gang members.

Likewise, Gangs members dont want to RP that literal police are arriving on scene, they think they are a military countering police, I dont know about your RP experiences with Police that manage to catch you, but i make sure its fun for both sides, Gangs just sit there and ask police to leave, The other day i saw someone in OOC chat saying "why do police come they ruin the RP", How does that make sense? thats literally police job

I hate to bring other server names as examples but if you watch big content creators from NoPixel you'll see that there is a day they have fun with police and get into a shootout with them, but there are days gangs get in shootout with gangs and if police come, gangs will hide or evade to somewhere else.

Dont let an individual RP effect how you RP and treat Police

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Let's give police even more. What's next? 
Cars get scrapped instantly over anything?
Sentences go to 50k months?

I don't know what more you want. Police being the ones keeping high standard RP?? Repeating the same shit everytime. It's literally the same thing over and over again when you arrest someone. Not that high standard RP. I'm not saying this goes for everyone for police, but it goes for most of you. "Get on the bike and you are gonna get tazed" the classic police sentence. It's actually funny that this post is up. 

Just waiting to see all the replies on this from the Police mains hahaha that get everything spawned in. People who have crim characters need to grind hours and hours to get that car or gun that gets taken / scrapped within a minute with bare minimum RP.

People who have crim characters need to grind hours and hours to get that car or gun that gets taken / scrapped within a minute with bare minimum RP.
Well then fear the police because they are police? lol

i do disagree with extended sentences because 1) people can sleep and serve easily 2) its not fun for both sides

i also disagree with car scraps n shit, its really upto the gang member to consider police as police, sorry that "most" members in police give u shit roleplay, thats what every gang members says nowadays

So with the sentences you have right now you stay a bunch of time in prison which I am not against the current time you get in prison but increase it is just dumb it's literary the same as banning me of breaking a rule at that point which is just stupid and doesn't make any sense.

We are playing criminal characters WE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO CRIME we are not supposed to be playing farmville and just be good boys and go to the mine 24/7 and thats the only roleplay we get xd.

And obviously there is bad apples on both sides, that's something nobody can change.

As for the being afraid of the police argument it's kinda of obsolete, since the city is so "small per say" the crime is very concentrated because its where all the population is entirely.

And if we go with that "the Gangs should be afraid of police" the same can be said if police goes to a known gang turf with a police bike on your own and just standing there because nothing will happen its a both way's argument and this is why its a pointless argument to be said. As for gang raids you should expect gangs to retaliate so not gonna venture into that since i hope that you actually understand that fact.

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I respect the opinion and i understand the point being made.

I agree that the standards of RP for crims should be higher when we choose to shoot police but that goes the same for police- running into gang ran areas and not expecting to be told to go. If you watch any documentary unless you are like fully armoured police and not just 2 random traffic cops pulling in then gangs aren't going to want your presence there- they wont be scared. Many prisons and policing systems are actually fully run by gangs so it shouldn't be this unimaginable thing, it happens.

Long prison times do nothing other than essentially soft ban a player as 9/10 prison is an RDM fest and its not worth the time- Police have the ability to stop people essentially being able to play a character for over a month like in reality which is madness.

Gangs are always aware of police, you have the ability to go into my house at any given moment, take my cars out at any time, find my lockers wherever they are and my character has been subject to all of these so i know it can be done. You want the rp to be able to do these things so have to do the work for them- it only makes sense. 

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If Police weren't so quick to deploy the most severe measures in order to catch a criminal, maybe the criminal would be less likely to deploy the most severe measures to stop the police? Maybe TCing 10 seconds into a pursuit isn't the best idea as you give the criminal no other choice, it's an RP server at the end of the day, you should be giving crims chases and chances to escape, don't back them into a corner leaving them with no other choice but to start shooting/calling others to come and start shooting.

I have been about on the FiveM server since around April 2020, gone through a fuck ton of roles from NCA to being a gang lead to the CI role that I currently have, and I can wholeheartedly say that the server is currently in the shittest state I have seen it in my time.

Many people in this thread have mentioned the fact that people are forgetting this is a game, what you lot seem to be forgetting is this is a game in which you are supposed to be roleplaying a character, not yourself. The majority, and in no way am I saying all, of the players roleplaying as gang characters seem to be forgetting this fact. There is not a single gang in the UK, or most of the rest of the developed world that would not have any fear of the police (Unless you're part of the Yakuza a few years back, which let's be honest none of you are).

Another argument that has been mentioned over and over is the fact that police retain the ability to scrap vehicles, raid houses, provide extended sentences, etc. What people don't seem to notice from an outside perspective is the amount of work that has to go in to doing something like that. In order to get a gang turf raided, police require a document detailing current members, a small risk assessment, a description of urgency, as well as an amount of evidence that requires officers to be sat, bored out of their fucking minds reviewing, and collecting evidence for hours and hours on end, as well as many other things. After all of that, we still have to deal with the constant scrutiny from gang members who are suddenly legal professionals, or ones that hire people to do the work for them, having known gang members using the court system against the police. Yet even after all of this, the majority of the time we find absolutely fuck all.

Gang members will be involved in mass shootings, drive-by's, etc with the most punishment they will get being 720 in prison, where they can easily log off, and do something else or play a different character for that period, overall having little to no punishment. Whereas police officers not only have to deal with the situations themself, but also all the paperwork that police are forced to do and constant scrutiny both in roleplay from solicitors, judges, etc and out of roleplay, with the fear of being reported at even the slightest mistake.

Another argument that has been mentioned over and over is the fact that police retain the ability to scrap vehicles, raid houses, provide extended sentences, etc. What people don't seem to notice from an outside perspective is the amount of work that has to go in to doing something like that. In order to get a gang turf raided, police require a document detailing current members, a small risk assessment, a description of urgency, as well as an amount of evidence that requires officers to be sat, bored out of their fucking minds reviewing, and collecting evidence for hours and hours on end, as well as many other things. After all of that, we still have to deal with the constant scrutiny from gang members who are suddenly legal professionals, or ones that hire people to do the work for them, having known gang members using the court system against the police. Yet even after all of this, the majority of the time we find absolutely fuck all.
Well again same argument can be said, about the criminal life most of the time we waste is more grinding than actually roleplaying since this is how the current server meta is ...

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Well again same argument can be said, about the criminal life most of the time we waste is more grinding than actually roleplaying since this is how the current server meta is ...
Roleplay does not require grinding. What you are talking about is the time spent making guns, getting money etc to later build up to gunfights. That is not roleplay.

Roleplay does not require grinding. What you are talking about is the time spent making guns, getting money etc to later build up to gunfights. That is not roleplay.
Same goes with the "grind" the investigation/documentation on police side, that's for most time also no RP, sitting in the station and writing in Google Docs 😂

Same goes with the "grind" the investigation/documentation on police side, that's for most time also no RP, sitting in the station and writing in Google Docs 😂
I completely agree, what I meant was that the "grind" in that case was all build up to a situation that contained little to no RP.

The issue of paperwork in the police is a completely seperate, but still very prominent issue
